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Marta last won the day on February 4

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  1. No, I'm not. 🙃 Thx. It was a stupid mistake in the path. Solved.
  2. There is: // Ensure the directory exists, or create it dynamically if (!is_dir($path)) { if (!mkdir($path, 0755, true) || !is_dir($path)) { $errors[] = sprintf(Tools::displayError("Failed to create directory '%s'"), $path); return false; } } // Create the new source image file $imageExtension = ImageManager::getDefaultImageExtension(); $targetFile = $path . $filename . '.' . $imageExtension; if (! ImageManager::convertImageToExtension($tmpfile, $imageExtension, $targetFile)) { $error = sprintf(Tools::displayError("Failed to convert uploaded file to '%s' image format"), $imageExtension); $errors[] = $error; return false; } if ($regenerate) { // Generate all image types for source image ImageManager::generateImageTypesByEntity($entityType, $idEntity); } return true; } finally { if (file_exists($tmpfile)) { unlink($tmpfile); } } }
  3. Hello, while trying to import new products (csv import) I get the following: None of the new products gets imported with images.
  4. I am facing problems with rejected products by Google Merchant. There is a mismatch in price due to too long gross price. It should be rounded to maximum 2 decimal places. I import my products with net price. Do I have to change all the prices and settings in the database and end with not rounded net price? Merchant: Back office: Marta
  5. It didn't I'm afraid.
  6. Is there anything I can do to fix this issue?
  7. Hi, I 've got a problem with google search console. It warns me that there are no canonical pages set for the following pages (category pages). I have got my urls set to the friendly ones. Is there anything I can do ? Thx, Marta
  8. Hello, as my shop is far slower than a toaster I've decided to install it from scratch. I'm importing tables at the moment and I've got problems with tb_product_attribute. I am getting the following error: INSERT INTO `tb_product_attribute` VALUES ('76', '451', '67250', '', '0', '5905001672506', '', '0.000000', '114.950000', '0.000000', '0', '0.000000', '0.000000', '0', '1', '0000-00-00'); There are 5 attributes for this id_product and only one of them is set to 1 in the default_on field. MySQL imports only two of them. 😞 Is everything all right with the table configuration?
  9. Thank you very much 🙂
  10. There is no such a directory. I updated automatically. When I'm trying to upload the images as usual nothing is happening. And then: There is no image.
  11. I can't upload the images. I've altered the homeslider.tpl in the Community Theme Default according to your changes to Niara: There is no Homeslider folder in the img folder. I can see the name of the img file in the database but I can't find the file anywhere 😞
  12. Great! I can see the settings. 🙂
  13. I am not able to do it because I can't enter the Core updater When I click "configure" I get the list of errors listed above.
  14. The problem still exists. 😞
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