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  1. Do you still make themes? I have an idea for one for my site, and no clue how to go about it. 

  2. and all is clear 🙂 Somewhere should be these basic information. Not everyone worked on prestashop (e.g. I had a problem with such a simple thing). I've creating themes every day - I don't have to buy others. And I'm not a fan of modifying existing templates, Unfortunately so far I did not work on PrestaShop (ThirtyBees), so I needed some basic information.
  3. After put css files inside "themes/my_theme_name/css" directory then $css_files loop wont loop my files.
  4. I would like to create theme from scratch. When I add *.js and *.css files to css or js directory how to register it and loop in .tpl files? Any config.xml modify?
  5. Hello, Is there any tutorial - how to create a custom template? Website docs.thirtybess.com is not complete. I have not found anywhere any information how to fill config.xml file, how to decide which js or css files will work with foreach from=$css_files or foreach from=$js_files I would be grateful for any information.
  6. Ok, i will search. Maybe it would be good to adding this possibility to the system?
  7. Hello, i would like to remove default language code from my url. I found few solutions from PS 1.6 but they don't work completely (blog urls still have an language code, categories and product pages are 404). What i do: 1. added /override/classes/Link.php <?php class Link extends LinkCore { public function getLangLink($idLang = null, Context $context = null, $idShop = null) { $parent_result = parent::getLangLink($idLang, $context, $idShop); if ($parent_result) { if ($idLang == Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')) { return ''; } else { return $parent_result; } } } } ?> 2. added file /override/classes/Tools.php <?php class Tools extends ToolsCore { public static function setCookieLanguage($cookie = null) { parent::setCookieLanguage($cookie); if (!$cookie) { $cookie = Context::getContext()->cookie; } if(!Tools::getValue('isolang') && !Tools::getValue('id_lang') && !Tools::isSubmit('id_category_layered')) { $cookie->id_lang = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); Context::getContext()->language = new Language($cookie->id_lang); } if (!$cookie->id_lang || !Validate::isUnsignedId($cookie->id_lang)) { $cookie->id_lang = (int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); Context::getContext()->language = new Language($cookie->id_lang); } $iso = Language::getIsoById((int) $cookie->id_lang); @include_once(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'lang/'.$iso.'.php'); return $iso; } } Any ideas what classes should I modify too?
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