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TB 1.1.0
Theme Niara version 1.1.0

Please tell me how to remove the 'print' button from the single product page?

I see
list-unstyled hidden-print

is there a module or best to just use CSS?

Thank you

2 hours ago, Fernando said:

list-unstyled hidden-print

is there a module or best to just use CSS?

Thank you

As far as I know you will have to delete that part from products' template.
(make a backup first)

Edit /themes/niara/product.tpl

Search for these lines:

              <a href="javascript:print();" title="{l s='Print this page'}">
                <i class="icon icon-fw icon-print"></i> {l s='Print'}

And erase them.

Write this down, as if you update TB this change will be overwritten.


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