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Everything posted by Viklemagi

  1. Oh, thanks! Hadn't thought of anything like that :) @mdekker said in New General Data Protection Regulation 2018-05-25: Thanks @Viklemagi, I'll pass it on to @SnowyCat If you want to add a translucent background to the page in order to focus on the cookie consent bar you can use either CSS or Javascript: CSS: css [aria-label="cookieconsent"] { outline: 9999px solid rgba(0, 0, 0 , 0.5); } Native JavaScript: js var consentBar = document.querySelector('[aria-label="cookieconsent"]'); if (consentBar) { consentBar.style.outline = '9999px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)'; } jQuery: js $('[aria-label="cookieconsent"]').css('outline', '9999px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)');
  2. Thank you for making this and for trying to fit it all within a module. Very much appreciated! The fact that TB isn't being greedy and charging for this (like PS does) really makes TB unique and amazing! I've read till my eyes bled, so I may have missed it: With the cookie consent, will you also be adding a "click to forget me" feature? That enables users to clean out all cookies from our shops with just a click? As for the disabling of modules and such that require cookies until consent is given, maybe a checklist in the configurations so that we can choose which modules to turn off until cookie consent is given? And finally, this is just a wish for a feature that would be amazing, but not strictly necessary: Being able to slightly blur the background of the page until a user has chosen to either give cookie consent or deny it. I know I've made a mental filter by now to where I don't even really notice the cookie boxes anymore, haha.
  3. @yaniv14 I tried replacing the contents of said file with what was in your link. Unfortunately for me the problem persists. I still get: “This module is already installed: beesblog” And afterward when either going to the modules part of the back office or when trying to use the search field in the top left of the back office, I get the beesblogrecentposts error message others have mentioned. The only way to get that error message to go away and get back office functioning again is to go in coreFTP and remove the "beesblog" folder from modules. Is this fix you posted only meant for certain versions of TB or certain languages? I'm close to just giving up and buying a blog module (which probably won't work either, since smartblog didn't...)
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