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Stable PayPal module: Buy conversion leads to order history page

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since PayPal V6's development has stopped and it never left beta status I run the version that comes with ThirtyBees. Version V5.x.x

I consider this one as stable and safe to use in a productive shop.

Anyhow, I followed the documentation that is linked to the module and still have a very big problem:

After buy/conversion customers are send back to the shop's "order history" page. This is very unusual and unhandy for customers as for us since we need to track conversions with Analytics via GTM. This would be much eaiser as I understand it if the module would send the customer to the proper order confirmation page.

Doing a web search I stumbled about a Prestashop forum thread where people seem to have the same or similar problem and Belini explained why: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/527066-paypal-redirect-url-back-to-order-confirmation/

I really need to know what I can do about this in Thirtybees PayPal module.

Do I have to change things in PayPal's developer console? Do I have to install the named beta PayPal module V6.x since I remember Michael talked about a timing problem he worked on in the beta module? This Instant Payment Notification?!

I consider this as urgent since my shop is very much dependent on PayPal and SEA. This does not work if I an not track the PayPal conversions :(

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