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Everything posted by cdwebman

  1. I installed the module from TB recaptcha V1.2.0 But it seems it doesn't work on my contact form : I don't see any recaptcha puzzle, or "i am not a robot" text" but when i submit the contact form, i get the error message : 1. Your captcha was wrong. Please try again. The module does work : on the Admin, i see the recaptcha, and i how to check it, of solve the "puzzle" In the Admin module : when i change the contact form by "Advanced settings" and save it, i get these error messages : The attribute "id" with value "loginCaptcha" is missing from the login captcha placeholder The attribute "class" with value "login-captcha-hideme" is missing from the login captcha placeholder The attribute "id" with value "createCaptcha" is missing from the create captcha placeholder The attribute "class" with value "create-captcha-hideme" is missing from the create captcha placeholder The attribute "id" with value "passwordCaptcha" is missing from the password captcha placeholder The attribute "class" with value "password-captcha-hideme" is missing from the password captcha placeholder The attribute "id" with value "contactCaptcha" is missing from the contact captcha placeholder The attribute "class" with value "contact-captcha-hideme" is missing from the contact captcha placeholder I use the Panda Theme, and maybe it's not compatible with this reCaptcha module from TB ?
  2. For a customer i need a DHL module, found this post on the forum, but the module seems no longer to exist ??? Where i can find this module ?
  3. On my clients webshop we have a large block categories menu-structure, it's very usefull for the visitors, but according to Google Pagespeed insight we have too many Dom elements ( 4.258 elements ) Off course i can set the configuration to only show 1 or 2 levels deep, but for the visitors it's more easy to keep it like this. What i like to see, is that this categorie menustructure get loaded by AJAX scripting, the best would be at first visit : load the head-menustructure and sublevel 1 after opening sublevel 1, already load the sublevels 2 so there will not be any delay when the visitor opens sublevel 2, because of the ajax script loading. When open sublevel 2,. the ajax script has to load sublevel 3 in forehand etc.. ( Also it would be nice, if the sublevels which are loaded by ajax, uses a Cache file for these sub-levels, so there isn't a MySQL query needed. ) I want this for improvement for the SEO results. I can't find any module which do what i describe above, but maybe it can be a nice suggestion for improvement of the Thirty Bees core ? If somebody has already a good solution for what i describe above, please let me know....
  4. The load time is in my test version about the same, but the First Byte time is slower than on the Prestashop 1.06 with that Page Cache module. That's why i wish a good Caching module, not only to improve the First Byte time, but also to make the TB shop more quick than ever before ! ;-)
  5. "Right. FPC is fixed in upcoming version, but if you are on 1.0.8 it's not recommended to use. " I read on the TB forum that this FPC has very low priority, so will it be available in the 1.09 version, or do we have to expect a longer waiting time ? But the conclusion at this moment is, that i can't do anything to speed up the webshop more ? While i have to admit that changing the PHP version to 7.1 did gain some loadtime ! :) When the FPC is save to use, what option will be the best : APC ( or will APCu also be an option for TB ? ) - Memcache or Redis I like to know this now before ordering the VPS server :)
  6. AS i read on the forum from TB, it's not "save" to use the build in "Full Page Cache " ? But i do want the speed back what we have before with the external module Page Cache which isn't compatible with TB... As i now understand, whatever i use ( Memcache, APC or Redis ) doesn't do anything without using the FPC from TB ! ?? So i don't win any speed with SSC ? > Of course, there may be some third party modules that uses SSC as well, but I would bet you don't have such module installed Do you mean third party modules for TB, or whatever extension module for the server ? If for TB : can youn tell me what is available ? If for the server : we are planning to get the new shop running at a new VPS, so the administrator can install anything needed.
  7. I am migrating a Prestashop to TB 1.08 , but i miss the module Page Cache (we used it at PS 1.6 ) , which isn't compatible with TB. I want to use the option : "Server Side Caching" in TB but wonder which is the best one to choose to speed up the webshop. There are the following options : Memcache via PHP::Memcache (you must install the Memcache PECL extension) Memcached via PHP::Memcached (you must install the Memcached PECL extension) APC (you must install the APC PECL extension) redis (you must install the redis extension) I understand the server need to support that caching option, but i want to ask the server administrator to install the needed extension. I want to speed up the webshop for all visitors, so for guest, logged in users etc, but also for SEO, but it must be save so that logged in customers not will see someones others shopping cart or anything like this !
  8. I am migration a Prestashop 1.6 to Thirty Bees, which seems to have no problem, also the layout looks good with the used Prestashop 1.6 theme :) When testing, there's a problem with the categories, when i click a category link, i get an 404 error message. In SEO and URL's my category_rule is : {meta_title}_{id} But i get an error message : ** Keyword "{rewrite}" required for route "category_rule" (rule: "{meta_title}_{id}") ** I dont't want to change that route, because all product categories URL's will be changed ! Why can't i use "{meta_title}_{id}" in Thirty Bees, while this do work in PrestaShop 1.6 !???
  9. Uiteraard, maar ik moet een nieuwe id aanmaken voor die 9% btw, ik kan uiteraard die oude ID aanpassen qua percentage, maar dan kloppen de oude orders niet meer...
  10. Dat begrijp ik, maar ik zal ook de btw-regel bij het product moeten aanpassen. Heb je mogelijk een standaard SQL query waarmee ik dat in een keer kan doen ?
  11. Wat is de beste manier om de BTW van 6% naar 9% aan te passen ? Kan ik dat het beste rechtstreeks in de database doen, moet ik daarbij rekening houden met een eventuele prijs exclusief BTW ?
  12. I contacted the module builders : They think this code (from their script) causes the problem : validateOrder does make a validation which is "Paid" and later it is changed by their script to "Pending" At first they told me the function validateOrder had to be changed in the core-files from TB to solve this problem ! ? After letting them know that i can't imagine that, they think they have to re-write their code... Part of the code : public function execPayment($cart) { // Save order in backend $iOrderState = 1000; // Awaiting payment $this->validateOrder($cart->id, $iOrderState, $cart->getOrderTotal(true, 3), $this->displayName, 'Betaling wordt gestart', array(), false, false, $cart->secure_key); $iOrderId = $this->currentOrder; $oOrder = new Order($iOrderId); For myself i don't anything "strange" which can cause the problem ?
  13. I use the iDeal module from https://www.ideal-checkout.nl/ for The Rabobank Omnikassa version 2 When the customer is forwarded to the payment gateway, and do nothing there, the customer gets an order confirmation in his email ? I see in the scripts that the status "PENDING" is id=1000 In the Admin is see that nothing happens with this ; no checkbox is selected in the Admin, but still the customer gets an order confirmation in his mail, like the order was paid. After leaving the payment gateway, the customer gets an email that the order was cancelled. It's strange : before i thought it's something in the module, but when the customer goes into the payment gateway, he gets the order confirmation email ( when he didn't finish any payment ! ) and when i look in the backoffice at the same time, the order status is "awaiting payment"
  14. I use the Panda Theme, with a left column in the left column i use the Block Categories v3.0.1 from ThirtyBees and i want to change the font type and size, but it seems that i can't do this with the Theme editor from the Panda Theme. Where or how can i change the font type and size of this Block Categories v3.0.1 ?
  15. Here also Panda : great theme and excellent support !
  16. @Araz Thanks for the update and yours excellent support, the module works perfect now ! :)
  17. Thanks ! But it's a little bit strange : the displayed orders there are real orders ( from the old webshop ) It would be nice if the dashboard shows : DEMO Mode as a warning. But the "problem" is solved, and quickly as Always on TB :)
  18. On a test shop, where the root directory is password protected, i see at the Dashboard : Online visitors : 18 Online shopping carts : 2 in the last 30 minutes When i do a refresh with the refresh symbol it shows 10 visitors - 1 shoppingcart This while only 2 people, (the webmaster and myself ) have the password to visit the shop !
  19. @haylau Yes, it might look complex, but this is all ! :) I think now you see it clear, and you won't have to worry. :) Of course : before deleting the PrestaShop files, make sure you have a backup from the PS webshop, if anything goes wrong, you can always go back !
  20. That's exactly what i do, but i wrote it more detailed and described also more possibilities. But haylau thinks that the module, send (after the test-shop is finished) all files and data back to the Original shop url, and that's not how it works. Replacing is MANUAL work, and doesn't go automatic by that migrationpro module.
  21. I'm not 100% sure if we are talking about the same module ? I used : https://addons.prestashop.com/en/data-migration-backup/8934-migrationpro-prestashop-upgrade-and-migrate-tool.html and Lesley mentioned : https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/migrationpro-migrate-from-prestashop-to-thirty-bees-migration-tool If it's the same module, better buy it at Thirty Bees, because it's 10$ more cheap than buy it on addons PrestaShop.... !
  22. I do it this way : I use Direct Admin, and create on a second server an user with the same name, and same website as on server 1 where the PrestaShop is live With FTP i upload all files from TB For the domain website.com i create an ALIAS with the name : web-testsite.com I install everything in the URL with web-testsite.com and migrate all data with MigrationPro There i am building the shop, and adjust everything what my customer wants. When building the shop is finish, i want to use MigrationPro again, and import everything from the old PrestaShop to the new TB shop. After that, i can change the DNS to server2, and in the config files and table from Thirty Bees, i change the url to from web-testsite.com to website.com In my specific case now i want the new TB shop back on the Original server, so i don't change the DNS, but do an Admin backup on server2 from the new TB shop. on the Original server ( Server1) i delete all directory and database content, and do a restore from the Admin backup from server2 After that change the config and table from TB from web-testsite.com to website.com In yours example there are 2 solutions : 1. You can change in the apache config file the Root Directory for website.com to the rootdirectory from your test-url ( 30bees.website.com ) and change the config file and table from TB for the url change. 2. You can delete all files in website.com and move or FTP the new TB files to website.com and import the database to website.com Also change the config file and url in the Thirty Bees table from 30bees.website.com tot website.com After this, you might have to clear the Cache in TB ?? The "bug" in MigrationPro is still there, and breaks some other things in TB, but you can run the migration, and after the migration just delete that directory in /modules and than everything keeps work fine. if you need MigrationPro again, just FTP the files back. but i hope MigrationPro will fix this soon... p.s. I also wanted an clean install because it's a migration from PrestaShop 1.4.6 and i didn't like to update that to PS 1.6 also ik like clean installs more :)
  23. https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2206/fatal-error-call-to-undefined-method-logger-addlog-in-home-shopboot-domains-boottrailers-nl-public_html-boot-classes-controller-admincontroller-php-on-line-1336/18
  24. I used the migrationpro module, and it does the job ! You can once import all data, later you can run it again and add the new data OR you can import all data again and choose to make a table empy before import. It's a very nice module, unfortunately there's a problem with this module, if you read this post, you know more. https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2206/fatal-error-call-to-undefined-method-logger-addlog-in-home-shopboot-domains-boottrailers-nl-public_html-boot-classes-controller-admincontroller-php-on-line-1336/18 Ik hope migrationpro will quickly bring a solution for Thirty Bees...
  25. i contacted migrationpro, and have this answer : "I have checked it. The problem relates to TB. TB is using Logger class, but this class and PHP file does not exists. " I checked the TB core files, they have changed the file : classes/controller/AdminController.php and changed "Logger" into "PrestaShopLogger" I think TB uses the class Logger in more files ? ( i sure know the class exists ! ) Also i think this won't be changed in the Core files ??
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