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About this blog

Since they say this is the place to put tips and tricks.  I will add my guides here from now on.  Among other ramblings.

Brent aka Factor

Entries in this blog

Database tuning Tid Bit

All: I wanted you all to have this its just a tid bit of a Guide I am working on for MariaDB and or Mysql.  I wanted to tell you about a cool tuning script called tuning-primer.sh.  Should work on CentOS 7 if you have other disto may need to install bc with other package manager. #requires bc to be installed yum install bc -y #install and correct permissions cd /usr/bin wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattiabasone/tuning-primer/master/tuning-primer.sh -O tuning-primer.sh chmod +



Factor's Corner

Hey All: I wanted to introduce myself..  Couldn't find a "Hello I am" post.  Since most folks here have a Pen or Ghost name you all can call me Factor or Brent.  I have been in the IT world for almost 30 years.  Mostly on the Application side in the the Healthcare IT world.  I was also a emergency room nurse hence the healthcare IT.  I have mostly done SysAdmin or Architect type jobs.  I am not what most would call a programmer or a coder.  I understand networking, posix systems, windows, m



Tips and Tricks - General guide to email and blocklist

All: I wanted to put this here for others.  It's a good general guide to email and blocklists.  If you are using saas, cloud, or managed hosting you shouldn't need this guide. If you have your own server unmanaged using cpanel, plesk or others you might find it useful. As always it's a living document.  Feel free to correct or add to it. Hope it helps. Blacklist Email Guide.docx



Tips and Tricks - Prestools install

All: I wanted to put this here for those they might be a bit more "Visual" like me.  I am not affiliated with, own or maintain Prestools. That is @musicmaster  I have spoken to him and he has allowed me to post the guide. I hope you all find it useful.  If you find error or issue please feel free to correct or update the document.  It is only how to Install not use the software.   Prestools install guide.docx



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