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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I cleared the cache and generated a new .htaccess and everything seems to work again. Thank you!
  2. I cleared the cache and generated a new .htaccess and everything seems to work again. Thank you!
  3. I cleared the cache and generated a new .htaccess and everything seems to work again. Thank you!
  4. I cleared the cache and generated a new .htaccess and everything seems to work again. Thank you!
  5. I cleared the cache and generated a new .htaccess and everything seems to work again. Thank you!
  6. I cleared the cache and generated a new .htaccess and everything seems to work again. Thank you!
  7. I cleared the cache and generated a new .htaccess and everything seems to work again. Thank you!
  8. I don’t want to check your vhost files for you. I know but you said this earlier: something is wrong with your setting for “webhost”. You have added your own settings in addition to “localhost” and something there may be wrong So I sent some screenshots to be sure that nothing is wrong there. Anyway, I had some old xammp files in my C: directory that I renamed xammp1 and xammp2 (old xammp files from previous xammp installs) etc as backup. I deleted those and I can now enter my backoffice again. and the examle.txt again. My first step should be clearing the cache now? Because the front office is still unavailable. (And should I do this with the tool that I have access to now or my my backoffice?
  9. Okay. I have changed httpd-vhosts.conf and hosts file according to these screenshots.
  10. Well I can access webshop. (I get the blank page with some HTML) but other then that, nothing.
  11. Nope can't access that too. I did change the settings so that I can redirect to webshop yes, but I have a feeling that it has something to do with .htaccess.
  12. @musicmaster said in I accidentally deleted the wrong files when I downgraded with XAMPP, can I still solve it?: What do you mean “can’t access”? What do you get? My directory: But my admin folder has been copied by my older shop, so I don't know if that maybe that has to do with it? See my previous question. You are “repairing” things that most likely aren’t broke and may in the process introduce new problems. Okay I'll wait with installing again.
  13. Can I install a fresh copy of TB and copy all the unique files (my theme, modules etc) And then also copy over the DB again? Are my settings in those files or is eveything on default again?
  14. I also can't access that login page. (I navigate to http://webshop/admin169x8dwpn/rescue/login1.php) Does TB know what admin folder I'm using if I copied it from an older store like I said before?
  15. Ah I see that I don't have a .htaccess yet. I'll try using Prestools now.
  16. Which one should I delete? I see more of them. And I don't think I can delete the cache, I can't even get on my admin panel. When I click/navigate anywhere but the homepage I get the object not found error from xammp.
  17. Okay, I now copied the whole data folder, and not only the 'webshop' DB folder inside the data folder. I can now click on all tables without any problems. However my website is now completely black without any css. Just some HTML.
  18. Just tried to repair all tables, it says operation failed at every table.
  19. Just found a .sql file from 2 days ago, doesn't do anything when I import it though. A few successes but no new tables 01547022680135webshop_sql.zip
  20. In phpmyadmin I see that I get this error on every table that I choose: #1932 - Table ['EXAMPLE_TABLE'] doesn't exist in engine The database does contain lazy cache now. I see possible solutions like here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33839569/mysql-error-1932-table-phpmyadmin-pma-user-config-doesnt-exist-in-engine ``` Finally, I find the solution. We can find there really exists the table 'pma__tracking' when we expand the phpmyadmin database. But the system error call on #1932 - Table 'phpmyadmin.pma__tracking' doesn't exist in engine. So just try to remove the old pma__* database first and reconfig them later. 1.Remove the wrong tables in xampp's installation path and remove all the files in var/mysql/phpmyadmin/, which are similar like pmabookmark.frm/pmabookmark.ibd... 2.Reinstall the sql of phpmyadmin, which located in phpmyadmin/sql/, something like 'createtables.sql', run them with mysql < createtable.sql, etc. Then it works. ``` But I have no idea if that has anything to do with my problem. If you still don't have the information that you need about the 'tests' please let me know.
  21. Alright I added all the files above config from my old site to the new one. Now I get this error: ``` [ThirtyBeesDatabaseException] Table 'webshop.tb_configuration' doesn't exist in engine SELECT c.name, cl.id_lang, IFNULL(cl.value, c.value) AS value, c.id_shop_group, c.id_shop FROM tb_configuration c LEFT JOIN tb_configuration_lang cl ON c.id_configuration = cl.id_configuration at line 849 in file classes/db/Db.php 844. if ($webserviceCall && $errno) { 845. $dbg = debugbacktrace(); 846. WebserviceRequest::getInstance()->setError(500, '[SQL Error] '.$this->getMsgError().'. From '.(isset($dbg[3]['class']) ? $dbg[3]['class'] : '').'->'.$dbg[3]['function'].'() Query was : '.$sql, 97); 847. } elseif (PSDEBUGSQL_ && $errno && !defined('TBINSTALLATIONIN_PROGRESS')) { 848. if ($sql) { 849. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError().' '.$sql.''); 850. } 851. 852. throw new PrestaShopDatabaseException($this->getMsgError()); 853. } 854. } DbCore->displayError - [line 488 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments] DbCore->query - [line 709 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments] DbCore->executeS - [line 439 - classes/Configuration.php] - [1 Arguments] ConfigurationCore::loadConfigurationFromDB - [line 271 - classes/db/Db.php] - [1 Arguments] DbCore::getInstance - [line 338 - classes/shop/Shop.php] - [1 Arguments] ShopCore::initialize - [line 123 - config/config.inc.php] require - [line 32 - index.php] - [1 Arguments] ``` Is there something wrong with my database or my core files? Or maybe my config folder. 01546968003646config.zip
  22. I do still have some files from the latest htdocs from my site (xammp didn't delete eveything). The weird thing is that I have all files starting at the config folder. Can I get the old files from above the config folder? Or are these unique?
  23. Getting these errors when I used the import feature in phpmyadmin: ``` INSERT INTO tb_smarty_lazy_cache (template_hash, cache_id, compile_id, filepath, last_update) VALUES ('0c901a72da3276e174f98f86d9e3a580', 'blocktopmenu|1|1|13|category|3', '', 'blocktopmenu\1\1\13\category\3\fe\db\6e\fedb6e39db59c00f4dd62abe25cebaffb1279681.blocktopmenu.tpl.php', '2018-10-20 12:47:10'), ('0c901a72da3276e174f98f86d9e3a580', 'blocktopmenu|1|1|13|index', '', 'blocktopmenu\1\1\13\index\fe\db\6e\fedb6e39db59c00f4dd62abe25cebaffb1279681.blocktopmenu.tpl.php', '2018-10-20 12:46:24'), ('25d060db3bb982f2b9d1ce53e39e4f16', 'blocksocial|1|1|13', '', 'blocksocial\1\1\13\34\b7\f7\34b7f7d27e1f3c69ca4b4bd75c5c240456454893.blocksocial.tpl.php', '2018-10-20 12:46:36'), ('2a8001dc73cbcfdde2617a2a9eed9df0', 'blocktags|1|1|13', '', '', '2018-10-20 12:47:16'), ('2d6ae983a572f8fb8da18e50d5dbf79e', 'blockbanner|1|1|13', '', 'blockbanner\1\1\13\ec\c3\d1\ecc3d1040e5314151811222174902ff491d6fab2.b[...] MySQL meldt: Documentatie 1932 - Table 'webshop.tbsmartylazy_cache' doesn't exist in engine ``` It does say that the import was succesful though. I still have the same error on my site.
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