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[MODULE] Display the savings in the shopping cart


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This module will motivate your customers to finalize their purchases on your site by displaying a banner directly on the purchase with the economy achieved. Features * Display of savings on the shopping cart * Display total saved on all orders made in the customer order history * Savings displayed on each order detail placed by the customer

Personalization The display can be fully customized for each banner display, whether on the shopping cart, order history or order detail. * Customizing the color * Customizing the message for each language * Customizing the icon accompanying the text, and its location

Benefits for the trader With this module you will motivate your customers to order by showing them all the savings they can make by buying on your site. They will have no more excuses not to finalize their purchases. Benefits for customers By discovering the savings they are releasing on your site, they will be happy to reorder quickly and will be more motivated to talk about your site to their friends.


Download it on my own shop or Download it on thirtybees store

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