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  1. Yes, I've installed the module "Linear / Perimeter / Surface (Area) / Volume / Weight Calculation Module" which handles the selling by weight issue pretty well but it seems it isn't possible to accurately manage stock quantities when using decimals. It seems strange it is so hard to do what I thought would be a common requirement of selling a product by weight and keeping accurate inventory. It is also made harder by the fact the grain has attributes such as 'separate bag' or 'all together' which creates multiple combinations with multiple inaccurate quantities which makes inventory control a nightmare. It would be nice if you could add a product option that didn't create a new combination. e.g. I have 5 x t-shirts in stock. If requested, I'll draw a picture on it before I ship it. Whether I draw a picture on it or not I still only have 5 t-shirts in stock and if a customer orders 1 x t-shirt with product option to draw a picture on it, total stock is now 4. However PS/TB would say I now have 4 t-shirts with pictures left AND 5 t-shirts without pictures. I have read that maybe Magento, Zen Cart or Woocommerce might be able to handle product by weight with decimals but I really don't want to learn a new system after using PS/TB for so long.
  2. Thanks for the reply. I thought this might be the case. I have played with combinations like you suggest, but it gets a bit untidy as the increment required is quite small so there are many combinations. Looks like the module is the only practical solution.
  3. Hello, I am looking at options to sell product by weight, with the ability for the customer to specify the exact quantity. For example, flour is $4.00 per kilogram however the customer can enter 1.25 as the quantity and the price is calculated at $5.00 I have found a module that should handle this in the PS addons market... https://addons.prestashop.com/en/sizes-units/8972-price-by-surface-volume-length-perimeter-weight.html Before I explore this further, I wanted to check if there is a way to do this in TB natively without purchasing the module. Seems like it could a relatively common situation. Thanks
  4. Thank you for this tidy solution.
  5. Hi there, I have the same issue as the OP. I have just done a brand new install of TB 1.2.0 I've added a few product categories and configured the top menu however I can't get rid of the TB default menu image? In the Block Top Menu settings, I have selected and unselected the option to automatically select images for subcategories. I've changed subcategory images. I've reset the Block Top Menu module. I've forced template recompilation and cleared cache but it still remains? Please advise how I can remove this image. Thank you ***UPDATE*** I downloaded and installed the Cleaner module and wiped all existing data. Had to recreate my categories etc. but got rid of the image.
  6. Hi, I have 1.0.4 installed. In the customer groups options for visitors and guests I have selected not to show prices. This has hidden the price in the front office however if you view the source code, the pricing information is available... It is possible to hide some of the references to the price in the source code by adding the {if $logged} tag in the product.tpl file... However, a little further down the page in the source code the price is shown again in the <meta property code... Is it possible to hide or remove this meta property information? Thanks
  7. I was able to achieve the desired cart summary total by commenting out the tax exclusive arguments in shopping-cart.tpl {l s='Total'} {hook h="displayCartTotalPriceLabel"} {* {if $use_taxes} {if $priceDisplay} <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_price_container"> <span id="total_price_without_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_price_without_tax}</span> </td> {else} *} <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_price_container"> <span id="total_price">{displayPrice price=$total_price}</span> </td> {* {/if} {else} <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_price_container"> <span id="total_price_without_tax">{displayPrice price=$total_price_without_tax}</span> </td> {/if} *} </tr>
  8. It may come to that but now is not the right time. What are the chances all the modules would be compatible? https://ibb.co/bTu56J
  9. I would have to try again on a dummy installation as I do not recall the exact error as it was a few months ago. I've spent weeks adding content and modifying files on the current installation and would be too scared to attempt a migration and if it broke I could not repair it on my own.
  10. When I first heard of thirty bees I attempted to migrate but the tool failed. I also have a number of paid addons that I'm not sure would be supported in thirty bees?
  11. Hi people, I am running Theme is default-bootstrap Customer group is set to display prices EXCLUDING Tax as we are B2B company. Taxes are set to Enable Tax = Yes and Display Tax in Shopping Cart = Yes Example of order summary page... Total products (GST excl.) $ 499.00 Total shipping Free shipping! Total (GST excl.) $ 499.00 GST $ 74.85 Total $ 499.00 To me this does not make sense as the Total should be IMO the sum of $499 + $74.85 e.g. $573.85 What is interesting is that on the order payment page the calculation is how I would like the order summary page to display... Total products (GST excl.) $ 499.00 Total shipping Free Shipping! Total (GST excl.) $ 499.00 GST $ 74.85 Total $ 573.85 Perhaps this is possible by editing a .tpl file? Can you please advise how I can make the order summary page calculate the Total price the same way as the order payment page does. Thanks
  12. @rubben1985 Thanks for the suggestion. I've tested the module and while it is expensive IMO, it will do what I require.
  13. Thanks for the replies. I have to admit I'm not a programmer so I don't understand the complexities of adding such a feature however while having it calculate an actual pack quantity based on the number of units available of individual products would be ideal, would it be any less complex if it were to merely signal available or unavailable? For example, if all the individual items are in stock then the add to cart button is displayed, if all the individual items are not in stock then you are unable to add the kit to your cart. Thanks
  14. Hi people, I have a general question re: product packs. Some of our products are sold as kits/packs. Our inventory system shows 0 quantity in stock for each kit however we make the kits/packs up using the individual items if the customer orders them. For example a cordless drill kit might look like this: Kit part number - KIT01 (Qty in stock 0) Pack consists of... 1 x Cordless drill - DRILL01 (Qty in stock 25) 2x Batteries - BATT01 (Qty in stock 25) 1 x Charger - CHARGER01 (Qty in stock 25) I have created packs made up of the individual items that are in stock but Prestashop is still showing 0 quantity for the pack. Is there a setting I can enable so Prestashop will look at the quantity of the individual items to determine if a kit/pack can be ordered? I intend to use a stock quantity auto FTP update module so the kit quantity will always say 0 however the actual stock quantity of the individual items will be in stock. Thanks in advance.
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