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Posts posted by Obi

  1. On 10/5/2023 at 2:33 PM, datakick said:

    Modules page displays

    1. local modules (modules present locally in /modules/ directory)
    2. modules available through thirtybees api

    I guess we could (and should) add a filter to hide non-local modules

    button slider labels (hide/show) "remote modules" like the demo mode slider button... (mockup)


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  2. I've always left my backoffice cluttered in Prestashop, but I'm trying to turn over a new leaf with Thirty Bees and while the store I'm working on at present is still just a development site, I would like to clean up the back office of unused modules. That said, does anyone know how to actually DELETE a module entirely from the system?

    To clarify a bit, as an example I don't plan on using the BeesBlog module(s), so I want to remove them entirely, and even though I expected them (5 modules total) to disappear from the list once I "deleted" them, I delete them and they are still there! ...and I can't figure out how to make them go away!:o

  3. SOLVED!

    It appears to have been a combo configuration and data problem. I got tired of fussing with it so I truncated the tb_category_group table and added ONLY the Guest group for all of the categories (using prestools), then used the BO to establish access for the Trade Account group to the desired categories. 

    To test this, I also pasted a link (modified to the dev site url) to access a product that should not be available to the Trade Account group and voila! No product displayed, however it DID give me a 404 error instead of just taking me to the home page because the viewer does not have permission, but that's the default behavior for this scenario anyway, so I just have to deal with it for now.

  4. 12 hours ago, datakick said:

    Works (somewhat) properly for me, I've just tested it with homefeatures and blockbestsales modules.

    The logic for product availability is complicated.

    • Every product can belong to multiple categories.
    • Customer can belong to multiple groups.
    • To be order-able, product must be associated with at least one category that is associated with at least one customer group



    Well, apparently I'm not configuring something correctly for what I want to accomplish.

    Here is what I have for settings:





    THE HOME PAGE - Note! The "Popular" displayed twice is because the FEATURED PRODUCTS module has "Popular" in the default link string instead of something more appropriate like "Featured"... I've since corrected this in my tab.tpl file (if I get around to it before I forget I'll try to do another pull request to fix this). The ugly side of this little faux-pas is that I spun my wheels for about 2 hours scrutinizing code from the wrong module. (It wasn't until one of my database passes, that I realized the tb_product_sale table was empty.

    SAME VIEW ONLY WITH "Featured" tab opened:


    Notice that NONE of these items should be viewable by the "Trade Account" customer account used for testing (see above).

    I'm stumped! ...gonna go through the database one more time to look for missing records in tables that need to be populated, but I have indeed already triple-checked 




  5. 7 hours ago, datakick said:

    Nice one, this should be part of the module.

    You can create pull request here, and we'll merge it: https://github.com/thirtybees/mailalerts


    Pull Request and commit (I think) have been made...

    On a related note:
    The above code is missing something.

    In the function getProductsSubscribers() - around line 583 find the following code:


    and just below it - insert this line:


    That should take care of my omission above.

  6. The title almost says it all...

    I'm looking for a module or code customization (override?) that will allow a customer to choose whether they want to pay for insurance over a certain amount for a give carrier - preferably for free. I currently use USPS Priority mail exclusively, which includes insurance on the first $100 with anything over that being based on the dollar amount I believe. I would be good if this could handle other carriers as well, but unless something changes drastically in the shipping world or my business model, I have no plans to use any other carriers.

  7. Ok, it really is not working - at least not the way I would expect...

    During configuration I added a new customer group named "Trade Account" that should ONLY be able to see products where they have been granted access. Problem is they can see products, like that are in categories they don't have access to from the "popular" display block on the home page (using community theme) and they can even add them to their cart. Is there a configuration setting somewhere that I have missed that would allow this group to still view all products even when the group has not been granted access to the category ?

    I only want them to see products from certain categories.

  8. Not sure where to post this, but if anyone needs to see the product reference (aka Stock Code) of products for product notifications (MailAlerts) in the back office, this is what I did to add the column to the display:

    Find in /modules/mailalerts/mailalerts.php beginning around line 479 within the renderList() function:

            } else {
                $listFields = [
                    'id_product' => [
                        'title' => $this->l('Product ID'),
                        'type' => 'text',

    and right after that insert the following code:

                    'reference' => [
                        'title' => $this->l('Stock Code'),
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'callback_object' => $this,
                        'callback' => 'renderProduct'

    Then within the function getProductsSubscribers() - around line 588 find the following code:

                ->leftJoin('product_lang', 'pl', 'pl.id_lang = '.$langId.' AND pl.id_product = oos.id_product AND pl.id_shop = oos.id_shop')

    and right after that insert the following code:

                ->leftJoin('product', 'p', 'p.id_product = oos.id_product')

    Save, Upload, Clear Cache, Voila!

    I would think this could be created in an override, because updated the module will likely overwrite this file, but I'm still kinda green at extending module classes.

    Hope someone finds this useful.

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    • Thanks 1
  9. Ok, so I'm asking the question because there seems to be very little in the way of documentation or resources (maybe invisible is the word I should use) regarding the Community Theme and developing themes for Thirty Bees in general... So sad as I had high hopes for this excellent fork of PrestaShop, but I digress...

    Does anyone have any information on changing the column layout, specifically the number of columns, of the product listing pages. I'm sure I will figure it out (/themes/name/product-listing.tpl or something like that) eventually, but it would be nice to be able to adjust this value in either the Community Theme Configuration module or a quick "switch" embedded in the head of the template code.


  10. 11 minutes ago, toplakd said:

    Try to install Maxmind Geolocation module.

    Also don't forget to enable it in Preferences/Geolocation - Geolocation service dropdown.

    This module also helps selecting right shipping for visitors that are in same zone as you and your carrier.


    I'll take a look at that Maxmind module though - especially since the venture driving this website will do some amount of international shipping, and the production retail site would be none the worse for having some sort of geolocation capability for new customers.

    My problem turned out to be a bad value in the tb_delivery table. Not sure if that happened during import or afterwards during configuration and I don't really have the time to troubleshoot the origin. I guess I've fixed so many bugs in PS that my first inclination is to think a problem has to be in the code - themes were terrible for that!


  11. Ok, I solved MY problem with this...

    It actually turns out that one of the values in a table that I had no idea existed was pointing to the wrong tb_range_weight record. I don't know if that was a result of the imports or if it was editing the carriers in the back office.

    At least if somebody else has this similar problem this might give them someplace else to look before giving up.

    This was more difficult than it had to be given I didn't have an Entity Relationship Diagram of the database.

    Here are the database tables to check values in: 


  12. I'm trying to setup a dealer portal with TB 1.4 that mimics the production retail site. (I can't move the production retail site over to TB yet so multi-store is out of the question for now.)

    Anyway, I've tried all of the above, I even went into the database and matched EVERY SETTING in the six carrier tables to that of the tables of my production server (running on PS 1.6) and I STILL have this error! (Running Community Theme with the only theme code modification being an override for AuthController.php to change the default registration status to inactive - so customer accounts require approval in order to place orders.)

    There MUST be something in the TB 1.4 code that is causing this as the aforementioned settings work perfectly fine on the production site. (It is running Panda 1.2 as a theme, so there is that.)

    Looking for answers too!

    ----------- EDITED ---------------

    I am also only running the Custom Payment Methods Module - I planned to leave this available - but activate PayPal once the site was ready to start taking orders.


  13. Nice one VinceMax! (I'm 3 years too late as well)

    Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but I've run into issues where changing themes destroys the configuration information of the previous theme (which means you can't go back without re-configuring everything), so the question is - can I install this theme to test it and then revert back the previous theme (I have a modded version of community-theme) just as it was?

  14. On 8/11/2017 at 6:00 AM, CaitlynMSL said:

    I wish to make a few styling changes to the theme myself, but it seems that any editing I do doesn't apply. It's clear the issue lies with me and I'm looking in the wrong places, so I'd like some help with direction. For example, I'd like to give this search bar a curved border with border-radius: 4px; or something similar. I've tried editing css in theme/css/global.css, theme/modules/blocksearch/blocksearch.css, theme/css/modules/blocksearch/blocksearch.css and store/modules/blocksearch/blocksearch.css but it doesn't seem to work. Where should I be looking exactly? /assets/uploads/files/233/1502449172202upload-b78d5be6-f994-4e85-9387-42362491e7ba

    I know this is a very old post, but there doesn't seem to be any resources I can find with regard to modify/styling the Thirty Bees Community Theme, so I'm answering here - mostly for the edification of those just beginning:

    The following will let you style the search box:

    /* customize the input box */
    #search_query_top {
      border-radius:7px 0 0 7px;
    /* customize the search button */
    #searchbox .btn.btn-primary {
      background-color: #333;
      color: #ccc;
      border-color: #666;
      border-radius: 0 7px 7px 0;
    #searchbox .btn.btn-primary:hover {
      /*background-color: #555;/* this line can be added if you want to change the color of the button during mouseover/hover */
      color: #fff;
      border-color: #999;


  15. I don't know what I did, but it appears that it is now working pretty much the way I wanted it to.

    However, I can't find this in the documentation, so a couple of questions:

    1) Should the BO modules for things like "Data Mining for Statistics", "Spreadsheet Datasource", "Theme Configurator", etc. be turned off for Visitor and Guest groups?

    2) I have the "Block Imageslider" turned on for All Groups currently, but is there a way I can REPLACE that module display (hooked at "displayTopColumn") with content using the "HTML Block", but ONLY for the Visitor and Guest groups?

  16. This is my first time attempting to utilize the customer groups feature and I'm having a little difficulty. What I am trying to accomplish is the addition of a dealer group that can purchase only certain products at the trade discount... I'm not sure I really want them to be able to purchase other products they receive no discount on.

    So far I've configured the new group (modules and discounts by category) and the group has never been granted access to any of the other categories. But, I have to assume that I missed something because a test user in this group can still see products from categories they don't have access to - what am I missing please?

  17. On 1/27/2023 at 2:10 PM, datakick said:


    Themes should not be responsible for constructing paths to assets. That creates dependency, and only leads to issues like this - it is very to change asset location without breaking themes.

    Please use this instead:


    Just so you know, this is NOT the way it is done in the TB 1.4 release that I recently downloaded. My slider images were broken as well until I replaced the aforementioned code line with this one in both the module location as well as the theme/module location.

  18. On 9/20/2023 at 2:29 PM, nickz said:

    I didn't say to try a prestashop with php7.4 try the TB installation with that php version.

    C'mon Nickz... I specifically said that I am migrating from PS 1.6 to TB 1.4, which inherently means I am running PS 1.6 and have installed the psonesixmigrator module on the PS 1.6 cloned site but cannot proceed because of the fopen error on the PS 1.6 clone site. 

    IF, on the other hand, your comment above was to imply that I should install psonesixmigrator onto a TB 1.4 site and attempt to clone the data from the cloned PS 1.6 site, according to the psonesixmigrator description that isn't the way the module works - it requires that it be installed on the PS 1.6 site so that it may CONVERT THAT site TO a Thirty Bees installation - quote from github (first emphasis mine):


    The thirty bees migrator module allows you to migrate any version of PrestaShop 1.6 to thirty bees quickly and easily. The module installs like a normal PrestaShop module and converts your existing shop over to thirty bees, making all the changes needed and applying the over 2000 bug fixes and speed optimizations to your shop.

    This module is not to be used with PrestaShop version 1.4 or 1.5. For updating these versions, update to PrestaShop 1.6.1.x using the PrestaShop updater, first.

    So my question again is: Is there any way to get around the fopen error using psonesixmigrator module to convert my PS 1.6 shop to TB 1.4?

  19. Is there a data transfer or synchronization module available for thirty bees where I can install on TB and then connect to the database of another site, like a PS 1.6.x site to migrate the data over - without a whole bunch of fuss or risk? 

    I did find a module that claims to do this, but the reviews had numerous posts about it destroying the data in the source database - not sure why that would happen with a simple transfer - so I moved on, but that got me to thinking somebody must have done something similar that only READS from the source database... ie: bring data over from a production server to a development, beta, or clone server for testing / modifications with same or different Prestashop based DB versions.

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