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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @Traumflug said in What's the best way to test new themes?:

    A local installation is just fine for testing. sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache-mod-php mysql and one has a fine web setup accessible via http://localhost/. These webhosters use the same software, after all.

    Do I just open terminal and enter that command? I would like to create a local installation but I'm on a Mac and have already attempted MAMP & MAMP PRO. It's not for me.

    Is there any alternative?

  2. Please try to contribute a little time to thirty bees modules, updates, documents and feature requests:


    You don’t have to be a developer to contribute to our project. You can be a merchant, a user or someone who is monitoring thirty bees progress.

    If our community requests features, helps with the documentation, helps by reporting bugs or helps with the code, our progress will grow exponentially.

    Everything is in place to make it easy to help out and grow together!

    Devoting free time to help thirty bees develop will help us reach our goals much faster!

  3. The manual is being worked on and will take time since only one person is writing it. I'm proofreading text only and the latest formatting comes later.

    If anyone wants to write any section of the manual, please contact @twistcapmedia and discuss it in case he's already written it. You'll be greatly rewarded with a feeling of immense satisfaction. :)

  4. Stripe creates extra work so I dropped it for the shop I had before the last two shops. I will either fix it when Michael confirms or when that part of the docs is written in the manual.

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