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Spend X to get free shipping module


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if you wanna make things more complicated, you need to take /modules/gmgetfreeshipping/index.php and copy that into each of the folders you made. so /themes/transformer/modules/gmgetfreeshipping should have one, views should have one, templates should have one, hook should have one.....(every folder in /themes/Transformer/modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/ should have an index.php file in it).

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it should be... ``` {* * Get Free Shipping PrestaShop module. * * @package gmgetfreeshipping * @author Dariusz Tryba ([email protected]) * @copyright Copyright (c) Green Mouse Studio (http://www.greenmousestudio.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) *} {if $remaining_to_spend > 0}

{l s='Spend another' mod='gmgetfreeshipping'} {convertPrice price=$remaining_to_spend} {l s='to get free shipping for your order!' mod='gmgetfreeshipping'}

{/if} ```

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It's still not working. This code looks like yours but with my preferred way of saying it:

{* * Get Free Shipping PrestaShop module. * * @package gmgetfreeshipping * @author Dariusz Tryba ([email protected]) * @copyright Copyright (c) Green Mouse Studio (http://www.greenmousestudio.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) *} {if $remaining_to_spend > 0}

{l s='Spend' mod='gmgetfreeshipping'} {convertPrice price=$remaining_to_spend} {l s='more for Free Shipping!' mod='gmgetfreeshipping'}


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@daresh said in Spend X to get free shipping module:

Actually those template changes utilize data already present in Prestashop, nothing added by the module. All that this module does is displaying the same info under the cart. So if you want to optimize those messages, you need to work on the template.

Are you able to tell me how to move the "spend X to get free shipping" sentence so that there is a space in between it and my Amazon button?

I included your name in the Screenshot above. (Sorry for the trouble for a free module).

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