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Everything posted by xjoy

  1. I migrated my site from TB 1.1 to 1.4 and it worked on PHP 7.4. I switched PHP to 8.1 and updated files by AdminCoreUpdater. Now there is problem with AdminPerformance, AdminModules, AdminPayment, AdminStockCover - HTTP ERROR 500 I changed defines.inc.php: define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); but see no debug. No log in <mysite.com>/public_html/log Apache log: - - [11/Jan/2023:18:02:54 +0100] "GET /admin/index.php?controller=AdminPerformance&token=34cc34debcf59b36a000666f2843e4ab HTTP/2" 500 0 "https://<mysite.com>/admin/index.php?controller=AdminCoreUpdater&token=c54b73057c9cbfdcf6a6ad589e3f576c" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" PL - How can I check what is wrong? There is problem after migration with homeslider.tpl in community-theme-default - it looks to old directory for images. New one is: src="{$link->getMediaLink("`$smarty.const`/img/homeslider/`$slide.image|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'`")}" On PHP 8.1 the problem is with themeconfigurator.php - the lack of brackets: 'context' => (Configuration::get('PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE') == 0) ? 1 : (($this->context->shop->getTotalShops() != 1) ? $this->context->shop->getContext() : 1) Thank you for great support 🙂
  2. xjoy

    Supply orders

    I have a solution. IN AdminSupplyOrdersController.php line 2095: if ($idSupplier) { // $query->where('ps.`id_supplier` = '.$idSupplier.' OR p.`id_supplier` = '.$idSupplier); $query->where('ps.`id_supplier` = '.$idSupplier); } Second, add index ALTER TABLE TB_product_supplier ADD INDEX product_supplier_reference_idx (product_supplier_reference);
  3. xjoy

    Supply orders

    Any idea how can I track this problem? There is no bug inside (I enabled bugtracking). When profiler is switch on, dynamic search doesn't work. I just migrated my shop from Presta 1.6.18 -> -> TB 1.0.8 -> TB 1.1.0
  4. xjoy

    Supply orders

    It works extremely slow. We have about 6500 products and 1000 products from our main supplier. Products lists appears after 20 seconds and it seriously slows down the server. Search for reference doesn't work. version 1.1.0
  5. Solution: update ps_configuration set value=0 where name='PS_DISABLE_NON_NATIVE_MODULE';
  6. I want to migrate my shop xjoy.pl from PS 1.6.18 to TB 1.1.0 . There was some technical issues but it works :) . An example of migrated shop https://xjoy.pro-linuxpl.com/ Now I have problems, than I cannot solve. I have some modules configured: Block Category Products, Product Comments, Loyalty, but I cannot see them up and working. Is this problem with theme or hooks? For example Block Category Products hooks are: displayFooterProduct, displayHeader Theme is community-theme-default version 1.1.0
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