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Pseudo-automation of data import (product combinations).



Currently I have many products that are on preorder with my shop. All of them are 0 stock for all combinations (of size and color) and I order them if from my supplier if an order comes in.

The issue is that my supplier does not provide me with machine readable stock information that I can use.

A workaround I tried yesterday was with CHATGPT to parse the pages and visually scan them - not good results, 20% errors.

But the bot recommended a Python script - I add a bunch of pages, the code gives me a list (currently) formatted as:

"REF_Nummber": [42, 42.5, 43, 44, 44.5, 46.5],

with sizes. And the quality is above 98%. There are still some errors here and there but I don't care if the percentage is that high.

Every product I have for this selection is only 1 color so the combinations per product are 1x N (N = number of sizes available for purchase). I want the color in the combinations so the customer can filter by it.

The bad thing is that I was unable to find how I can manipulate thirty bees to sync the combinations to those values. Every combination has its own id. Even if I manage to delete unneeded combinations I still end up with the situation that one of them was default and the front end breaks (a message is thrown to the customer to select another combination). At this point I gave up on attempts to add combinations via sql as I think it will be quite hard to implement by myself.

A module that can create combinations based on a list of values and save them also would be helpful!

Does anybody have any clues how something similar can be achieved?

Currently I have the following routine.
1. pull the available sizes in the same format as above from my install
2. pull the available sizes with my supplier
3. compare both arrays and spit out movement changes - add or delete sizes and I regenerate the combinations via the Comb. generator.

This saves me 80% or more of my time but I still want to implement further automation if possible.

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