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Everything posted by Angstony_2

  1. Thank you. It's so easy when you know how. I reckon I looked everywhere except there!
  2. Hi, I'm trying to figure out why the Block Image Slider that comes with the default TB installation (1.0.7) doesn't display on mobile phones, in either orientation. I can narrow the desktop browser window to pretty much any size and it still displays – albeit with the text and button flowing off the bottom. I've played around with the module's hooks, but that hasn't helped at all. I'm very much a beginner with css and know almost nothing about javascript, so I would appreciate some guidance on what I need to do to make it display.
  3. @traumflug said in Release 1.0.7 is there!: The other one is to go to dinner during these updates Well I could live with slow updates but at the moment it's still raising a "502 Bad Gateway" error during the zip extraction process. I've got to leave it for now, but I'll get back onto it tomorrow and maybe just go set up a test site on a subdomain, if that's going to be less problematic.
  4. @traumflug said in Release 1.0.7 is there!: Please don't evaluate thirty bees on a web server running on Windows. This is known to be troublesome. Hmm… I thought the vagrant+virtualbox method was supposed to be pretty robust – at least that's the impression this article gave me – is that not the case? Only I'm new to this and I read somewhere that best practice is to develop locally, upload to a test site and only when that's proven okay copy it into production. I do also like being able to edit files directly in Windows Explorer without needing ftp, but I'm happy to do whatever you advise is best.
  5. I'm getting the same 505 error as Norwegian_Rat, but I suspect it may be because Windows is in the middle of a major update, so everything is running at a snail's pace. I'll try again once that update is done and dusted.
  6. Thanks Traumflug. I'll try it as soon as the backup has completed. How on Earth Windows can take longer to copy a file set than it took to download them is beyond me… By the way, this forum seems to be broken in the latest version of my preferred browser (Firefox 62.0.3). It's constantly displaying a message that the forum has been disconnected, it wouldn't automatically load newer comments as I scrolled down, and I couldn't post comments – I'm having to use Chrome for that.
  7. My local test version of TB (via vagrant + virtualbox) is still at 1.03 – which is surprising as I only installed it recently. Do I need to install any earlier versions before installing this one?
  8. I tried restoring US-English and messing around with defaults etc, but nothing fixed it. So I've re-installed TB and just disabled US-English as you suggested and it all seems to be working okay, so far. Thanks again.
  9. Thanks for the reply, Traumflug. Yes, it is on Windows, but I thought xampp was supposed to take care of intrinsic differences like directory structure, separators, etc. I'd try it in a subdomain online, but I'd have to persuade my hosting company to make Thirty Bees available and that seems like a lot of hassle just to test it. Something I discovered whilst waiting for this post's approval was that xampp actually uses MariaDB rather than MySQL – even though their config pages still refer to it as MySQL – and I wondered if that might have something to do with it. Although they reckon they're supposed to be structurally identical, given that MariaDB is a fork of MySQL. As for the language thing: well I just wanted to ensure the front office didn't have the choice block and it seemed to make sense to add British English and make it the default at the same time. I'm not really bothered about US spelling in the back office.
  10. Hi, I've just installed TB locally (via xampp) for testing and it was all working fine as far as I could tell – though I'm new to this, so maybe not. Anyway, all I did was change the default language to English-GB, remove English-US and disable the Block Languages module. After that it suddenly started prefixing all the side menus with Admin' or 'AdminParent', thus: They all still seem to work ok but it makes navigating them hard work. I'm not sure if this is because of something I've done or a bug, but any help would be appreciated. Cheers!
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