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I've been working with Thirtybees v.1.1.0 for some time. Have been importing categories/products using files in .csv format. It's been awesome and very fast, nut now I've encountered a problem with importing products. For some reason, I've been having an error 

Errors occurred:

  • Property FeatureValue->value is not valid
  • Property FeatureValue->value is not valid

This is a strange Error, because I couldn't find any problems with these products...

  • The Character set is UTF-8
  • I'm using LibreOffice so save the .csv files
  • I'm using "^" as the delimeter and had no issues
  • I'm using formulas and VBA scripts to prepare the .csv file
  • I've installed a fresh e-commerce store on my virtual server to check if the file will get imported, but had no luck...

Couldn't find any similar question on the forum, so I hope someone can help me...
I've attached the file I'm having trouble with to this post.

Thank you!

enteronline-pc-si-periferice_16.12.2020_toUpload-ps-small4.csvFetching info...

15 answers to this question

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Found the problem... actually had to start deleting features one at a time... and each feature analyzed... the '=' from 'Încărcături maxime:+3.3 V - 20 А,+5 V - 20 А,+5 V Standby = 3 А,-12 V - 0.3 A;' is with some error... but it seems that the error is not from the 'equal' symbol itself, but rather this symbol got copied with error from the source (maybe something deep, like some 'bits' in the symbol got altered and Thirtybees didn't recognize it... )

Something similar I had with the 'non-breaking space'... visually it's the same, but on bit level it might be different...


Anyway, thank you for your help!

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First, there can be errors with prices. There must be dot (.) intead of comma (,), at least this is my experience. About main problem - try to remove this sign (;) after last value, before ^ sign. This shows system that there is coming next feature, but in reality there is coming next data field. You can do little CSV with one row only to see if this works. No need to edit all. I hope You have testing site for this.

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  On 12/17/2020 at 9:27 PM, led24ee said:

First, there can be errors with prices. There must be dot (.) intead of comma (,), at least this is my experience. About main problem - try to remove this sign (;) after last value, before ^ sign. This shows system that there is coming next feature, but in reality there is coming next data field. You can do little CSV with one row only to see if this works. No need to edit all. I hope You have testing site for this.


Thanks for your answer, but that seems not to be the problem... I've uploaded the file on my test server and it uploaded about half of the products. 

I've separated the file into multiple files and uploaded one by one, and I've attached a file with the problem to this message, because the rest of them uploaded with no problem.

Some time ago I've encountered the problem, that in some places in features or in the product name - there where 'non-breaking spaces' instead on simple spaces, but in this situation - I'm at loss... have no idea what can be wrong with this product... I thought that maybe the "=" symbol in features makes a problem... or the "+" symbol, but there are a couple of other products that were imported without error...

enteronline-pc-si-periferice_16.12.2020_toUploud_ps-(theErrorProduct).csvFetching info...

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Hello. I think too that that trailing semicolon could be the problem (in Garanţie:1608075406;^^00-00046185).

But if it's not, you can try saving your file in Libreoffice's format, .ods, and importing that file into TB.

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  On 12/18/2020 at 12:00 PM, Wartin said:

Hello. I think too that that trailing semicolon could be the problem (in Garanţie:1608075406;^^00-00046185).

But if it's not, you can try saving your file in Libreoffice's format, .ods, and importing that file into TB.


Thanks for your answer... tried all of this...

  • .ods format gives the error "name is too long" for some odd reason... but "Import CSV" shouldn't import other formats then .csv anyway... right?
  • I deleted the "^^" and deleted the ";" at the end (things I didn't do with the previous imports) - didn't work...

I've attached the file that gave me trouble.. This is the only product from the whole list of 3000 products, that is giving me the error Errors occurred:

  • Property FeatureValue->value is not valid


enteronline-pc-si-periferice_16.12.2020_toUploud_ps-(theErrorProduct)1_2.csvFetching info...

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  On 12/18/2020 at 1:14 PM, AlexLopatenco said:

I've attached the file that gave me trouble.. This is the only product from the whole list of 3000 products, that is giving me the error Errors occurred:


Feature is the last column. You can try:

erase the 'comma' in "Încărcături maxime:+3.3 V = 20 А,+5 V"

erase last semicolon "Garanţie:1608075442;"

Maybe it's just too long?

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  On 12/18/2020 at 1:43 PM, led24ee said:

As Wartin said there is limit for characters. There is no point to modify SQL table, better put less info.


This is not it... though, when I deprecated the Features cell and deleted half of it - the product had imported successfully. But it's not the length, because the length of this cell is 570 symbols, and I've imported quite a lot of products with more then 600 symbols in that field...
The comma is not the problem either

This product (red font) had the error (is 570 symbols long), and the next one (green font) had no errors on import (580 symbols long).

  • Form Factor:ATX;Numărul de conectori Floppy:4 pin;PFC:Activ;Putere:550 W;Sistem de răcire:1 x 120 mm;Standard:ATX 12V 2.3 - EPS12V;Tensiunea de intrare:100 - 240 V;Producător plac:Seasonic;Сertificat 80 PLUS:Gold;Numărul de conectori IDE:3 x 4 pin;Numărul de conectori SATA:6 x 15 pin;Tip de conectori pentru carduri video:2 x 6+2 pin;Tipul conectorului pentru placa de bază:20+4 pin;Tipul conectorului pentru procesor:4+4 pin;Încărcături maxime:+3.3 V = 20 А,+5 V = 20 А,+5 V Standby = 3 А,-12 V = 0.3 A;Dimensiuni:150 x 86 x 140 mm;Greutate:2.1 kg;Garanţie:1608075442;
  • Form Factor:ATX;Numărul de conectori Floppy:4 pin;PFC:Activ;Putere:650 W;Sistem de răcire:1 x 135 mm;Standard:ATX 12V 2.3 - EPS12V;Tensiunea de intrare:100 - 240 V;Producător plac:Seasonic;Сertificat 80 PLUS:Platinum;Numărul de conectori IDE:3 x 4 pin;Numărul de conectori SATA:6 x 15 pin;Tip de conectori pentru carduri video:4 x 6+2 pin;Tipul conectorului pentru placa de bază:20+4 pin;Tipul conectorului pentru procesor:4 pin;Frecvența curentă:50-60 Hz;Încărcături maxime:+3.3 V - 20 A,+5 V - 20 A,+12 V - 54 A;Dimensiuni:150 x 86 x 140 mm;Greutate:2.77 kg;Garanţie:1608075409


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  On 12/18/2020 at 3:53 PM, Wartin said:

the very very very last semicolon ';' ?



unfortunately, it's not it... Errors occurred:

  • Property FeatureValue->value is not valid

Tried importing it without the very last semicolon the same error...

I've attached a simple recording of my actions, showing my attempt to upload the file without the very last semicolon into my test local server...

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UHmmmm. What about in the very first row of the csv??




There is a trailing ;...

Pretty weird :D

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  On 12/18/2020 at 4:19 PM, Wartin said:

UHmmmm. What about in the very first row of the csv??




There is a trailing ;...

Pretty weird 😄


The very first row is the "Name row" and it's skipped on import.. By the way: the columns, their sorting and naming is taken from the example .csv file.. 

- very weird.. Especially considering, that I've imported more then 30k with this method.. and I've managed to get a system that's correcting all the errors I've come across a long time.. (things like 'non-breaking space', '/' and '\' symbols in the name and in features, etc. are deleted and/or replaced using vba script in excel, then I'm saving the file as .csv in Libre Office to match the Character set and get the delimiter to "^", because "^" was the only symbol I found, that is not used anywhere else in the .csv file..)

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  On 12/18/2020 at 4:27 PM, AlexLopatenco said:

The very first row is the "Name row" and it's skipped on import.. By the way: the columns, their sorting and naming is taken from the example .csv file.. 


Yes, that's right... but the two products you sent are almost equal... that's why I started looking somewhere else..

Try the .ods way again, maybe you can solve the error you've got.

Just tell us if you find the way, good luck!

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Did You find out what's wrong ? Try to look what this supposed to mean "?nc?rc?turi maxime:+3.3 V = 20 ?,+5 V = 20 ?,+5 V Standby = 3 ?,-12 V = 0.3 A" This is in "red" product. I'm not sure but this combination "?," looks weird.

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  On 12/20/2020 at 5:53 PM, led24ee said:

Did You find out what's wrong ? Try to look what this supposed to mean "?nc?rc?turi maxime:+3.3 V = 20 ?,+5 V = 20 ?,+5 V Standby = 3 ?,-12 V = 0.3 A" This is in "red" product. I'm not sure but this combination "?," looks weird.


I'm almost certain, that the problem is with one symbol that was copied with error...
This "?" is right where special characters are used (the 'special characters' being the characters from my language that are not in the latin alphabet)

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