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The Pellet Guy

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Posts posted by The Pellet Guy

  1. As per the title 

    I have a new product that many shops cannot get their hands on and every day sometimes twice a day I get a customer adds all the remaining stock of that product to the cart  then does the off  and never buys the item

    the system classes them as a guest as they are not registered,  Is it possible to obtain the IP address of that user  are there any tricks I can use to capture the culprit  ( I think its another shop playing games )

    Im not overly bothered as it meens im attracting the attention of my competitors but would love to know if its the same person doing this since the day I went live

  2. Logged into my server and was greated with the message below,  am I likely to run into issues  just hitting the upgrade now button or should I take lots of precauctions prior  obviously I will take the regular backups just a bit concerned at pressing any buttons latley and have been taking the if its not broken dont try to fix it route



    sql issue.JPG

  3. Solved it seems to have been a facebook permission issue  by allowing under 18's to visit my facebook site it magically started working  which isnt good when we sell products for over 18's




    This is the blockfacebook TPL

    Im having some annoying issues with this module  put any facebook page in and it shows on the front end of the cart no problem,  use my company page https://www.facebook.com/PuffDadE/ and it doesnt show,  is there a difference between groups and pages and the way in which they have to be entered in the modules section, I have just been copying the link from facebook as usual, 


    {if !empty($facebookurl)}
            <div id="blockfacebook" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4">
                <h3 class="title">{l s='Follow us on Facebook' mod='blockfacebook'}</h3>
                <div id="fb-like-box-container" style="overflow: hidden;">
                    <div class="fb-page" data-href="{$facebookurl|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" data-width="360"
                         data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="false"
            <div id="fb-root"></div>

  4. 5 minutes ago, bhtoys said:

    There's a courier service I'd like to use, but they don't deliver to all cities in the area. 
    Is there a way to allow deliveries - or at least, specific fees, to specific zip / postal codes?


    Are you in the UK?  I had a similar problem  and Installed UK Counties pack by teapot creative, works fine on Bees  but only wittles down to Counties

    it helped in the sense I could increase the cost to scottish highlands, Islands, Shetland Guernsey Jersey isle of Man etc which some won't deliver too but didnt drive down to postcodes which would have been a nice touch 


  5. After I got hacked my main business webshop which is based on Presta was trashed after many days trying to fix it and lots of help from you guys i got it back live  but it had problems it was working to the point all the retail stores I run had the ability to operate ok via POS which was a massive help obviously we all need income but it was running with a major online issue, customers could not order online via a mobile device as the cart was missing (fine on a desktop)  I tried many reccomendations to fix the issue I have exhaused all backups  trying to fix  and decided to build a fresh cart with Bees.

    Bees is benching faster its easier for me to manipulate to look how i want it too it, was a project in the pipeline anyway just didnt want to be forced into it.


    What I have done so far

    Installed Bees  to website.co.uk/shop  

    Existing website is website.com/shop


    Migrated using migration pro  this took a long time  200,000 orders  23,000 customers  and 1500,00 products  it stalled a few times but always picked up where it left off 

    Checked data and images (all seem fine) 

    Checked all orders  (all seem fine)  some of the stats are blank im guessing one or two stats modules need enabling

    Checked customers  ( there are password issues )  not sure how to fix this yet but have a set of dummy logins I use to check things and make test purchases etc  and it failed,  had to reset passwords this could be a problem for the other 23,000  customers  I have left the MPro module switched on as I see it requires this for passwords, I will have to look at this later, 

    Checked paypal is working (all good so far)

    Checked mobile users have a cart once adding a product (all works fine)

    Installed my POS this seems to be running fine a few missing images I need to work on that and no amount of regenerating the thumbnails  works on this instance, im guessing a module issue or maybe image type  I will fix that later.

    Checked search function  and its doing exactly as it is supposed to  and very quick too

    I have adapted the site got most of my modules working and im nearly finished asthetically,  just a few bits go and a little more testing



    This is the part im a little confused on

    my plan is during a slow period (after midnight on a weekday) run MigrationPro once more to update the latest orders and customers

    Put the live site into maintenace Mode

    Rename the current live site site old on the server

    Transfer the entire .co.uk Bees site (shop folder) over to the .com folder on the server

    Rename the new Bees store URLs to .com from .co.uk from the multistore tab (3 shops)

    Im guessing I have to regenerate the access file and robots file too


    Is there anything else I need to think about during this transistion?, is it as simple as that for the SEO's  do all the internal URL's for each product automatically gain the .com extension once I change the main URL? and will google essentually pick up where it left off with my ratings.


    Sorry if this post looks a bit newby  but im on a huge learning curve with all this, I have learnt bundles so far and its actually been quite interesting and has expanded my knowledge no end but often fall over on what im sure you guys find the simplest of tasks.













  6. I can confirm it seems to be migrating fine with   it did stall a couple of times with customers and orders  but to be fair on this particular project I have 23,000 customers and over 200,000 orders aross 4 stores I guess this is quite a chunky site migrate, However its picked up where it left off and is in its final stages.

    I havnt had time to anylise the data yet  but will crank some numbers tomorrow to see if the financials from the orders on Bees match the original data its worked a lot better than CS Cart to Bees migration Pro module I used for the last site, where the structure of the catagories had to be rebuilt  and many products didnt move across

    • Like 1
  7. Guys sorry to keep posting but made some progress from the last post restored a data base backup from the 26th of August  I have lost a few sales and some product additions  but the prices are back

    from that I can presume my database has been got at the additional products and banners and bits i made  I can re add   but how can i get the customers and sales added back efficiently ?


  8. Fresh site added to server worked out how to drop the database in  (this has been one serious learning curve)  same result  everything works fine no prices on the shopping cart 😞

    Now I know how to add a database im going to try an old database backup, at least then if the prices show I know the database has been got at if they dont I need to start looking at Thirty Bees Files






  9. Thanks Zen  


    A little update on this,  A deep server scan found over 170 instances of malware, thats additional to the files Astra removed from the two main website directories files were installed mainly in log folders in examining some of those files the content was quite shocking and it also looked like I was running some kind of sports tv server.

    I have been removing these and rescanning periodically and it looks as if I have removed everything thats bad from the server Im just doing a final scan to check  the integrity of the server hopefully thats the end of it,  what was happening is I missed a couple of bad scripts and everything was back again the next day, lesson learnt!


    This still leaves me with 1 small issue and im pulling my hair out over this one

    I mentioned before that all the prices are missing from the website, so I made a test product followed the same route as before and no prices are visable,  I have checked and re checked show prices, turn off catalogue mode etc etc  and still no prices. please note all the prices are still intact and correct from the individual products page  and the master products page

    My question is  would this be a database  issue?  (my concern of course is im trying to avoid a total rebuild)  and if yes using a fresh set of files with the old database would result in the same issue  or is this more likely to be a core file thats been over written and if so which one,  I have used the core updater a couple of times to replace changed files  and it fixed the issue first time round but not this time.

    I can't help thinking Im somehow locked in Catalogue mode





  10. My Bees site has gone wrong again all the prices vanished at around 12.30 BST  today  looks like I still have a rogue script doing some damage in the background,  I tried the core updater and this time i wasnt so lucky  so back to maintanence mode while I dig through it all again, whats strange this time is all the prices of the products appear and are correct when i open the back office products tab,  it just isnt transferring to the front end and there is no option to add to cart,  its almost as if the site is in catalogue mode  although that feature is clearly off

    Im also not getting any errors in debug mode

    Anyone have any clues?



  11. You guys have been life savers   each and every one of you, both sites are now working as they should be.

    Thank you for all the offers of help but I had to do this myself otherwise I will never learn,  4 hrs sleep in 2 days has taken its toll im shatterred and im going to have a beer and bed

    I would like to share this little peice of gold i came across during this journey,  Astra firewall and malware scan module  its helped me get back up and running and works fine on Thirty bees  I was scepticle at first as it isnt the cheapest module but then what price do we put on our business, and now its sitting there in the background monitoring for issues.

    Thanks guys It meens a lot having you guys on the end of a keyboard



    • Like 2
  12. 4 hours ago, pauld said:

    Could you archive somewhere affected files? Im interested in finding a way and more in how/what their code can do to TB...

    I could zip these up and put them into a dropbox folder  not sure how safe that is  

    The good news is i have one shopping cart back up and running its back in business and making sales my 3 retail stores now have a working POS and we can move forward,  all the malicious files have now been removed from the server and Im working on the  thirty bees site now it looks like this site was hit a little harder I Have got the site visable but all the product prices have been changed to zero cost, and I cannot get the catergory images to load, all other images are fine itried regenerating images but that didnt work,  in debug mode its chucking up a lot of errors mostly based around  config/defines_uri.inc.php  can i copy a fresh version across of this file or is it site specific and changes depending on the installation 



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  13. I think i found one of the issues somehow the hacker has uploaded a folder called bajatax via one of my Presta sites the day the problem started it looks like it was uploaded via a prestashop module,  they just defaced everything a couple of hours after this was installed,  now to find out what module they used  I found a lot of php files installed the same time  

    hacked 1.JPG

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