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Tuan Pham

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Tuan Pham last won the day on September 13 2020

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    Owner of Delight Depot, a premium gift shop of 3D pop-up greeting cards and handmade quilling cards
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  1. Please disregard my previous question. I found the cause of my issue. Here are more details in case they help anyone else. When I edited a file in PayPal module using Emacs, Emacs created a backup file with ~ at the end (e.g., incontextvalidate.php~). I believe TB sees this new file as a new page and adds it to table tb_meta. Later, when I click on Preferences > Themes > Advanced Settings, Panda loads the pages but TB fails on validating incontextvalidate.php~ as a valid file name (due to the ~ character). To fix this, I needed to remove the backup file and remove that corresponding record in table tb_meta.
  2. I ran into a similar error when clicking on Preferences > Themes > Advanced Settings Property Meta->page is not valid in file classes/ObjectModel.php at line 1058 Source file: classes/ObjectModel.php 1039: * @throws PrestaShopException 1040: * 1041: * @since 1.0.0 1042: * @version 1.0.0 Initial version 1043: */ 1044: public function validateFields($die = true, $errorReturn = false) 1045: { 1046: foreach ($this->def['fields'] as $field => $data) { 1047: if (!empty($data['lang'])) { 1048: continue; 1049: } 1050: 1051: if (is_array($this->update_fields) && empty($this->update_fields[$field]) && isset($this->def['fields'][$field]['shop']) && $this->def['fields'][$field]['shop']) { 1052: continue; 1053: } 1054: 1055: $message = $this->validateField($field, $this->$field); 1056: if ($message !== true) { 1057: if ($die) { 1058: throw new PrestaShopException($message); 1059: } 1060: 1061: return $errorReturn ? $message : false; 1062: } 1063: } 1064: 1065: return true; 1066: } 1067: 1068: /** Current thirty bees version: 1.1.x PANDA theme version: v 1.5.5 Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?
  3. See my post here for a temporary fix:
  4. While I have not fully understood the PayPal module code yet, the following change to the modules/paypal/controllers/front/incontextvalidate.php file fixed the issue for me: Line 75, change from $ppc->id_customer = $this->context->customer->id; to $ppc->id_customer = $customer->id; My guess is that while the module creates the customer record, the customer has not logged in and thus it is not available in the context. I'd appreciate if thirtybees developers can confirm if my change is good or not.
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