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Posts posted by 30knees

  1. Under Localization> Translations one can select "Email templates translations". One then can select the theme one is using or the core.

    Can I make changes to the core and these will get pulled to the theme if the theme doesn't have its own translations?

    Also, what happens to the modifications during theme/core updates?

  2. @Havouza Directives set out the framework, but within that framework everyone has to comply by making their own local law. All EU countries have a unit price obligation. It might vary in the details, but generally it will be the same. That is why in (large) supermarkets throughout the EU you will always find for things like ketchup, etc. the unit price indicated.

  3. I followed the instructions here:

    https://www.prestashopmanager.com/useful-articles/how-to/how-to-export-prestashop-attribute-combinations/ and https://www.prestashopmanager.com/useful-articles/tips-tricks/tips-on-how-to-import-prestashop-attributes/

    You first need to input the attributes manually in the new store, so eg Color (red, blue, green). I also entered the categories manually. But after that you can export all the products from the old store and then import them into the new store.

    Make sure the tax settings are the same, too, if you import with prices.

  4. I think it's a question of style. IKEA only used informal speech in Germany, and people love it. Banks, on the other hand, are typically very formal. That's why I think having two localization packs is a good idea. Let the merchant decide whether they'd like to use formal or informal speech.

  5. A lot of menus allow menu elements to be ordered, but only on a per element basis.

    I think an ordering by language would be a great advantage.

    As an example, if I want the following alphabetic order in English:

    Apples, Lemons, Pears

    It wouldn't work for German. We can only hard code the order of each element without regard to the language, meaning that "Lemons" stays in second place, even though in German it would need to swap places with "Pears":

    Äpfel (Apples), Zitronen (Lemons), Birnen (Pears)

    We used the following code as a semi fix for an alphabetical ordering of the elements in the iqitmegamenu:

    $sorttitles = array(); foreach($tabs AS $tabkey => $tabrow) { if ($tabrow['position'] == 1) { $sorttitles[$tabkey] = 'AAAA'; // Force first tab on first position (HOME button!) } else { $sorttitles[$tabkey] = strreplace(array('ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'ß'), array('a', 'o', 'u', 's'), mbstrtolower($tabrow['title'])); } } arraymultisort($sorttitles, SORTASC, $tabs);

    Perhaps it's useful for some other menu modules, too.

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