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Can we have a Bulk Image Select & delete for products?


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Can we have a "bulk select" on the product pages to delete images? There is / was a check box at the bottom of somewhere where you could "select all", etc and delete or whatever you need to do.

This is an example and in order to remove each image you have to click "delete this image".

0_1499367084423_product bulk image select and delete.jpg

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@zimmer-media said in Can we have a Bulk Image Select & delete for products?:

free https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/185401-free-script-prestools-suite-mass-edit-order-edit-and-much-more/

Free is what I can handle for now. Thanks. I have to read his instructions again because I've looked at that module before, but it didn't have what I needed. If it does this, it will be great. I only need it if images get messed up.

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