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Everything posted by LCortes

  1. Dear zen, as you know, I'm new in TB, and as far as I went, I simply love it. I just know your module 30min ago, and I love it. Just few remarks to contribute for this: - when apply changes to theme, it take so long to take effect on website. I refresh page page with F5, but take long time... is that normal, or is my ISP? - in "theme settings - colors - header" is that possible to add more fields? the "Header Navbar background color" works fine, but is not possible to change the text color of Navbar. - i dont understand at all programming, but I would like to offer (for free, of course) my contribution. Maybe I can translate for Portuguese. At first sight the module is simply great. Thank you
  2. Dear zen. Thank you for your reply. My store is only for test purpose before I put it in production. It's acttualy at www.lcortes.eu PHP version is 7.0 because I need it for other site, but after TB is in production state, I can upgrade it. My host is shared, in a portuguese ISP: www.ptisp.pt I did what you recommend. First I had to update, then I disable, then uninstall, and finally install again. The result was that in tab of customer group everything is ok, no duplicate entrances and no altered options. Dear zen, the result was exceptional. Thank you once more.
  3. Dear all. First of all let me congratulate the thirtybees team. This looks awsome software. Second, please apology me for my bad english. After a fresh install of thirtybees, the front page looks amazing, and everything works smooth. Then, with no other any changes at all, I edit the customer group to show the prices with taxes, and when I save the changes, the front page show nothing but thirtybees logo. Come back to customer group and noticed that all options are OFF. Strange thing... Then, I put very options ON again, and front page look nice, but without BLOG. Come back again to customer group, and noticed that BLOG options are duplicated, as you can see at picture that I attached. Even when I put all BLOG options ON, the BLOG dont show at front page. Can everyone help me please? Thank you very much Luis Cortes
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