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Which File to Override for Validation while Saving Products



I am receiving errors when saving product descriptions and short product descriptions that contain links that have the javascript onclick function per below.

This code results in the errors

×2 errors

  1. The description field (English (English)) is invalid.
  2. The description_short field (English (English)) is invalid.
<a title="Subdomain Availability Check" dir="ltr" onclick="window.open('https://crew-mgr.com/website-check/','Subdomain Check','width=600,height=750,left=500,top=50');return false;" href="https://crew-mgr.com/shop/home/1-new-website-with-2-month-subscription.html" target="_self"><span style="color: #3d00ff;">Check Subdomain Availability</span></a>

I know that when editing the product and saving it, there is a validation that takes place, and the onclick is probably causing the validation to fail. What I don't know is which files are used to conduct the validation. I have worked around this by manually saving the raw html in the database with phpMyAdmin.

Can anyone provide assistance on which file is used to conduct the validation for saving a product so I can override it to validate the code with the onclick?

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