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  1. Thanks for that, musicmaster. I realized it was editing the correct database shortly after my initial concern. I've got it showing the correct favicon now. It turns out I'd made an incorrect assumption about the way TB handles favicons: I thought that having set the alternative icon in the back office it would replace the file in the installation's root folder, but no, upon examination of the source code I see BO's favicon is picked up from the /img/ folder. Sorry to have troubled you, and thanks again for your detailed response.
  2. Hey @musicmaster, thanks for this excellent tool, but it almost gave me a heart attack! :facescreamingin_fear: Why? Well I uploaded it and was eagerly testing away in a test site that's hosted in a sub-domain of the live site, when I suddenly noticed it was displaying the live site's favicon. Now, one of several measures I take to avoid accidentally editing the wrong site is to use very different favicons on both sites. So I had a moment of panic when I though I may have been wantonly editing products on my live site, but thankfully that wasn't the case. I don't know how easy this would be to fix, but I would appreciate it if you could. Cheers!
  3. I've got a picture with an underlying link to a two word product search, but no matter how I frame the search criteria it only ever returns an OR result so lots of irrelevant items are listed. Is an AND search possible?
  4. Also, can you mark your comment as the correct answer please? Only being able to pick one's own comments as answers is one of this forum's more annoying features.
  5. Thanks @traumflug. I've put the code at the bottom of the setMedia function just above the return true; line. Is that the best place for it or would you recommend putting it somewhere else?
  6. Okay, so I've figured out I can add those two lines of code to each individual controller and that gets me what I want, but it seems like an awfully laborious way of doing it. Is there somewhere I can add them globally so it's just one file to edit?
  7. Investigating further I remembered I'd also had to insert these two lines… $this->addCSS(_PS_CSS_DIR_.'jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css', 'screen'); $this->addJqueryPlugin('fancybox'); …at the bottom of the setMedia function in CMSController.php so I guess that's why it's working on CMS pages. Is there somewhere I could put this code – or something similar – so that fancybox will work wherever it's called from?
  8. I'm already using fancybox to display pictures in a CMS gallery page, which I accomplished by putting this javascript into 'Custom Code' in the back office: $(document).ready(function() { $("a.fancybox").fancybox(); }); So for the banner link I thought, 'Great, I probably just need to edit blockbanner.tpl to append class="fancybox" to the URL.' But nothing is ever that straightforward, is it? It actually works on CMS and product pages, but not on the home, category or search pages. I've tried putting that js directly into the global.js file and the index.js file but it doesn't work. Any ideas what, if anything, I can do to fix this?
  9. @angstony_2 said: <li id="blockcontact-about" class="blockcontact"> <a href="{$link->getCmsLink('4')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='About us' mod='blockcontact'}"> {l s='About' mod='blockcontact'} </a> </li> I encountered a small problem with this code yesterday. I created a new CMS page on my testing site and put a link to it in the nav bar. Once I was happy everything was working right I copied it all across to the live site. However, I'd forgotten that I'd previously added a temporary CMS page on the live site, so when I added the new CMS page there it had a different ID to the one on the testing site. This is inconvenient because it means either maintaining two different nav.tpl files, pointing to different IDs, or re-copying the live site to the testing site. So I looked in the link.php file to see if a name could be used instead of an ID, and sure enough it turns out you can use the alias (AKA 'friendly url') provided the ID parameter is passed as an empty string, so the ID becomes irrelevant. So this is the code I'm using now: <li id="blockcontact-about" class="blockcontact"> <a href="{$link->getCmsLink('', 'about-us')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='About us' mod='blockcontact'}"> {l s='About' mod='blockcontact'} </a> </li> I think this is a much better way of getting the desired CMS page link, so I thought I'd share it here.
  10. @gonssal Ah you're right, thanks! I have !Sliders Everywhere! installed and that's it's underlying name, which I'd forgotten. I thought the error message was referring to the default theme's homeslider and I hadn't noticed the 'pro' part. That said, the problem did manifest on the CMS config page and the error message also mentions the CMS controller twice, so I wouldn't say it's that clear… well, not to a novice like me who has no idea how to interpret the error message anyway. :)
  11. @lesley said in PHP 7.2 is it compatible yet?: Yes, things should work with 7.2 I recently copied our shop to a testing sub-domain on an old personal domain and switched it to 7.2. Everything seemed to be fine until I went to Preferences | CMS in the back office and got a blank page. Network analysis showed it was an internal server error, so I looked in the server's error logs and found this: my-test.example.com [Wed Nov 28 12:27:13 2018] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of AdminCmsController::viewAccess() must be compatible with AdminControllerCore::viewAccess($disable = false) in /home/sites/3a/d/deb19db997/publichtml/my-test/modules/homesliderpro/controllers/admin/AdminCmsContent.php on line 3_ Switching back to 7.1 fixed it. To be honest this could very well be a PHP configuration issue as this old domain is running a very restricted version of cPanel that exposes only minimal PHP settings – I can't even specify which extensions are enabled. I dare say I could overwrite it somehow, but given that 7.1 works I'll probably just stick with that. I just thought I'd let you know in case it's a bug you were unaware of.
  12. @Traumflug Thanks, I will do that. Well I've finally gotten the test site working again but I'm not sure how. The hosting company just said it was something to do with the .htaccess file causing a peculiar redirect to %{ENV:REWRITEBASE}img/c/$2.jpg which it evidently was. When I compared the htaccess file to the one in the home directory the only differences were the URL sub-domains (www ~ testing) and some 'protected directory' lines located underneath the TB rules. When I remmed out those lines it started working again, albeit without the password protection kicking in, of course. So I used cPanel to re-apply password protection to the testing folder and lo, it added the exact same lines back in! But it wasn't broken this time, so I guess cPanel must also be editing something else somewhere.
  13. Thank you both for two very useful replies! @wakabayashi, your video has given me confidence that I didn't do anything stupid, because AFAICT I took exactly the same steps, albeit in a slightly different order and copying from the sub to the main of course. I would try copying the live site back to the sub, but I'm really nervous of breaking the live site, so I've opened a ticket with my hosting company first as I'm beginning to think it could be something to do with their server settings rather than anything I've done. @Traumflug I'd found the TB logs but the last entry in them was from over three weeks ago. Unfortunately, it looks like my hosting company has turned off error logging, as the /var/ folder appears to be empty! I'm annoyed about that as they came highly recommended by a friend whose company uses them. Network analysis shows only two requests, both of which were met with 500 responses. The first shows the file as just \, whereas the second shows it as favicon.ico, which is weird, because there is a favicon in that folder. Anyway, as I said to wakabayashi, I've put in a ticket with the hosting company so I'm hoping they can pinpoint the problem and I can stop tearing my hair out! :-)
  14. I developed my site using a 'testing' subdomain of the production domain. When it came to deployment I followed @Traumflug's instructions here as best I could. I created a new database on the site with a different name, duplicated the original database, added the same user, and edited the settings.inc.php file. Then I copied everything from the testing subdomain's folder into the home folder (public_html), went to the back office and edited the URLs. All of that went well: the production site worked straight away and everything is in order. However, when I go back to the test site now I'm getting this error: The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. I've tried to figure it out but I can't find any error logs anywhere on the site and none of my online searches have turned up anything useful or that I can understand. As I've mentioned before on these forums, I'm a complete novice with all of this, so I've probably done something stupid and/or things don't work the way I thought. Fingers crossed one of you experienced guys here will be able to point me in the right direction.
  15. Localization | Translations: select 'Error Message Translations' for the 'type' and select your language then click on 'Modify'. Search for the message you want to change, edit and save it.
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