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Everything posted by TestTB4Store

  1. What are negative? If it fails the full page cache - it fails. Nothing negative about it. Let me say it LOL - with regards to full page cache 1.0.5 is a complete failure!!! To my understanding, the mission of TB is to offer fast website in place of Prestashop. Again, 1.0.5 screws full page cache even more than 1.0.4.
  2. I m just telling what is happening. People here cannot take the the fact that there are errors in the TB???? To me it is clear that TB 1.0.5 simply screws full page caching even more than 1.0.4 How can you make progress and fixes if you refuse to the wrongs in the TB.
  3. Also, please note that Chandra confirmed the issue when it comes to index.
  4. I am not the only one with this issue. As I said, my site is in production. I cannot enable those on my site as users mostly use cell phone for search. Did you check them on your cell phones? If you have no problem, good for you. But I do have those issues and Traumflug has confirmed that.
  5. For now, I do not include index, category, newproducts, and manufacture in full page cache. (Note: This is TB 1.0.4 - using php 7.1). happens on Chrome on my android and on safari on my Iphone. Have not tried on other cell phones yet. Please try it on your own site. My site is already in production mode. The issue with regards to full page cache is even more serious with TB 1.0.5 . The product page shows this 500 server error on desktop across browsers when product ie enabled on full page cache. I don't think I see those issues on TB 1.0.3
  6. Hi, I tried and I was able to update to 1.0.5. But 1.0.5 is a serious failure with regards to full page cache. Product page shows 500 server error when product is enabled in full page cache. In other words, 1.0.5 is a COMPLETE MISTAKE. It MUST NOT be released at all.
  7. Hi, What about translations and mails? Anything new regarding translations and mails? I have made changes in the translations and emails? Can I remove those folders too from the zip?
  8. Hi, What about translations? Anything new regarding translations? I have made changes in the translations? Can I remove that folder too from the zip?
  9. ... that way the new one will be replaced by the old one?
  10. Is there a way to update it without replacing the theme? Is there any file/folder/directory that can be removed to prevent that from happening?
  11. Hi, Will update make the default theme back to the original default theme? I made some minor changes to the default theme. tks for letting me know ASAP.
  12. Not only index. Error 500 also shows on mobile on category, newproducts and manufacture when they are enabled on full page cache.
  13. It is really strange that there is no explanation from Thirtybees. Making the caching functional for mobile is fundamental for any online store - More people buy online using cell phone than a desktop. Again, my serious doubt about the Thirtybees resurfaces. For now, I don't think this is an ecommerce site that has a future.
  14. Hi, I see 500 server error on home page on mobile phone every time I enable index on full page cache. The same error also shows up when i click on a category when I enable category on full page cache. Please help fix this issue. Thanks.
  15. For now I removed index from full page cache on my site. You can check the issue on your own site.
  16. Hi, I see 500 server error on home page on mobile phone every time I enable index on full page cache. The same error also when i click on a category when I enable category on full page cache. Please help fix this issue. Thanks. RackMetro.com
  17. Don't know. Things work normally when full page caching is disabled. So, it is an issues with full page caching. Not sure what the specific issues are. This is a U.S. site.
  18. Not. It is not installed. Not in EU territory.
  19. A few things really weird with TB 1.0.4 caching or full page caching. 1. new products block, recent blog post, specials etc, have been disabled on mobiles. But they appear in some product categories and subcategories and do not appear (work) in some others. After caching or full page caching was disabled, they were corrected but show up again in some other categories or subcategories. Products to be listed have to saved at least 2 times before they show up under categories or subcategories. Sometime the main image (slider) does not show up after caching was disabled and enabled again. It has to be disabled and enabled again for it to show up back. The caching or full page caching appears to have caused issues from time to time.
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