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Everything posted by ukclearance

  1. That probably explains why i only started to get the errors after upgrading, as my store was originally created on Prestashop 1.3 and has been upgraded many times over the years and who knows if there are other issues with the database that I am still unaware of. Maybe I should look at exporting my products and customers and importing them into a clean install and setting my store up again. But I don't really know how to go about with doing that and how big of a job it would be
  2. Ok so after a bit of research by comparing a clean 1.5.1 install with the Paypal module installed and my upgraded version I could see i was missing some fields in the Paypal_order table in the database id_payer id_payment So i added these fields manually and did a test order and it seems to have gone through successfully without any error being thrown up after being returned back to my website, and checking the database shows that there is now data being recorded for id_payer and id_payment in those fields for my test order. So hopefully that has resolve the issue. But if someone with more knowledge on this has any further things I should be checking please let me know.
  3. When a customer goes through the checkout after they make payment with Paypal they get the error message: Unknown column 'id_payer' in 'field list' in file modules/paypal/classes/PayPalOrder.php at line 225 Source file: modules/paypal/classes/PayPalOrder.php 206: 207: if (!isset($transaction['payment_status']) || !$transaction['payment_status']) { 208: $transaction['payment_status'] = 'NULL'; 209: } 210: 211: Db::getInstance()->insert( 212: bqSQL(self::$definition['table']), 213: [ 214: 'id_order' => (int) $idOrder, 215: 'id_payer' => pSQL($transaction['id_payer']), 216: 'id_payment' => pSQL($transaction['id_payment']), 217: 'id_transaction' => pSQL($transaction['id_transaction']), 218: 'id_invoice' => pSQL($transaction['id_invoice']), 219: 'currency' => pSQL($transaction['currency']), 220: 'total_paid' => $totalPaid, 221: 'shipping' => (float) $transaction['shipping'], 222: 'capture' => (int) Configuration::get('PAYPAL_CAPTURE'), 223: 'payment_date' => pSQL($transaction['payment_date']), 224: 'payment_method' => (int) Configuration::get('PAYPAL_PAYMENT_METHOD'), 225: 'payment_status' => pSQL($transaction['payment_status']), 226: ] 227: ); 228: } 229:} The order is created in the 30bees BO, but the customer does not get sent to the order confirmation screen or receive the confirmation order email I recently upgraded from 1.4.0 to 1.50 and never experienced this when on 1.4.0 but its happened on all new orders since i upgraded to 1.5.0. I am using paypal module v5.6.1 and Website Payments standard. Any help would be most appreciated as it often results in the customer refreshing the error page and then this creates duplicate orders which is more admin to then have to cancel and refund. Below is the information for the stack trace on the error page 1. classes/db/Db.php:235 source () 2. classes/db/Db.php:441 source DbCore->displayError() 3. classes/db/Db.php:998 source DbCore->query() 4. modules/paypal/classes/PayPalOrder.php:225 source DbCore->insert() 5. modules/paypal/paypal.php:1553 source PayPalModule\PayPalOrder::saveOrder() 6. modules/paypal/controllers/front/expresscheckout.php:457 source PayPal->validateOrder() 7. modules/paypal/controllers/front/expresscheckout.php:214 source PayPalexpresscheckoutModuleFrontController->validateOrder() 8. modules/paypal/controllers/front/expresscheckout.php:63 source PayPalexpresscheckoutModuleFrontController->processPayment() 9. classes/controller/Controller.php:209 source PayPalexpresscheckoutModuleFrontController->initContent() 10. classes/controller/FrontController.php:264 source ControllerCore->run() 11. classes/Dispatcher.php:851 source FrontControllerCore->run() 12. ./index.php:33 source DispatcherCore->dispatch()
  4. Thanks. This allowed be to get into the back office and enable developer mode and finish the upgrade. I checked the database and it appears that the error Duplicate entry 'compile' for key 'PRIMARY' Is caused because of Missing key primary key in table ps_smarty_last_flush This is according the core updater database schema. But hitting fix throws up the duplicate entry error shown above. So i am not sure how to fix this? Ok so as additional info. I think ive sorted the issue with the missing primary key in the smart_last_flush table. I did a clean install of TB and compared the table between my upgraded and the clean and could see that 'type' filed should be a primary field but it wasn't and i couldnt change it for some reason. So i figured its just easier to delete the table and recreate it the same as in the fresh install and that seemed to sort it. No more errors in core updater
  5. I have recently tried to upgrade my store from TB 1.4.0 to a newer version, but ever version i have tried to upgrade to (1.5.0, 1.5.1 and 1.60) results in me being unable to login to the admin back end once I logout after the upgrade completes. The error i get when trying to login is: I know its not an issue with the login or password. And ive even tried creating an additional admin user but that still doesn't allow login. And trying from a different browser and still the same results. If i restore my 1.4.0 install from backups this allows access to the admin login again. So it definitely something that's happening during the upgrade procedure. I have 2 stores running TB 1.4.0 on different servers and the one running on Ubuntu with PHP 8.1 upgraded without this issue and allows me login to the admin after the upgrade. But the other which runs on Oracle Linux and PHP 8.0 is the one i am having issues with. The only error i got when running the core updater is one that say: Duplicate entry 'compile' for key 'PRIMARY' Other than this error above and the login issue everything else works fine after the upgrade, but obviously not being able to access the admin interface is a major sticking point meaning im unable to upgrade to newer than1.4.0. So any help would be appreciated.
  6. Thanks for the advice, I checked and the permissions were only showing as Default group had access and I had no way of adding the other groups (see attached screenshot) All the correct groups were showing from Customers > Groups menu, so i just went to edit and checked block categories was enabled which it was, so i disabled and then enabled it and the permissions for the other groups then showed up in the new categories i had created. They are now shown in front office Block categories module, thanks for the top tip.
  7. I am running TB 1.4 which was upgraded from PS 1.6 a few years ago. I recently decided to add a couple of new categories in the back office but after doing so they are not displayed for customers in the front office using the block categories module. I have checked that these new categories are set to be displayed and I can go to preview them from the BO they will show up but no new entry is being added to the block categories in front office. The parent category is set to Home for these new categories the same as the existing categories that do show up. I have reset the block categories module and reinstalled it again but I still cannot get any new categories to show up in it. The old categories that were there from the Prestashop configuration all show up just none that I added since moving to TB. I am not sure what to try next, any advise would be helpful.
  8. @wakabayashi Since implementing your module about 5 weeks ago i haven't had any spam emails via the contact form. But have had genuine customer messages come through OK. So it appears to be working well. I will update the module to your newer version and feedback to you on it shortly
  9. I have installed the Turnstile module correctly now thanks to the advise of datakick , had to do a bit of troubleshooting as it was giving me a 500 error at first. But once i enabled debugging I could see i needed to install the php-curl module - which was missing from my server - after doing that i could send myself a test messages via the contact form with Turnstile enabled and the verification completed and it would refuse to send if Turnstile verification was not done. For info I am running it on on TB 1.4.0, PHP 7.2 and Ubuntu 18.04 using the community theme. The next step is to see how effective the Cloudflare Turnstile service is at keeping the spammers out. As at the moment after ive verified i am human even if i open my stores contact form in a incognito browser window, Turnstile doesn't challenge to prove i am human again so not sure how well it will work against keeping the spammers out compared to Googles Re-captcha 🤞 Thank you wakabayashi for your work in getting this module working so quickly 👍
  10. Thanks for creating something so fast, I was not expecting something so quickly. How do i install your module on my store to test it? I downloaded the files from Github and tried to upload it as a zip through the add new modules from the admin interface and also manually copied the folder to the modules directory of my 30bees install but it nothings show up in the modules list in the admin area either way. What am i doing wrong
  11. Cloudflare have released a free to implement Captcha alternative called Turnstile, which according to their blog can be implement in minutes with a just few changes of code can replace Google Captcha. https://blog.cloudflare.com/turnstile-private-captcha-alternative/ I currently use the No Captcha reCAPTCHA Module to stop contact form spam but would much prefer a none Google alternative such as the Cloudflare one. There is already a Prestashop module for Cloudflare Turnstile here https://github.com/Pixel-Open/prestashop-cloudflare-turnstile but it requires PS 1.7.6 or greater If someone with more knowledge that I could look at what is involved to adapt that current module to use on 30bees or how much work would be involved to implement it with the current No captch recaptch module id be very grateful.
  12. Do you mean the server error logs? As I don't see anything related in there
  13. I updated the from version 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 of the No captcha re captcha anti spam module, but then noticed I was not receiving any emails from my shop to the customer services email address when i had new messages from customers or new orders. A quick test showed that the emails to the customers where being sent and delivered so I was sure it was not a email issue on the server. I tried resetting the 1.1.3 module and reinstalling it but still would not get any emails to the customer service email address. I reverted back to ver 1.1.2 and this that version does not have this issue and emails to customer service email get delivered. Here is the server config thirty bees version 1.3.0 Server information Ubuntu 18.04.6 Server software version Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) PHP version 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.15 MySQL version 5.7.40-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
  14. I am not behind a proxy (unless my ISP uses them) but I do use Cloudflare on the website. I have disabled check cookie ip address and so far it seems to have stopped me getting logged out all the time. So fingers crossed that has fixed it
  15. I am running Thirtybees 1.1.0 but started getting a problem where I am randomly getting logged out of the admin backend and have to log back in again. Sometime this can happen several times in a minutes as though the session has timed out. I have cleared cookies in my browser and tried both Firefox and Chrome and it happens on both browsers. It occurs randomly when I click on a menu item, go to view an order, update an product etc, there is no obvious pattern but it is very frustrating. I have ticked the box on the login page to keep me logged in but it still does it I seem to remember having a similar issue on an earlier version of Prestashop in the past. Any advise on how to fix this on 30bees?
  16. Apologies if I said that 30bees didn't support PHP 7.2 and it does, I assumed it was a PHP issue FYI I tried the core updater module as well and this also threw the same error: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/30bees/vendor/pear/archive_tar/Archive/Tar.php: Cannot use result of built-in function in write context I am no coder so don't know what caused the error, but I know it would not install either the git updater or core updater modules until I made the change in the Tar.php file
  17. I tried to install this module but I get this error message when I do so: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/30bees/vendor/pear/archive_tar/Archive/Tar.php: Cannot use result of built-in function in write context My server is ubuntu 18.0.4 and the shop is running 30bees 1.0.7 upgraded from Prestashop 1.6 everything appears to be working ok but this module shows the error when trying to install and no menu entry is put into the preferences menu so unable to access it. Solution update After doing some googling it looks as though this is caused because of a PHP issue rather than a 30bees one. Ubuntu 18.04 uses PHP 7.2 but i noticed that 30bees only says it supports upto PHP 7.1. I found a solution on the prestashop forums which worked for me. So thought I would update it incase others are having the same issue Edit the file on your server /vendor/pear/archive_tar/Archive/Tar.php And replace this code $v_att_list = & func_get_args(); with $v_att_list = func_get_args(); Then save the file. This fixed it fixed the problem for me.
  18. I noticed that the TB localization for UK doesn't include any of the UK counties which might be useful to some people. Below is a list of counties for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Island that you can add to the gb.xml file on your server and then import into TB so you can offer it as a drop down list on your checkout for UK customers. I don't think it matters where in the xml file you add it, i just put it at the end and it seems to import fine. To import the counties you go to Localization > Localization and then pick United Kingdom (local) and make sure you set download pack data to No, So that it updates from your server and not from the TB site. <states> <state name="Aberdeenshire" iso_code="ABD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Anglesey" iso_code="AGY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Alderney" iso_code="ALD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Angus" iso_code="ANS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Antrim" iso_code="ANT" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Argyllshire" iso_code="ARL" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Armagh" iso_code="ARM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Avon" iso_code="AVN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Ayrshire" iso_code="AYR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Banffshire" iso_code="BAN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Bedfordshire" iso_code="BDF" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Berwickshire" iso_code="BEW" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Buckinghamshire" iso_code="BKM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Borders" iso_code="BOR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Breconshire" iso_code="BRE" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Berkshire" iso_code="BRK" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Bute" iso_code="BUT" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Caernarvonshire" iso_code="CAE" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Caithness" iso_code="CAI" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Cambridgeshire" iso_code="CAM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Carlow" iso_code="CAR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Cavan" iso_code="CAV" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Central" iso_code="CEN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Cardiganshire" iso_code="CGN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Cheshire" iso_code="CHS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Clare" iso_code="CLA" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Clackmannanshire" iso_code="CLK" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Cleveland" iso_code="CLV" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Cumbria" iso_code="CMA" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Carmarthenshire" iso_code="CMN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Cornwall" iso_code="CON" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Cork" iso_code="COR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Cumberland" iso_code="CUL" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Clwyd" iso_code="CWD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Derbyshire" iso_code="DBY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Denbighshire" iso_code="DEN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Devon" iso_code="DEV" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Dyfed" iso_code="DFD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Dumfries-shire" iso_code="DFS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Dumfries and Galloway" iso_code="DGY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Dunbartonshire" iso_code="DNB" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Donegal" iso_code="DON" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Dorset" iso_code="DOR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Down" iso_code="DOW" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Dublin" iso_code="DUB" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Durham" iso_code="DUR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="East Lothian" iso_code="ELN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="East Riding of Yorkshire" iso_code="ERY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Essex" iso_code="ESS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Fermanagh" iso_code="FER" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Fife" iso_code="FIF" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Flintshire" iso_code="FLN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Galway" iso_code="GAL" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Glamorgan" iso_code="GLA" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Gloucestershire" iso_code="GLS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Grampian" iso_code="GMP" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Gwent" iso_code="GNT" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Guernsey" iso_code="GSY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Greater Manchester" iso_code="GTM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Gwynedd" iso_code="GWN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Hampshire" iso_code="HAM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Herefordshire" iso_code="HEF" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Highland" iso_code="HLD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Hertfordshire" iso_code="HRT" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Humberside" iso_code="HUM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Huntingdonshire" iso_code="HUN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Hereford and Worcester" iso_code="HWR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Inverness-shire" iso_code="INV" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Isle of Wight" iso_code="IOW" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Jersey" iso_code="JSY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Kincardineshire" iso_code="KCD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Kent" iso_code="KEN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Kerry" iso_code="KER" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Kildare" iso_code="KID" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Kilkenny" iso_code="KIK" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Kirkcudbrightshire" iso_code="KKD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Kinross-shire" iso_code="KRS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Lancashire" iso_code="LAN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Londonderry" iso_code="LDY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Leicestershire" iso_code="LEI" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Leitrim" iso_code="LET" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Laois" iso_code="LEX" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Limerick" iso_code="LIM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Lincolnshire" iso_code="LIN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Lanarkshire" iso_code="LKS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Longford" iso_code="LOG" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Louth" iso_code="LOU" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Lothian" iso_code="LTN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Mayo" iso_code="MAY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Meath" iso_code="MEA" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Merionethshire" iso_code="MER" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Mid Glamorgan" iso_code="MGM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Montgomeryshire" iso_code="MGY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Midlothian" iso_code="MLN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Monaghan" iso_code="MOG" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Monmouthshire" iso_code="MON" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Morayshire" iso_code="MOR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Merseyside" iso_code="MSY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Nairn" iso_code="NAI" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Northumberland" iso_code="NBL" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Norfolk" iso_code="NFK" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="North Riding of Yorkshire" iso_code="NRY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Northamptonshire" iso_code="NTH" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Nottinghamshire" iso_code="NTT" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="North Yorkshire" iso_code="NYK" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Offaly" iso_code="OFF" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Orkney" iso_code="OKI" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Oxfordshire" iso_code="OXF" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Peebles-shire" iso_code="PEE" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Pembrokeshire" iso_code="PEM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Perth" iso_code="PER" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Powys" iso_code="POW" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Radnorshire" iso_code="RAD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Renfrewshire" iso_code="RFW" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Ross and Cromarty" iso_code="ROC" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Roscommon" iso_code="ROS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Roxburghshire" iso_code="ROX" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Rutland" iso_code="RUT" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Shropshire" iso_code="SAL" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Selkirkshire" iso_code="SEL" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Suffolk" iso_code="SFK" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="South Glamorgan" iso_code="SGM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Shetland" iso_code="SHI" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Sligo" iso_code="SLI" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Somerset" iso_code="SOM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Sark" iso_code="SRK" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Surrey" iso_code="SRY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Sussex" iso_code="SSX" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Strathclyde" iso_code="STD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Stirlingshire" iso_code="STI" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Staffordshire" iso_code="STS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Sutherland" iso_code="SUT" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="East Sussex" iso_code="SXE" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="West Sussex" iso_code="SXW" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="South Yorkshire" iso_code="SYK" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Tayside" iso_code="TAY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Tipperary" iso_code="TIP" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Tyne and Wear" iso_code="TWR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Tyrone" iso_code="TYR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Warwickshire" iso_code="WAR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Waterford" iso_code="WAT" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Westmeath" iso_code="WEM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Westmorland" iso_code="WES" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Wexford" iso_code="WEX" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="West Glamorgan" iso_code="WGM" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Co. Wicklow" iso_code="WIC" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Wigtownshire" iso_code="WIG" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Wiltshire" iso_code="WIL" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Western Isles" iso_code="WIS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="West Lothian" iso_code="WLN" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="West Midlands" iso_code="WMD" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Worcestershire" iso_code="WOR" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="West Riding of Yorkshire" iso_code="WRY" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="West Yorkshire" iso_code="WYK" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> <state name="Yorkshire" iso_code="YKS" country="GB" zone="Europe" /> </states> After you have imported the counties you will need to change the UK country setting in Localizations > countries to 'contains states' and might need to add the states option to the address format for it to show for your customers.
  19. @angstony_2 said in PHP 7.2 is it compatible yet?: @lesley said in PHP 7.2 is it compatible yet?: Yes, things should work with 7.2 I recently copied our shop to a testing sub-domain on an old personal domain and switched it to 7.2. Everything seemed to be fine until I went to Preferences | CMS in the back office and got a blank page. Running TB 1.07 on top of Ubunu 18.04 with PHP 7.2 and I didn't get the problem with black page on Preferences > CMS in the back office. What is the exact problems with the Paypal module and PHP 7.2? I just went through the shopping cart process and it appears to be working ok and have been getting orders so it is obviously not bothering my customers either. Please advise if there is anything i need to be worrying about running the Paypal module with PHP7.2
  20. Ubuntu 18.04 installs PHP 7.2 as the default version so I would have to downgrade to use 7.1, For now it is only warning messages I will check if there are any actual errors before downgrading as that would involve further downtime on my site.
  21. I looked in the log files of my server and noticed that there are the following warnings: ``` PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/30b/classes/Blowfish.php on line 80] PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/30b/classes/controller/AdminController.php on line 4098 PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/30b/classes/controller/AdminController.php on line 3245 PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/30b/classes/Cart.php on line 1718 ``` Are these errors going to cause problems with my store and how to I fix them. My server is Ubuntu 18, with apache 2 and PHP 7.2, and Thirtybees 1.0.3 I have recently moved to a new host but don't recall seeing these errors on my old server which was Centos 7, Apache 2 and PHP 7.0
  22. No, i never changed anything. At first it was not showing the captcha at all when i installed the module, so i reset the module and put the same keys back in and the captcha box then showed up but i was still getting 'unknown' when i tried it. Did a test from the contact form and it was working with no error, and did block sending if you did not tick the box. I tried again in the back office a couple of times and always got the confirmation 'unknown' message then suddenly it showed 'captcha accepted' The only thing i think it could be is that i use cloudflare on my server and perhaps it had cached this error message and was showing me the cached version of the page rather than the live version
  23. Update. I just tried it again and now the message shows as captcha accepted. So look like it is working ok now. Strange that it took several attempts to get the confirmation.
  24. Thanks to the TB team for releasing the No Captcha recaptcha module as i was suffering from the Russian spam over the last few days and hopefully it will solve the issue. It took me a couple of attempts to get the module working on my site though, had to reset the module and try again before the recaptcha example would show in the back office. It appears to be working but i still get an error message in the confirmation section shows 'unknown' and don't know what that means? I can send a test message from the contact form and it arrives ok, and won't send them without ticking the 'im not a robot' box so it all appears to be working ok
  25. My server is centos 7 and i have looked in mail and messages logs and don't see any error message relating to this problem. I am stumped, it hard to understand why the test email works but order messages don't only when SMTP is enabled.
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