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Everything posted by tomek

  1. I created a new shop and set Homeslider module up yesterday and it worked flawlessly. Last night I got an info about the module update (to v2.1.0), so I let the tb update the module. Today the images are corrupted and the slider does not work properly. I cleared the cache, uninstalled the module, cleared the cache, installed it back and still have the same problem as seen in the attached screenshot. I tried with different extensions (jpg, png) and it doesn't even work with the original, sample photos. Any ideas what might be the problem? Thirty Bees 1.4.0, PHP 8.1
  2. Does it also work with tb 1.4 ?
  3. Anyone has a clue how to process translations downloaded from crowdin so that they would fit thirtybees?
  4. Thank you, datakick. What do you mean by "post-processed" ? Now I get the following error:
  5. Thank you for fast response, datakick. Unfortunately it doesn't change anything - I still get the message:
  6. Hello Everyone. I have finished a translation of thirtybees to polish on Crowdin and downloaded a zip from there. I tried to import the file in the " IMPORT A LANGUAGE PACK MANUALLY" section, but I got the message/error: "ISO CODE invalid "thirty bees (pl).zip" for the following file: "thirty bees (pl).zip" Has anyone encountered such problem or anyone knows what is going on?
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