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Everything posted by kpodemski

  1. @MockoB i don't belive that someone who is doing update of the production, will instantly go to local env because of this change, you know :) well, keep sratching guys, good luck :P
  2. All i said... if this is really just for shop cloning, and you just make so much changes in core, just to save 1-2 minutes of doing changes on duplicated database in some SQL client... i don't know if that makes sense
  3. @MockoB said in Safe maintenance strategy, shop cloning: I don't claim to understand what he actually doing but the way I get it is: I could make a copy of my live site on my local machine and vice versa at any time. I believe the hardcoded shop URL is barrier for ignorant merchants like me. You could search prestashop forum and you will find countless topics concerning that. But I am not a developer and that's the way I understand it! yeah, i think that is some example which i'm willing to understand, but the word "synchronize" is completely out of topic here, because "shop_url" is the easiest thing to do, while working on developer, and production store, at the same time, really @Traumflug said in Safe maintenance strategy, shop cloning: "bs", like "beautiful surprise"? A real life example? sh cd /var/www/html/ cp -rp my-shop-test my-shop-live After that, 'my-shop-live' won't work without digging into backoffice and fixing things there. Which in turn disables 'my-shop-test'. Another example: - Go to http://localhost/ and install ThirtyBees - Go to The latter won't work either, it'll redirect to localhost. Even if it's a small problem, it should be fixed. However, I'm not aware of any other problems preventing shop synchronization. And to some extent I wonder why you lament here and on Github instead of showing us on how to synchronize a TB/PS-shop. If the strategy described in the opening post here is achievable so easily, post the solution! Well, lament? Maybe because it's wasting time and energy, both you, and Michael's who needs to check this feature. Ok, you can copy production site to localhost, and what later? Hm? What about differences between two databases? Or, you want to work with remote production database, on localhost? I guess not. I wish TB all the best, and when i see wasting time on such a feature... it's not looking good :)
  4. @Traumflug i'm wondering, is not having hardcoded "shop_url" really helps you a lot? because for me it's bs, can you give me real life example of your workflow, for the store upgrade? what is easier before and after your changes? i'm trying to understand your point, but for me hardcoded shop_url, is one of the smallest problems, in terms of PrestaShop sync between dev and production version
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