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The Pellet Guy

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Posts posted by The Pellet Guy

  1. 2 hours ago, Wartin said:

    You can try to see if there is a niara folder inside /themes. If there is, maybe you can rename it to niara-off and upload a full brand new /themes/niara directory from the thirtybees zip full instalation package, using FTP.

    If you don't have a backup, before trying anything else, just pack the whole TB instalation in a zip and download it.

    Well that done the trick  made a copy of the installation and saved on the server then onto another learning curve,  had to set up and learn FTP  ok for you youngens, at 55 things don't work as they should, 🙂  so i downloaded a new installation extracted the themes  renamed the existing niara theme to niara-old   ftp'd over the new themes  went for an install of Niara theme and it worked so repeated with the community theme,   now the community theme works again and i have full visuals,  all products dummy orders  and  customers i imported are all good and apart from what i was trying to fix it all works again.   

    whats bugging me  is why were pre installed theme files corrupt or missing key files in the first place,

    now just need to get the blog to show, the copyright to appear and sort out this click and collect issue. 


    Thank you so much Guys really apreciate it 



    • Like 1
  2. I have  cleared cache  and turned maintenance mode off  refreshed tried to reload and same result

    what is strange is there are 2 instances of Niara theme on themes page  and no option to install community theme 

    i tried Niara again and the result is  Attempt to install theme Niara despite its invalid config.xml.  

    my initial install of Bees was via softaculous from Cpanel and then i purchased and used the CS Cart to Bees conversion tool, im wondering if my entire proceedure was flawed from the off as i had a lot of problems importing from CS Cart.

  3. Today I upgraded to bleeding egde 1.1.x after a reccomendation and its fixed a fair few of the issues I was having 

    However I went 1 step too far I tried to switch to the Niara Theme and thats where it all went wrong  bad xml file i recall was the error, now im left with a blank front end except my logo

    the Bees config says im still using community theme although im presuming this theme switch failed and its over written a few things that are required,  I have searched for this issue and not really found a comprehensive answer as to how i can fix this given my situation,  no back ups  and no server back up.

    Can I re install the community theme,  or do i need to export everything I can, and do a fresh install and re insert all the products images and descriptions  everything is still visable in the back office dummy orders products  product details  customers  and customer details .

    Any help would be apreciated I was due to go  live at the weekend 

    Thanks in advance





    Server information Linux #1 SMP Tue Mar 17 23:49:17 UTC 2020 x86_64

    Server software version Apache

    PHP version 5.6.40

    Memory limit 1024M

    Max execution time 0


    MySQL version 5.6.47

    MySQL server localhost

    MySQL name puffdade_thbe465

    MySQL user puffdade_thbe465

    Tables prefix tbl7_

    MySQL engine InnoDB

    MySQL driver DbPDO


    thirty bees version 1.1.0-1.1.x

    Shop URL http://www.thepelletguys.com/

    Current theme in use community-theme-default



    Changed/missing/obsolete files have been detected.

    Obsolete files (5)

    • vendor/bin/update-versions
    • vendor/bin/semver
    • vendor/bin/generate-defuse-key
    • admin/CoreUpdaterBackup-2020-07-14--09-01-33
    • admin/error_log




    front end.jpg

  4. In degug mode this is what I get



    Cannot use object of type Carrier as array

    when rendering smarty template themes/community-theme-default/order-opc-advanced.tpl

    Source file: themes/community-theme-default/order-opc-advanced.tpl

    1:{if $opc}
    2:  {assign var="back_order_page" value="order-opc.php"}
    4:  {assign var="back_order_page" value="order.php"}
    7:{if $PS_CATALOG_MODE}
    8:  {capture name=path}{l s='Your shopping cart'}{/capture}
    9:  <h2 id="cart_title">{l s='Your shopping cart'}</h2>
    10:  <div class="alert alert-warning">{l s='Your new order was not accepted.'}</div>
    12:  {if $productNumber}
    13:    {include file="$tpl_dir./order-payment-advanced.tpl"}
    14:  {else}
    15:    {capture name=path}{l s='Your shopping cart'}{/capture}
    16:    <h2 class="page-heading">{l s='Your shopping cart'}</h2>
    17:    {include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"}
    18:    <div class="alert alert-warning">{l s='Your shopping cart is empty.'}</div>
    19:  {/if}
    20:  {strip}
    21:    {addJsDef imgDir=$img_dir}
    22:    {addJsDef authenticationUrl=$link->getPageLink("authentication", true)|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}
    23:    {addJsDef orderOpcUrl=$link->getPageLink("order-opc", true)|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}
    24:    {addJsDef historyUrl=$link->getPageLink("history", true)|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}
    25:    {addJsDef guestTrackingUrl=$link->getPageLink("guest-tracking", true)|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}
    26:    {addJsDef addressUrl=$link->getPageLink("address", true, NULL, "back={$back_order_page}")|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}
    27:    {addJsDef orderProcess='order-opc'}
    28:    {addJsDef guestCheckoutEnabled=$PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED|intval}
    29:    {addJsDef displayPrice=$priceDisplay}
    30:    {addJsDef taxEnabled=$use_taxes}
    31:    {addJsDef conditionEnabled=$conditions|intval}
    32:    {addJsDef vat_management=$vat_management|intval}
    33:    {addJsDef errorCarrier=$errorCarrier|@addcslashes:'\''}
    34:    {addJsDef errorTOS=$errorTOS|@addcslashes:'\''}
    35:    {addJsDef checkedCarrier=$checked|intval}
    36:    {addJsDef addresses=array()}
    37:    {addJsDef isVirtualCart=$isVirtualCart|intval}
    38:    {addJsDef isPaymentStep=$isPaymentStep|intval}
    39:    {addJsDefL name=txtWithTax}{l s='(tax incl.)' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    40:    {addJsDefL name=txtWithoutTax}{l s='(tax excl.)' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    41:    {addJsDefL name=txtHasBeenSelected}{l s='has been selected' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    42:    {addJsDefL name=txtNoCarrierIsSelected}{l s='No carrier has been selected' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    43:    {addJsDefL name=txtNoCarrierIsNeeded}{l s='No carrier is needed for this order' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    44:    {addJsDefL name=txtConditionsIsNotNeeded}{l s='You do not need to accept the Terms of Service for this order.' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    45:    {addJsDefL name=txtTOSIsAccepted}{l s='The service terms have been accepted' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    46:    {addJsDefL name=txtTOSIsNotAccepted}{l s='The service terms have not been accepted' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    47:    {addJsDefL name=txtThereis}{l s='There is' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    48:    {addJsDefL name=txtErrors}{l s='Error(s)' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    49:    {addJsDefL name=txtDeliveryAddress}{l s='Delivery address' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    50:    {addJsDefL name=txtInvoiceAddress}{l s='Invoice address' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    51:    {addJsDefL name=txtModifyMyAddress}{l s='Modify my address' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    52:    {addJsDefL name=txtInstantCheckout}{l s='Instant checkout' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    53:    {addJsDefL name=txtSelectAnAddressFirst}{l s='Please start by selecting an address.' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    54:    {addJsDefL name=txtFree}{l s='Free' js=1}{/addJsDefL}
    56:    {capture}{if $back}&mod={$back|urlencode}{/if}{/capture}
    57:    {capture name=addressUrl}{$link->getPageLink('address', true, NULL, 'back='|cat:$back_order_page|cat:'?step=1'|cat:$smarty.capture.default)|escape:'quotes':'UTF-8'}{/capture}
    58:    {addJsDef addressUrl=$smarty.capture.addressUrl}
    59:    {capture}{'&multi-shipping=1'|urlencode}{/capture}
    60:    {addJsDef addressMultishippingUrl=$smarty.capture.addressUrl|cat:$smarty.capture.default}
    61:    {capture name=addressUrlAdd}{$smarty.capture.addressUrl|cat:'&id_address='}{/capture}
    62:    {addJsDef addressUrlAdd=$smarty.capture.addressUrlAdd}
    63:    {addJsDef opc=$opc|boolval}
    64:    {capture}<h3 class="page-subheading">{l s='Your billing address' js=1}</h3>{/capture}
    65:    {addJsDefL name=titleInvoice}{$smarty.capture.default|@addcslashes:'\''}{/addJsDefL}
    66:    {capture}<h3 class="page-subheading">{l s='Your delivery address' js=1}</h3>{/capture}
    67:    {addJsDefL name=titleDelivery}{$smarty.capture.default|@addcslashes:'\''}{/addJsDefL}
    68:    {capture}<a class="btn btn-success" href="{$smarty.capture.addressUrlAdd}" title="{l s='Update' js=1}"><span>{l s='Update' js=1} <i class="icon icon-chevron-right"></i></span></a>{/capture}
    69:    {addJsDefL name=liUpdate}{$smarty.capture.default|@addcslashes:'\''}{/addJsDefL}
    70:  {/strip}
  5. Hi Guys

    Im not massivly experienced with Thirty Bees but have had an online store with Presta 1.6  for a number of years now that is very busy, when i see Thirty Bees  I just had to have a look

    So I decide to move my new business (1 year old)  from CS cart to Bees, build the site then when ready release the beast and shut down the CS cart version, (I purchased and used the CS Cart to Bees Tool)

    With the help of you guys its been going really well, im using the community theme I have added all the products images product descriptions set up the payment options and everything was looking good, run numerous tests  dummy purchases  refunds  etc  I have set up all the legals  and im ready to go. (was going to go live tomorrow)

    Last night I decided to do one more dummy purchase  and populate the Bees Blog from the Cs Cart site and its all gone wrong  error 505  when i try to access the checkout and the blog has vanished I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the blog  to no avail,  the only edits I have made to the blog settings is disabled on mobiles, I had one error yesterday when I tried to install  the customer loyalty and reward module when i hit install i got the warning this module is already installed  which I thought was strange as it wasnt actually visable to configure it.

    Can anyone offer me any advice on which way to move with this, I have obviuosly checked a button I shouldnt have somewhere  but have no real clue


    My Config currently looks like this 



    This information must be provided when you report an issue on our bug tracker or forum.


    Server information: Linux #1 SMP Tue Mar 17 23:49:17 UTC 2020 x86_64

    Server software version: Apache

    PHP version: 5.6.40

    Memory limit: 1024M

    Max execution time: 0


    MySQL version: 5.6.47

    MySQL server: localhost

    MySQL name: puffdade_thbe465

    MySQL user: puffdade_thbe465

    Tables prefix: tbl7_

    MySQL engine: InnoDB

    MySQL driver: DbPDO


    thirty bees version: 1.1.0

    Shop URL: http://www.thepelletguys.com/

    Current theme in use: community-theme-default


    Mail method: You are using the PHP mail() function.


    Your web browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36




  6. Nailed it

    Whats happened  where i have converted from CS cart the user groups guest  visitor and customer were all set on cs cart to tax excluded  so a quick trip to  each user group and a change to Tax Included and problem was solved

    However that EU Compliance I like as it adds the packed product weight under the price which I like as all my postage is weight dependant customers can get an idea before checkout 


    Thanks for your help Colorful-ant

  7. Hi Guys


    I have a niggle that I can't seem to sort out,  im based in the UK so using UK tax rules VAT 20%   under the prices tag I have added all the prices in the correct boxes and the software calculates the Tax however my store is showing the prices excluding Tax  I would really like tax included price to show and cannot for the life of me find out how to do this.   

    Can anyone assist me on this


    screen shot added of how it is currently



  8. Hi Guys

    Im wondering if anyone can help me with this

    i want to add an image as the background to fill the black area  is this possible?  I have added a screen shot, I would like the same image to appear globally


    Thanks in advance 



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