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Everything posted by ukclearance

  1. Ok an update to this problem, if i set email to use the php mail function the order status emails go through, but yet it i enable SMTP they don't get sent and i get the error, But the test email does work on SMTP. I really want to be able to use SMTP emails though as emails sent through php mail get marked as SPAM so my customers won't be able to see them.
  2. Whenever I update the order status and TB should send a email i get an error message " An error occurred while sending the e-mail to the customer" If i go into the test your email configuration and send a test email the email is sent and arrives at the test account ok, but no emails are being sent from the order statuses. I know it is not a problem with the email addresses as i created a test order and it still did not work sending the order statuses or when i click resend email. Nothing shows in the TB log so i don't know what is causing the error. Help please
  3. @lesley It is banggood.com
  4. I was looking for a free module to export the products from TB into an compatible XML file for Google shopping feed and found this one. https://github.com/dim00z/gshoppingflux From testing it appears to work ok, although I needed to unzip the download on my PC and navigate down one directory level and re-zip it back up to be able to install it from the TB admin interface.
  5. The module is going to integrate with an API offered by the drop shipper i use, so that it can automatically keep track of stock levels and pass on customers details when a new order is made.
  6. No multistore is disabled. Funnily enough i thought i would test syncing my email lists with mailchimp and it appears to have only synced those who had subscribed to the newsletter even though the option for opt in only was still set on no.
  7. Ok, well i have moved over to full SSL on every page and will see if it make any difference to sales numbers.
  8. I have just set up the mailchimp module, i choose the option to only import customers who have opted into the newsletter click save, but then it reverts back to No. Any advise on how to resolve this? As I don't want to send newsletters to those who haven't opted in. I am using version 1.1.3 of the mailchimp module, and v1.0.3 of TB
  9. As i mention, there was a big advertising campaign on UK TV before Christmas which was telling people to look for the green padlock when shopping online, as my store is UK based perhaps this has got people to start to look out for SSL at least in the UK. Yes anyone can get a SSL cert for free but even before Letsencrypt you could get a free SSL cert with some web hosts as well, so those with the desire to do so could have easily setup a fake site with SSL.
  10. I am wondering what the opinion is regarding serving your TB store over SSL. I currently have SSL enabled on just the cart ordering and accounts sections which is i think how TB and PS are set up by default. This is fine from a security standpoint as I don't take card payments on my site as the customer is redirected to Paypal for payment. But I noticed some big e-commerce sites are enabling it on all product pages (ebay, Amazon). Also a recent TV ad here in the UK was telling people to look for the green padlock when shopping online to stay safe, and although they would get this when they added a product to cart, perhaps not having it on every page could cause people to not to even get as far as adding a product to the cart. What are others store owners doing regarding SSL? Have any TB owners enabled SSL on every page and if so did they see any increase in sales?
  11. @lauraj CSV import is easier if you use spreadsheet software like Excel to mange the files. If your products supplier can give you a spreadsheet with the product information already in it, it saves loads of time to amend this to what is required to import with TB.
  12. I enabled the customer reassurance module but although the icons are round they are JPG and therefore aren't transparent and have a square box around them. I tried uploading new PNG icons but the module seems to convert them to JPG images and any transparency of the images are lost. Is there a way to alter the module not to convert from PNG to JPG images?
  13. Ok, looks like it a problem with the site then, i just updated to the latest Firefox and was wondering if it was the problem
  14. Is anyone else experiencing a problem with the search function on the TB forums? Whenever i try searching for a post i get an error message ``` Internal Error. Oops! Looks like something went wrong!```
  15. Hi, I am wondering if there is a way of specifying a specific image for the open graph metadata in the headers other than the cover image for the product? Facebook require an image that is 1.91:1 to display correctly when shared. Yet TB default theme does images that are 1:1 in size so end up being cropped when shared on FB and don't look very good. I don't necessarily want to crop the cover image to the ratio for FB as then it will look odd on my store. So I would like some way of specifying a specific image for the OG metadata in the correct dimension require by FB while not changing the cover image. Is this possible?
  16. managed to get the custom code menu added and it looks to be an easy way of adding the FB pixel code. thanks
  17. I don't have that option in my BO->Preferences->Custom Code Does this come as default with TB or is it an add on module? My store was originally PS 1.6 and i migrated to TB
  18. So you think I need to edit the template files rather than be able to hook in the contentbox module to the order confirmation page? I don't mind editing its just obviously easier to do it with the module if I can so i don't need to worry about updating taking out any modifications
  19. I am trying to set up Facebook tracking pixel that lets FB track your ads and so I only pay for the ads when I get a sale. I have managed to put the pixel javascript in the header section using the contentbox module and the Chrome pixel helper plugin shows that is working. Where I am getting stuck is where to put the event code which tracks when you have made a sale. I need to put this code on the order confirmation page in the header section ``` ``` I thought I could create another content box and just hook it into that page but it doesn't show up in modules positions. Has anyone successfully integrated the Facebook tracking pixel into TB?
  20. I enabled the debug mode to fix a problem with a module but noticed an error in the back office of TB. ``` Notice on line 31 in file /home/30bees/modules/blockrss/blockrss.php [8] Use of undefined constant PSPEARXMLPARSERPATH - assumed 'PSPEARXMLPARSERPATH' Warning on line 31 in file /home/30bees/modules/blockrss/blockrss.php [2] includeonce(PSPEARXMLPARSERPATH_Parser.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory Warning on line 31 in file /home/30bees/modules/blockrss/blockrss.php [2] includeonce(): Failed opening 'PSPEARXMLPARSERPATHParser.php' for inclusion (includepath='/home/30bees/vendor/pear/pearexception:/home/30bees/vendor/pear/consolegetopt:/home/30bees/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/home/30bees/vendor/pear/archive_tar:.:/opt/remi/php70/root/usr/share/pear:/opt/remi/php70/root/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') ``` I haven't noticed anything not working correctly but obviously didn't want random errors coming up. My store was upgraded from an existing PS 1.6 store and this error seemed to be caused by the RSS feed module from the original prestashop install. I don't use the module so deleted it and this appeared to stop the error in the admin area. But I thought I would bring this to the attention of the TB team as obviously there is an issue with the RSS module which might need looking into for those who do use it.
  21. I can confirm that the contentbox module works ok under TB. If you don't know what the content box module is. It provides a way of putting any HTML or Javascript into any page of your store. Its a free module you can download from https://contentbox.org I use it on my site to have a block in the footer with google ads but you can put any HTML or JS in you want
  22. Ok, I see how to do this now, I was using the carriers based on the weight ranges rather than prices ranges. Made the changes as your suggested and it looks to be working ok now with 'free shipping' disabled in the shipping prefs.
  23. I have enabled the free shipping to start at 50 in the TB back office but the problem I am having is that I do not want to offer free shipping on all carriers only for one carrier. This is because I also offer a 'express delivery' option which is quicker for the customer to get their items but is more expensive so the customers have to pay extra if they want that carrier. I saw that there was a option for 'free shipping' on each carrier but that just makes it free for all prices. I have been through all the shipping and carrier setting but I cannot find anyway to select which carriers the free shipping applies to. I there an easy way to pick just the carriers I want to allow the customer to use for free shipping?
  24. Compatibility can be a big issue with open source projects, Firefox decided to change their add on modules format in the latest version and it caused a lot of modules to become incompatible with no new version available
  25. That is good to hear. It give me more confidence to move over completely to TB knowing that your not planning on dropping compatibility
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