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Everything posted by VinceMax

  1. THANK YOU. 3 years late... but it's better than none :) Actually I was away because of the pandemic.
  2. VinceMax


    @datakick Oh my G..., just when I finally decided to register in the forum after reading your posts and code for months! I was following this project from long time ago and all I can say is that your devotion to the project was one of the biggest factors that made consider using TB and switch in the future to paid support. These are really sad news, but hey... I respect your decision (who ami I anyway) and understand that there are times when one has to make changes in his life. I remember the beginning where Lesley had some trouble and you were supporting with @Traumflug and refused to give up. You are a warrior @datakick and that ain't gonna change even if you wouldn't be around here. THANK YOU SO MUCH, be safe!
  3. @Rhapsody Thank you, you're awesome!
  4. Forever grateful to the Thirtybees Team for making my dream come true:

    Ecommerce SOLUTION that rocks!👍

    Read more  
  5. In addition to what @Traumflug said, the fact that you are able to delete a record from the cart header is a matter of debate btween merchants. they don't want it to TOO easy to access... presumebly it has to do with the customer psychology and "help him maintain" his decision de buy the product. I'm no expert but I'd say it depends on your customers; if they are for example tech junkies, they may get frustrated and you'd better take undo that commit, otherwise it's best to stick with the THIRTYBEES well-thought roadmap. your Call.
  6. @Rhapsody I'm interested to have a look at the modified files you mentioned. Sounds like a great feature. Could you please post a link to the files for trying out. Thanks A lot. Vince
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