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Everything posted by Mediacom87

  1. 2.0.0 - 08/12/2023 Ajout de scénarios pour le nettoyage des images de produits dans la base de données et des fichiers sur le serveur Amélioration du traitement des scénarios de suppression avec des résultats importants Prise en charge de plusieurs magasins pour indiquer si un module n'est actif que dans certains magasins Chargement asynchrone des données pour une meilleure expérience utilisateur
  2. 2.0.0 - 08/12/2023 Added scenarios for cleaning up product images in the database and files on the server Improved processing of deletion scenarios with large results Multi-shop support to indicate whether a module is active only on certain stores Asynchronous data loading for enhanced user experience
  3. * @copyright 2008-today Mediacom87 * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/AFL-3.0 Academic Free License version 3.0
  4. On my site, the exchange rate is updated every 30 minutes. On Addons, I don't know. On both sites, the starting price is set in euros.
  5. Exactly, the license explicitly forbids appropriating my work and transforming it for commercial purposes. Of course you can adapt the module's operation and code for your site if it doesn't do exactly what you want, although it would be preferable to let me know your requests to see if I can integrate them into the module as I've already done for many users, because they come up with interesting ideas and a vision different from mine. After that, if it doesn't suit you, don't worry, develop your module to get exactly what you want, that's how the majority of developers in this community do it. The module code is open source, but not available for you to do just anything with.
  6. Sorry, but I don't understand, it's exactly the same price.
  7. Hi, I confess I don't quite understand your message. 1- yes, the development of a demonstration of a module capable of breaking everything must be limited, precisely to prevent an ill-intentioned user from having fun destroying the demonstration at will. 2- You're talking about the database backup module, which is presented on this forum in French and English, as on all the sites on which it is referenced. If you have any questions about these two modules, don't hesitate to contact me, either via the forum, my website or the Addons messaging system.
  8. Hi, I now only manage my modules from my site management and cleanup module, especially on my customers' 1.7 and 8 stores, as the list of modules is impossible to manage properly.
  9. 1.4.0 - 10/05/2023 Automatic definition of the quarter preceding today's date to facilitate declarations Improved compatibility with PHP 8 Updated all libraries versions
  10. 1.4.0 - 05/10/2023 Définition automatique du trimestre précédant la date d'aujourd'hui pour faciliter les déclarations Amélioration de la compatibilité avec PHP 8 Mise à jour de toutes les versions des bibliothèques
  11. 1.1.0 - 08/29/2023 Added compatibility with PrestaShop 8 Added compatibility with PHP 8.1 Add a customizable message to be displayed on the registration form for new customers Add an option to choose whether to display this message above and/or below the form Addition of the new customer's company name to the validation table, if this information is provided by the customer DataTables library updated to 1.13.6
  12. 1.1.0 - 29/08/2023 Compatibilité ajoutée avec PrestaShop 8 Compatibilité ajoutée avec PHP 8.1 Ajouter un message personnalisable à afficher sur le formulaire d'inscription pour les nouveaux clients Ajouter une option permettant de choisir d'afficher ce message au-dessus et/ou au-dessous du formulaire Ajout du nom de l'entreprise du nouveau client à la table de validation, si cette information est fournie par le client. Mise à jour de la bibliothèque DataTables vers la version 1.13.6
  13. Mediacom87


    Hi, I propose a Captcha system that doesn't go through Google and allows you to block specific domains or emails to avoid messages or registrations. It also allows you to add the sender to the list of forbidden email addresses with a simple click when you read a message in the SAV section. https://www.prestatoolbox.com/security/423-anti-spam-mathematical-captcha.html
  14. Hi, If I understand correctly, you don't want to add UTM tags to your links?
  15. You can find the right codes directly on GitHub, the changes were made a few months ago. https://github.com/thirtybees/niara/tree/c40cdc57489873c5fb13c0f585d03a432f894ebf/modules
  16. Hi, the url for retrieving images is no longer correct in the themes' TPL files. On Niara, for example, you need to replace the line src="{$link->getMediaLink("`$smarty.const._MODULE_DIR_`homeslider/images/`$slide.image|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'`")}" by src="{$link->getMediaLink($slide.imageUrl)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" in themes/niara/modules/homeslider/homeslider.tpl
  17. 3.4.0 - 08/07/2023 Added compatibility with PrestaShop 8.1 Fix compatibility with PHP 8.1 Improved module UX
  18. 1.8.1 - 07/25/2023 Fixed a bug when analyzing installed modules Correction of a bug in the deletion scenario for customers considered deleted DataTables library updated to version 1.13.5
  19. 1.8.1 - 25/07/2023 Correction d'un bug lors de l'analyse des modules installés Correction d'un bug dans le scénario de suppression des clients considérés comme supprimés Mise à jour de la bibliothèque DataTables vers la version 1.13.5
  20. 1.8.0 - 06/14/2023 Added option to install a module directly from the module cleaning tab Add an option to change the prefix of your database tables
  21. 1.8.0 - 14/06/2023 Ajout d'une option permettant d'installer un module directement à partir de l'onglet de nettoyage des modules Ajouter une option pour changer le préfixe des tables de la base de données
  22. 1.7.0 - 06/01/2023 Improved cleaning procedure for abandoned baskets to avoid errors if there are many to delete A new scenario has been added to clean up the modules folder if there are files or folders that don't belong there. Improved module UX Add an option to uninstall a module Integration of module version numbers when downloading modules Add last execution date for each Cron task
  23. 1.7.0 - 01/06/2023 Amélioration de la procédure de nettoyage des paniers abandonnés afin d'éviter les erreurs s'il y a beaucoup de paniers à supprimer. Un nouveau scénario a été ajouté pour nettoyer le dossier des modules s'il y a des fichiers ou des dossiers qui n'y ont pas leur place. Amélioration de l'interface utilisateur du module Ajouter une option pour désinstaller un module Intégration des numéros de version des modules lors de leur téléchargement Ajouter la dernière date d'exécution pour chaque tâche Cron
  24. 1.6.2 - 05/25/2023 Improved compatibility with PHP8 Added an option to delete several uninstalled modules at once Display the size of the temporary image directory Addition of an option facilitating multiple selection for certain scenarios
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