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  1. Hello I am using ElasticEmail to send emails from ThirtyBees. I specify that the emails sent by ThirtyBees are transactional emails. This way, people who have unsubscribed my emails (marketing/newsletter emails) still receive transactional emails (order confirmation, etc.). This is done by adding a header to the emails, IsTransactional: True. More info: https://help.elasticemail.com/en/articles/2419281-what-is-the-difference-between-marketing-and-transactional-email I pass this header when sending emails from ThirtyBees. Up to TB 1.4 I took Mail.php class, added this line and placed the edited Mail.php class in /override/classes/Mail.php /* Send mail */ $message->setFrom([$from => $fromName]); $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader("IsTransactional", "True"); $shouldSend = $configuration['PS_MAIL_METHOD'] != static::MAIL_METHOD_NONE; $send = $shouldSend ? $swift->send($message) : true; With TB 1.5 Things are changing. Mail.php class now uses MailTransport and an associated module. Here is how I have achieved passing IsTransactional: True header. 1/ In TB admin, install and activate the module: Mail via swiftmailer 2/ Configure the module to use PHP's mail() function 3/ Edit /modules/tbswiftmailer/src/SwiftMailerTransport.php by adding the last line here: $message = Swift_Message::newInstance(); $message->setSubject($subject); $message->setCharset('utf-8'); $message->setId(static::generateId()); $message->setFrom($fromAddress->getAddress(), $fromAddress->getName()); $message->setReplyTo($replyTo->getAddress(), $replyTo->getName()); $message->getHeaders()->addTextHeader("IsTransactional", "True"); And now all emails sent by ThirtyBees will have the IsTransactional: True header.
  2. That is clear. But what does it mean that such themes support webp? What kind of features have to be added to a non webp-enabled theme?
  3. Ok, thanks. How could a theme not support webp images? What do the <webp>1</webp> themes have that others don't?
  4. Could you explain what it means that the theme needs to be coded for webp to work? About the <webp>1</webp> property, is it TB specific or does it exist on PS? Thanks
  5. or maybe it's warehouse theme using the wrong string
  6. Hello TB 1.0.7. On product page, the string used for product condition: "new" is not the right one. It's using the one for new products -newly listed-.
  7. Hi Sorry for late reply. I do use customer service function and it's working quite well but has bugs. It does grab answers on the IMAP server if the customer answers by email and adds it to the right thread (the email subjects have id tags in them #id12345 so it is linked to the right conversation). It also grabs answers posted directly on the shop, for instance in my account > order details or via the contact form. The merchant can answer from the backoffice customer service function only. Missing: no support for attached files. If the customer sends an attachment via an email client, it won't show in customer service thread. Merchant can't add attachments. Bug: some emails received via IMAP can't be read, they look as encoded text or I don't know what, then you have to tell the customer to call you or talk via regular email clients.
  8. The CartRule.php class you provided solved my issue. Thanks for your great help!
  9. I have turned on debug mode. On every page I see Deprecated: Function mcryptdecrypt() is deprecated in /home/148926.cloudwaysapps.com/nbamwhxnqa/publichtml/classes/Rijndael.php on line 102 On the cart page, when trying to apply the cart rule I get this screen:
  10. I am on Cloudways. I have tried changing PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, disabling all caches server-side and on TB admin, and disabling Varnish. Is there a way in TB I can enable some debug info/logs that would be more useful than just “1. You cannot use this voucher”?
  11. @slick_303 It doesn't matter whether I set the default customer group or not.
  12. Well I have just tested again, created a new rule, same as yours, on 1.0.3, and it still doesn't work. @smarterweb confirmed the issue on his side too.
  13. Done https://github.com/thirtybees/piwikanalyticsjs/issues/5
  14. Hello My Thirtybees front doesn't load any Google Maps API. I think you have to disable any module that could load the Google Maps API or may be check if it's your theme that loads it.
  15. I am using TB 1.0.3 and ThirtyBees' Piwik module on Cloudways. Piwik is a self hosted instance on Cloudways too. Cloudways has Varnish which acts as a proxy and has to be configured in order to get user's real IP instead of server's self IP ( See: https://matomo.org/faq/how-to-install/faq_98/ These settings are correctly set on my Piwik instance. The issue: - When the visitor isn't logged in on the TB shop, his IP is correctly reported in Piwik. - Once the visitor logs in, his IP becomes in Piwik.
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