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Yabber last won the day on April 4

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  1. With Stripe -> Przelewy24 integration, I already had problems in old version of module. Every few, several payments transaction was not confirmed. Therefore, I disabled this integration and in new version of module I did not enable it either.
  2. ThirtyBees 1.5 and 1.6 (bleeding edge) support PHP 8.3 and MySQL 8.
  3. Thank you. Payment has tested, works perfect 🙂
  4. And is it possible to add BLIK payments to the module? https://docs.stripe.com/payments/blik
  5. We have no way of forcing customers to provide an order number from our store in a bank transfer order. And the vast majority of customers do not provide order numbers. And what happens in such a case? Does the module somehow try to match the order to the payment? For example, by the customer's personal or address information.
  6. In OPC order mode, when customer logs in, the card data fields are not loaded. Only after refreshing page are these fields loaded. Old version of module does not have this error.
  7. I use this module: https://github.com/d1m007/gshoppingflux I reworked it a bit for my needs and adapted it to PHP 8.3
  8. If you download product data to GMC from an XML file generated in store, then you can force the download of this data at any time in "Data Sources" configuration. And with the standard GMC configuration, then google updates them once a day, too.
  9. Prestashop templates have a lot of errors when it comes to structured meta data. And unfortunately thirtybees inherited these errors 😞 In product.tpl template the code: <meta itemprop="price" content="{$productPrice}"> correct to: <meta itemprop="price" content="{$productPrice|string_format:'%.2f'}"> And according to google requirements, prices sent to GMC must be with tax: https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/6324371?hl=pl
  10. Uninstall and delete "tbupdater" module, and install "coreupdater" module.
  11. In order-detail.tpl template, modify this code: {if $order->gift} <p><i class="icon icon-2x text-success icon-gift"></i> {l s='You have requested gift wrapping for this order.'}</p> <p><strong>{l s='Message'}</strong> {$order->gift_message|nl2br}</p> {/if}
  12. These columns have no static width. In a responsive table, the width of columns scales dynamically depending on the amount of content in columns.
  13. In my opinion, this preservation of these archival JS and CSS files is completely unnecessary.
  14. Disable "Keep JS and CSS files" option in CCC section and clear cache.
  15. It's worth checking if you have some module from prestashop with security vulnerabilities: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=prestashop
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