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  1. the.rampage.rado's post in core updater report was marked as the answer   
    Probably you installed a version that is not 'native' to your server PHP version.

    Go ahead and update those. Also check your db structure (the button on top right) - if changes are present there - apply those too.
  2. the.rampage.rado's post in Does the TB Google Analytics module support GA4? was marked as the answer   
    Currently not. You can embed your gtag manually via the Custom Code function. Paste it in "Add extra metas to the header" section. This also works with Multistore (simply switch shop context and add the relevant G Tag).
  3. the.rampage.rado's post in Error installing No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA module was marked as the answer   
    If you're not using the latest version of the module please download it from here: https://github.com/thirtybees/nocaptcharecaptcha

    Prior versions had this issue when you set 0 login attempts in it to skip the contact form checkbox. This was fixed in later versions.

    Also I recommend those settings (no spam as of now):

     And all the rest to the bottom on YES.
    An older version also had this bug where it did not delete it's overwrites and it did show an error related to it. Also if you have a overwrite with the same name already active you have to merge it manually. Or if you had the other recaptcha module (from PS) you need to delete it completely before installing this one (which is better!).
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