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Attachments not visible in product backoffice



When i go to backoffice in Thirtybees 1.0.3 and upload an attachment in "Catalog - Attachments", i am not able to find the uploaded attachment when i go to a product and would like to choose the recent uploaded attachment.

If i dublicate a product with an attachment, the attachment disappears on the new product. If i try to upload the attachment manually in each product, it works fine.

0_1509091550039_Print screen.png

Problem solved 02.01.2018 by following @SLiCK_303's suggestion by replacing the code below in "Classes/Attachment.php"


public static function getAttachments($idLang, $idProduct, $include = true)
    return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS(
        (new DbQuery())
            ->select('a.*, al.*')
            ->from('attachment', 'a')
            ->leftJoin('attachment_lang', 'al', 'a.`id_attachment` = al.`id_attachment`')
            ->leftJoin('product_attachment', 'pa', 'pa.`id_attachment` = a.`id_attachment`')
            ->where('al.`id_lang` = '.(int) $idLang)
            ->where($include ? 'pa.`id_product` = '.(int) $idProduct : '')
            ->where('pa.`id_product` IS '.($include ? 'NOT ' : '').'NULL')


public static function getAttachments($idLang, $idProduct, $include = true)
    return Db::getInstance()->executeS('
        SELECT *
        FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'attachment a
        LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'attachment_lang al
            ON (a.id_attachment = al.id_attachment AND al.id_lang = '.(int) $idLang.')
        WHERE a.id_attachment '.($include ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN').' (
            SELECT pa.id_attachment
            FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attachment pa
            WHERE id_product = '.(int) $idProduct.'
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Yes dublicates loses the attachments but the main problem is that attachments uploaded in "Catalog - Attachments" can't be chosen afterwards in the products, which is a problem if you would like to use the same attachment for several products.

The print screen in the top is an example of how it looks when i edit a product and would like to choose an attachment i already have uploaded, then i can't find the attachment.

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Hi, Is there any progress on this "Attachments not visible in product backoffice" issue? Or is there a workround/permissions thing I can use? This is a pretty serious issue for me. I have been using Prestashop on projects until now but don't like the way things are going. so I thought I would try 30b... This problem is the only issue that has affected me so far and it affects us pretty seriously.

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The issue I see has to do with /classes/Attachment.php. If I take the one outta ps1.6.1.17, it lets me pick the same attachment for any/all products. As I'm not sure the ramifications of swapping out that file, I don't recommend this as a fix, but rather a starting point to troubleshoot the issue.

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Thanks for the responses and i am sorry if I was not as detailed as I could have been. To reproduce: 1. Create an attachment document using: Catalog ->Attachments -> Add new attachment 2. Create a new product using: Catalog -> Products -> Add new product 3. Save the product 4. Attach the document created in step 1 above

My Outcome: The attachment created in step 1 is not visible and so cannot be attached Sometimes it is visible for the first product created but not for any subsequent products


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replace.. public static function getAttachments($idLang, $idProduct, $include = true) { return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS( (new DbQuery()) ->select('a.*, al.*') ->from('attachment', 'a') ->leftJoin('attachment_lang', 'al', 'a.`id_attachment` = al.`id_attachment`') ->leftJoin('product_attachment', 'pa', 'pa.`id_attachment` = a.`id_attachment`') ->where('al.`id_lang` = '.(int) $idLang) ->where($include ? 'pa.`id_product` = '.(int) $idProduct : '') ->where('pa.`id_product` IS '.($include ? 'NOT ' : '').'NULL') ); }

with.. public static function getAttachments($idLang, $idProduct, $include = true) { return Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'attachment a LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'attachment_lang al ON (a.id_attachment = al.id_attachment AND al.id_lang = '.(int) $idLang.') WHERE a.id_attachment '.($include ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN').' ( SELECT pa.id_attachment FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attachment pa WHERE id_product = '.(int) $idProduct.' )' ); }

If you didn't have those two files handy... edit: I modified the first two variables, just to make it more a little more current. It would be nice if it was re-written with the (new DbQuery()) type... hint hint, nudge nudge... ;)

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Thank you everyone,

I have replaced the public static function getAttachments (found in /classes/Attachment.php) with the function as suggested by SLiCK_303 and all is working perfectly.

For me this problem appears solved for the current version. I am guessing that this will be integrated into the development cycle for future versions. I have just checked the github version and it is still at the old version. I am not a code contributor so I cannot do this.


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