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add $other from invoice and delivery adr to invoice if customer fills field in customer data/registration



I added into HTMLTemplateInvoice.php /classes/pdf/

$data = [
            'order'                      => $this->order,
            'order_invoice'              => $this->order_invoice,
            'order_details'              => $orderDetails,
            'carrier'                    => $carrier,
            'cart_rules'                 => $cartRules,
            'delivery_address'           => $formattedDeliveryAddress,
            'invoice_address'            => $formattedInvoiceAddress,
            'addresses'                  => ['invoice' => $invoiceAddress, 'delivery' => $deliveryAddress],
            'tax_excluded_display'       => $taxExcludedDisplay,
            'display_product_images'     => $displayProductImages,
            'layout'                     => $layout,
            'customer'                   => $customer,
            'footer'                     => $footer,
            'legal_free_text'            => $legalFreeText,
            'addnote_invoiceadr'     => $invoiceAddress->other, 
            'addnote_deliveryadr'    => $deliveryAddress->other 

Then I added different infomartion into the field "other" in invoice and delivery adress of the customer. But problem is that the invoice shows only the data from the inoice fields.

my template: 

				{if $addresses.invoice->other}
					<td class="payment left small grey bold" width="44%">{l s='Zusatzangabe' pdf='true'}</td>
					<td class="payment left white" width="56%">
						<table width="100%" border="0">				
									<td class="right small">
				{if $addresses.delivery->other}
					<td class="payment left small grey bold" width="44%">{l s='Zusatzangabe' pdf='true'}</td>
					<td class="payment left white" width="56%">
						<table width="100%" border="0">				
									<td class="right small">{$addnote_deliveryadr}


What am I missing? 

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