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Incorrect display on products with user customization BO



Everything is ok on the bill. In the back office, incorrect data / values are displayed in the order view. Customized products with more than one text box. The sales price is multiplied by the number of text fields in the product column. As if the customer had ordered 4x the same product, eg 4 text fields. The total amount of the order is correct.

0_1512734587820_Screenshot-2017-12-7 Orders Order LDY000114 from Gabrielle Maisonneuve • Lady Dee´s Gradient Yarn-costum-2.png

0_1512734605830_Screenshot-2017-12-7 Orders Order LDY000114 from Gabrielle Maisonneuve • Lady Dee´s Gradient Yarn-costum-1.png

0_1512734616020_Screenshot-2017-12-7 Orders Order LDY000114 from Gabrielle Maisonneuve • Lady Dee´s Gradient Yarn-costum-3.png


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@mdekker thank you. Should I immediately see the correct prices in the view after the changes of the files, or only after the next order of one of these products? Cache etc is emptied, still get the odd wrong prices displayed. Important for me is not currently, the bills are indeed created correctly. Only at first it looks very strange.

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