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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @Havouza said in DMCA:

    THE LAST i DID NOT HEAR. I have already stolen from Dropbox. Perhaps they will go to dmca ;-)

    I didn't hear that last sentence either! :-)

  2. @jnsgioia just in case this fix will work for me, I check that link last week and a couple of times this week and I just don't understand how to implement this update.

    Without giving you a lot of work to do or a long explanation for you to type, how do I do this please?

  3. I'm testing a product csv that only has four products. Three are not being associated with any category. They should at least be in the dog treats category. One of four products got associated with the correct category.

    1. Do I have to create a "home" category in admin? Or what? The screenshot shows there is no default category to select. I can manually select the dog treats category but I need to do this with csv.

    2. The categories field shows you can assign multiple categories, so I tried three separated by a comma and no space. Didn't work. Next I tried separating the 3 categories with a space. Didn't work. Next, I tried with only one category and three of my single products are still not correctly associated with any category.

    0_1496860218547_products not assigned to any category.jpg

    One product shows in admin dog treats category and 3 show in admin home category:

    0_1496859647216_1 product shows in admin dog treats category and 3 show in admin home category.jpg

    1. Imported a 75k file for five products. Four singles and one combination.

    2. Only one of the four singles showed up on the site.

    3. Created new product import csv for just those four products and imported.

    4. All four single products show up in the BO but only one still shows up on the site.

    Back office - dog treats - first four products:

    0_1496845856869_four single products show in BO but not on site.jpg

    Site - only one product is showing up:

    0_1496846054294_1 of 4 products show on live site.jpg014968463593516-7-17-products-only-4-single-products.csv

  4. @jnsgioia - Yesterday I did. Today I deleted all products and combinations & reimported the updated csv's because there were several updates to fix - images, meta tag one character too long, etc. I reindexed, cleared cache, cleared browser cache and restarted the browser.

    Today products are not associated to any category after importing products and combinations. Now, admin only shows five products and none are associated with any category. Maybe because I don't have a home category showing in admin?

    @spidawebs Here are a few lines that include single and combination products.


    I think I reimported wrong so will try again but I also need to learn how to do things right, so if there's something wrong with my csv, please let me know.

    Thanks for the replies!

  5. My images are not being saved. This is one example but I get the same error for all my products:

    Product #18: the picture (https://www.alwayspaws.com/images/dogclothes/dogtank_tops/dog-tank-top-happy-birthday-celebration.jpg) cannot be saved.

    How can it not be saved when it's on the server?


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