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Error 500 from Google Analytics Module - Please help


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I have just migrated my website from PS1.6.1.24 to TB 1.08, everything looked okay and I was prompted after the migtration that several modules needed to be updated. I tried to view the FO and was met with error 500.

I carried out the required updatesm thinking this was the problem. but still error 500 on FO.

I turned on debug and this high lighted the Google Analytics module as the problem.

I have the latest Google Analytics 3.3.5 and Google Analytics API v3.0.1, but I have the API module disabled, so this is not the problem.

I have searched on the forum amd this error has occured for other users.

If I disable the module, the site works fine and there doesn't appear to be any other issues.

I'm not using the default PS theme, but without the module enabled it all seems fine.

Can anybody help please?

Thank you 


Here is the debug report


Call to a member function isRegisteredInHook() on boolean
at line 733 in file modules/ganalytics/ganalytics.php

728.     {
730.         if (Module::isEnabled($name)) {
731.             $module = Module::getInstanceByName($name);
733.             return $module->isRegisteredInHook('home');
734.         } else {
735.             return false;
736.         }
737.     }
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