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How to create overrides to change truncate values for blockcart/crossselling.tpl to remove "..." in products name?



Hello wonderful people,

Is it possible to create overrides to change truncate values for themes/niara/modules/blockcart/crossselling.tpl, themes/niara/modules/blockcart/includes/dropdown.tpl and themes/niara/modules/blockviewed/blockviewed.tpl ?

I modified those tpl files so to have higher truncate values in order to remove "..." from products names, but would rather use overrides so I leave the original system files intact.

How do I do this, do I just copy the entire modified tpl files in:




Any advice on how to do this would be appreciated...






1 answer to this question

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The override mechanism does not work for front-office themes.

You can do it this way:
1. in the /themes/ directory, copy the /niara/ directory to, for example, /niara-mytheme/
2. in the Preferences -> Themes: "Advanced settings" configuration, change the directory for the Niara theme to "niara-mytheme"
After such a change, the Core Upader will not overwrite the files from your "niara-mytheme" directory.

And the truncation of the product name in the cart is also performed in ajax-cart.js





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