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Everything posted by Eolia

  1. I wrote "one of the latest active", not the only one^^ We must be 4 or 5 and none of the team for several years.
  2. Personally it's not my idea. I became interested in Prestashop in 2009 for several reasons: - Open Source - French CMS (like me) - An active community - Many possibilities of code and plugins Since 2015 the dialog with the team has been broken (changes of team, line of conduct, arbitrary choices) Since Prestashop was taken over by a large Italian logistics company, we feel that they are moving towards a pay-as-you-go SAS type solution as Shopify. All my customers are in 1.6 and are worried about their maintenance, so I decided to pick up where Prestashop left off. I am also one of the latest active contributors to the forum. I do not wish to abandon this community in favor of another. For me the 2 projects are viable in parallel with, each one, his community :)
  3. Module compatibility was done in 😉
  4. Hello, Can you tell me what is not PHP 7.4 compatible in this version please? For info the latest ( is being tested and is PHP8.1 compatible here https://presta.devcustom.net/fr/ BO: https://presta.devcustom.net/admin735kwefqu/index.php [email protected] / [email protected] Changelog BASKET - Ability to block (make unmodifiable) a basket on its product content (Useful when sending a payment link with products or free shipping) - Also blocking of the basket when choosing a payment method (Anti-fraud) - Blocked baskets can be unblocked ("duplicated") by the customer to allow their modification FEATURES - Removal and integration of "customs" values as new values, automatically - Possibility to make visible/invisible characteristics in FO - Addition of the parameter position for the values of characteristics (Useful to classify numerical values for example) - Addition of the Icon parameter for each value (Allows to display pictograms in FO) after-sales service - Use of configurable predefined responses - Addition of multiple attachments from the BO (See to add this feature in the order pages as well) - Transfer of a thread to another service (Customer service, transport, advice,...) - Added delete button WAREHOUSES - Ability to use warehouses and locations without activating advanced stocks ORDERS - Possibility of adding a specific note related to the order - Possibility to create a free order in BO (free_order) - Possibility to delete the carrier step for a defined group (Sale on site in store for example) - Replacement of GoogleMap (paid) by Leaflet - Possibility to generate proforma invoices as long as the order is not paid (Bank transfer, draft, check, etc.) PDF - Default view in the browser rather than systematic download - Modification of mass editing processing (Generates a zip of all individual invoices rather than a global display) SETTINGS - Removed server cache options and other unnecessary exotic tweaks - Added priority choice when several catalog rules can apply - Addition of the choice of the application of basket rules on products already discounted - Possibility of moving out-of-stock products to the end of the list for FO listings - Possibility to display or not Brands OR/AND Suppliers - Removed dependency on api.prestashop for currency update PRODUCTS - Addition of statistics by product on product page (and on dashboard with possibility of export) - Online editor of image captions (Each field can be modified live) - Ability to edit a specific price (instead of having to delete and recreate it) - Update packs when adding stock of products belonging to these packs - Addition of the "Catch phrase" field available for the product object in FO - Fixed clearing of mini images in multi-shop - Ability to generate WEBP images if your server allows it PRODUCT CUSTOMIZATIONS: - Simplified addition of elements (text or file) - Possibility of deletion by element - Added price impact per customization item. Requires adjustment of some theme files (blockcart and summary) for better rendering - Management of specific related prices - Refactoring of existing code RESEARCH - Optimization of indexing and engine - Added search by reference first TRANSPORTATION - Removal of the dangerous free option in: Transport -> Preferences (Using a basket rule allows you to be more precise and selective) - Fixed delay display in bootstrap theme (not included by default in {foreach} loop in order-carrier-advanced.tpl, order-carrier.tpl and order-carrier-opc-advanced.tpl) CLIENTS - BO: Display of the last 10 baskets, products seen and maximum orders (Possibility to load more in Ajax) to avoid too long page loads for customer accounts with a large history - BO: Ability to send messages (predefined or not) from the Customer page GROUPS - Ability to assign all categories to a group in one click STORES - Management of "store" type addresses as real addresses (useful for store delivery address on invoices) - Removed dependency on Google for displaying maps (replaced by Leaflet) - stores.tpl, stores.js and stores.css to be updated in your theme F.O. - Fancybox plugin loading by default - Protection of forms with email MODULES - Added displayInformation() function ADMIN - Notifications if another employee is logged on the same page being edited (can be disabled) - Instant messaging between employees WEBSERVICE API - Addition of the handleAddWebserviceResources hook (Allows you to manage the webservice from a module and generate your own requests) Changelog - Complete fix of the core code and modules for PHP 8 compatibility (Including the update of TCPDF and HTMLPURIFIER among others) - Possibility of variations on virtual products - Fix on the DB.php class of the Autoupgrade module - Fixes on Guest.php and Connection.php (to stop saving bot logs) - Fix on Cartrule.php (erroneous calculation of the total amount of the cart, cart rules deducted, when checking the minimum required) - Checking the validity of addresses when creating a BO order or reOrder from an existing basket/order - Re-write of the blockRss module (which used an obsolete xml_parser class since 2012) - Adaptation of the Blocklayered module (keeps the selections after reloading the page and offers a display sorted by sub-categories) - Fix to prevent duplicate payments generated by some payment modules in case of simultaneous returns - Update of OS and Browsers detection (automatic update) - Standardization of telephone numbers Changelog - Direct editing of reference fields, EAN13 and UPC for combinations - Batch management (DDB) with quantities and expiry dates - Finer management of redirections for deactivated products (to another product, parent category or home page, permanently or temporarily) - Multi-word search in BO - Addition of the TARIC (Customs Nomenclature) field for products - Ability to delete a payment without a transaction ID - Display of the details of packs and combinations in the list of products in the order - Display of the reduction by product line if discount made - Additional tests carried out for PHP8 compatibility (in debug mode: Notices & warning) and fixes made - Refactoring of the paymentModule.php code with moving the mail sending part to orderHistory.php and saving the 1st state before the call to the validateOrder hook (Avoid stateless orders if the hook crashes)
  5. Personally rotations logs are done over 3 weeks, no more
  6. @datakick The cart has already saved item selections, associated with an ip and has a default address. In addition, Prestashop never destroys cookies, only the object customer in this, so it is an additional security. 2 lawyers approved my choice.
  7. @randomfish Piwik (Matomo) does not require consent because the shelf life of the data does not exceed 13 months (unlike Analytics)
  8. Lol My site is an OpenCart :) Do you want to dismount a site or the operation of the module? No module has yet integrated the hooks required by prestashop. I have provided a template on the block newsletter here https://shop.devcustom.net For the rest is the responsibility of the merchant not that of the module.
  9. i understand the law ^^ These cookies are put by a third party module and it is up to him to become compatible. At that moment my module will be able to display the request consent, ok?
  10. In Europe, the law on cookies has already been active for 2 years. All stores have already incorporated the consent banner. The GDPR law only remembers this directive.
  11. I think you should add more languages, as many do not understand French. Like me. - Yes, but I do not master foreign languages enough. The module is in English and French. So there is absolute no possibilities to test the admin area? - link below^^ What happens with consent data if one resets or uninstalls the module? (by accident) - Database will not be dropped What happens with consent data if customer is deleted from the database? - These data are kept in accordance with the law We only have the first and last name or the guest id but no more the possibility of linking it to an account What happens if customers places order and payment is made, and after that he deletes his account? more to come no acces to admin area - It is impossible to destroy an account being processed. A message explains it https://lab30.enter-solutions.net/en/connexion?back=my-account
  12. https://lab30.enter-solutions.net/ contact page or login page For the BO it's not possible because only the PGRD employee is allowed to see and configure this module and invoices pages
  13. Hi here ! Presentation of the GDPR Compliancy Module v.1.8.8 In accordance with the GDPR Law, you must appoint a Personal Data Protection Officer within your company. This person will be the only one (or by delegation) authorized to access this module and to consult the sensitive data. This module allows you to comply with the following points: The right of users to access their personal data and to export them on a readable medium. The right to modify and / or delete their recorded data. The ability to accept or decline your Personal Data Protection Policy. All these choices and actions are recorded allowing monitoring and control of these sensitive actions. Important: However, this module does not guarantee that your site is fully compliant with GDPR requirements. It's up to you to configure this module, create your CMS page (a template is provided) and check other points about your business. This module allows many automatic actions and interactive controls with your customers. If you have questions of a legal nature, we invite you to contact the professionals or the competent state services. This module allows to display and obtain the consents of your customers and / or visitors when they pass on sensitive pages (data entry, forms, registration, payment, etc ...) The global consent of the shop is valid for a period of 13 months, beyond which renewal will be automatically requested at the next visit. If you have GDPR compatible modules, they will be taken into account by the module and will be able to display their own consent requests. The module also lists installed modules that handle client data and are not declared compatible with RGPD. If you know them or know that the data is not used for other purposes than those necessary for the operation of the shop, you can declare them compatible. For others, if you have any doubt, contact their developers or get updates. This module finally allows each client to view, modify, export or delete their data. Several control systems are in place (validation by e-mail, restricted access to the employee-side module, forbidden access to anonymized elements for employees (excluding the GDPR manager), control keys and security deadlines) A template CMS page for your chart and a privacy statement for your partners or external stakeholders is provided. You must of course adapt the content according to the parameters of your shop. Once the module installed and configured you will not have to worry anymore, a simple control of the logs will suffice. The link : https://eoliashop.com/module-RGPD Enjoy ! Tested on thirtybees 1.0.3
  14. .
  15. On my site :) https://eoliashop.com/
  16. @mdekker Yes
  17. Thanks
  18. @slick_303 said in Newsletter modules: The zip above was of your free v5.8 openly distributed on the ps forums... It has not been for 2 years already
  19. @mdekker At that moment, I was naive and credulous ^^ But the world of e-commerce is rather rough, in fact Finally, do what you want ...
  20. Today he has a license ;-) No problem, you could not know ^^
  21. I guess if you have a shop, it's to make money, right? Will you offer your products? I wrote free modules for 5 years and distributed them on the forum. The code was stolen and even sold ... I think we should not mix community help and free services ^^ And, please, you or @mdekker delete the zip joined with your 1st post ;)
  22. Hi @SLICK_303, My module adapts its Swift calls according to Prestashop versions (before or after) You can rewrite the code your way, but there have been several changes since the last free version ^^
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