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Module atributes with fees


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I am looking for someone who is able to add costs to attributes

The text boxes don't have to be single lines

as it stands now the first line costs 4.99 and the rest are £1 per line

than you also have tick boxes for extra add ons which also have a cost.

Would also need to view on orders

I have no idea how much something like this would cost , so at the moment am interested to see


Edited by AndyC
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  • 2 months later...

..Just when I thought all was going well I find this module is STILL giving grief... It works fine for me ,but a customer has emailed me saying they fill everything out but it wont let them checkout so I have no idea how many other people this has affected

All I need is a way to add a fee to text boxes + a drop down list with a fee and a tick box to add extras with a fee .If possible include a single image and be in a tab...

I emailed the guy above and never got a response.. How much would it cost to do something like this in a module form

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