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Everything posted by Mediacom87

  1. If you know how to predict the future, I let you answer, personally, I don't have a crystal ball, I don't know how TB will behave with its code and even less if I will manage to keep compatibility with all versions of PrestaShop since 1.6. I removed the compatibility with 1.5, 8 years after the release of the last version 1.5, I think I made enough effort to respect the users of this version, the others certainly made a thoughtful choice and certainly do not need my services to continue working.
  2. Thank you for alerting me to this problem, after testing, I see the same thing as you, so I will quickly propose a corrected version of the module that will integrate the VAT of shipping costs to the VAT report. I have already found the solution, but I will take the opportunity to check the compatibility of the module with PHP 8.
  3. Hi, my captcha module, antispam, allows you to block automatic emails as well as domains recognized as spammers and certain email addresses with a simple click.
  4. 1.5.0 - 02/03/2023 Fix bug if statssearch module is uninstalled Added a security option by allowing database backup if you have installed my database backup module
  5. 1.5.0 - 03/02/2023 Correction d'un bug si le module statssearch est désinstallé Ajout d'une option de sécurité en autorisant la sauvegarde de la base de données si vous avez installé mon module de sauvegarde de base de données
  6. Hi, The module is finally available on Addons
  7. 1.1.0 - 01/30/2023 Removal of unnecessary data from certain tables to reduce the size of the database without compromising recovery Added database size as a badge on the backup tab for better visibility
  8. 1.1.0 - 30/01/2023 Suppression des données inutiles de certaines tables pour réduire la taille de la base de données sans compromettre la récupération. Ajout de la taille de la base de données en tant que badge sur l'onglet de sauvegarde pour une meilleure visibilité
  9. 1.4.1 - 01/28/2023 Fixed a bug on the display of badges on the tabs Added information about the size of the database Fixed a bug in the display of information icons in the pages Adding the directory in the modules table to identify the module folder copies
  10. 1.4.1 - 28/01/2023 Correction d'un bug sur l'affichage des badges sur les onglets Ajout d'informations sur la taille de la base de données Correction d'un bug dans l'affichage des icônes d'information dans les pages Ajout du répertoire dans la table des modules pour identifier les copies du dossier du module
  11. 1.0.1 - 01/28/2023 Added information about the database in the FAQ section
  12. 1.0.1 - 28/01/2023 Ajout d'informations sur la base de données dans la section FAQ
  13. 1.4.0 - 01/26/2023 Added a new option to delete the folders of modules present on the server but not installed Added an option to download the archive of a complete module folder, useful before deleting it permanently Performance improvement Addition on some tabs of the module of the number of erasable data Improved security of this module by giving user rights only to SuperAdmin employees Unfortunately, the increase of the security forces me to withdraw the demonstration of the module, I will have to propose a video of demonstration of use of it in the next weeks.
  14. 1.4.0 - 26/01/2023 Ajout d'une nouvelle option pour supprimer les dossiers des modules présents sur le serveur, mais non installés Ajout d'une option permettant de télécharger l'archive d'un dossier complet de module, utile avant de le supprimer définitivement Amélioration des performances Ajout sur certains onglets du module du nombre de données effaçables Amélioration de la sécurité de ce module en donnant des droits d'utilisateur uniquement aux employés de SuperAdmin Malheureusement, l'augmentation de la sécurité me contraint à retirer la démonstration du module, il va falloir que je propose une vidéo de démonstration d'usage de celui-ci dans les prochaines semaines.
  15. Hi, Your site is hosted on a Unix server and it is forbidden to use spaces. If you use spaces, they must be encoded to be interpreted properly by Unix. Perhaps a simple variable escape to treat them as URLs might work, but this is bad practice in any case, no capital letters and no spaces or special characters.
  16. A major update to the module has been released, adding new security features such as an anti-spam blocker that blocks over 22,000 domains at installation. You can also easily identify and add email addresses to your discussion threads with the new button. Additionally, you can delete individual threads when viewing them, providing a great boost to your support management. 3.0.0 - 01/05/2023 Added an option to block email addresses based on their domain or a particular email address Added over 22,000 known spammer domains Adding a first email address known to be spam Added a button in threads to add or remove an email address from the banned email list Added a button in the threads to delete the viewed thread
  17. 1.3.2 - 01/06/2023 Correction on a defect of saving the configuration of the elements to be integrated in the cron tasks
  18. 1.3.2 - 06/01/2023 Correction sur un défaut de sauvegarde de la configuration des éléments à intégrer dans les tâches cron.
  19. Hello, Here is my last module of the year 2022 which will become an essential for you during the year 2023. It will allow you to automatically and regularly backup your PrestaShop store database using a cron task. You can schedule the reception of the archive thus created directly by email. Of course, a small passage of my previous module allowing to clean your database just before will avoid saving useless data and consuming space. For once, I do not propose a demonstration of this module since it is only accessible to employees with a SuperAdmin profile, all this in the principle of a reinforced and essential security. Download: Prestatoolbox: https://www.prestatoolbox.com/security/464-database-backup-module-for-prestashop-a-simple-and-efficient-solution.html Addons: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/data-migration-backup/90418-fast-and-optimized-database-backup.html Photos:
  20. Salut, Voici mon dernier module de l'année 2022 qui deviendra un indispensable pour vous durant l'année 2023. Il va vous permettre de sauvegarder automatiquement et régulièrement à l'aide d'une tâche cron la base de données de votre boutique PrestaShop. Vous pouvez programmer la réception de l'archive ainsi créée directement par email. Bien entendu, un petit passage de mon précédent module permettant de nettoyer votre base de données juste avant évitera de sauvegarder des données inutiles et de consommer de l'espace. Pour une fois, je ne propose pas de démonstration de ce module puisqu'il n'est accessible qu'aux employés ayant un profil SuperAdmin, tout cela dans le principe d'une sécurité renforcé et indispensable. Téléchargement : Prestatoolbox : https://www.prestatoolbox.fr/securite/464-module-de-sauvegarde-de-base-de-donnees-pour-prestashop.html Addons : https://addons.prestashop.com/fr/migration-donnees-sauvegarde/90418-sauvegarde-rapide-et-optimisee-de-la-base-de-donnees.html Photos :
  21. 1.3.1 - 12/29/2022 Fixed a bug that prevented to view a thread for the scenario: Customer thread about an order Add a better security on SQL queries Added more information on how to use the module
  22. 1.3.1 - 29/12/2022 Correction d'un bug qui empêchait d'afficher un fil de discussion pour le scénario : Fil de discussion d'un client à propos d'une commande Ajouter une meilleure sécurité sur les requêtes SQL Ajout d'informations supplémentaires sur la manière d'utiliser le module
  23. Mediacom87

    prestashop 8

    The system is based on a subscription per module. Currently, they propose to some developers with bestsellers on Addons to integrate this system.
  24. Mediacom87

    prestashop 8

    Hi, the update module has just been released yesterday. Moreover, version 8 is cleaned from all commercial modules and forced advertising of PrestaShop and therefore, becomes a real open source project https://www.prestashop-project.org/ Except, that PrestaShop is going to propose its custom bundle with all its commercial offers including all the latest modules they develop by subscription system, the first one being PS Metrics. PrestaShop's argument is that anyone could create their own bundle and sell it as they want, except that their whole system is as poorly documented as the rest. The PrestaShop community applauds with both hands, without realizing that PrestaShop will eat their fingers one by one.
  25. 1.3.0 - 12/21/2022 Add a tab to clear the cache Adding a cron job to clear the cache Fixed a bug when saving changes in the module configuration
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