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Carrier/Zone Settings Doesn't Save



Another bug that I'm desperate to get fixed!

I'm trying to create new carrier and zone settings but they aren't reflected correctly in the checkout. 0_1498036439110_1.png

I created a new zone just for Australia and set the country in that zone. 0_1498036458043_2.png0_1498036466410_3.png

However, the checkout doesn't reflect the new Carrier settings. Australia still shows shipping options that should not be available for that zone/country. 0_1498036481136_4.png

Also, a side bug - remaining amount to obtain free shipping is correct in default currency (yen) but just throws a random number in other currencies: 0_1498036493578_5.png0_1498036500034_6.png

I tried: 1. Deactivating the one page checkout module I'm using - no change. 2. Clearing Smarty Cache - no change. 3. Deactivating redis cache - no change.


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