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Everything posted by purechoice

  1. Do I have to do them 1 at a time? I did not see a select all and have it do it. Also, do I touch the ones that say dangerous?
  2. I want to change the wording out of stock to something else. I am using the PANDA theme. Any idea how to do this? I usually would go to translations but it does not list the Panda theme to make the changes. Any ideas?
  3. Under Database Schema I have hundreds of these. Do I have to hit apply fix and if so is there a way to do all or have to hit it hundreds of times?
  4. regenerated and seems good so far. Thanks
  5. is there a way to just have this site?
  6. BINGO!! thats did it. its installed. Now I will see what other trouble I can get into. Thank you all fro your help. Solution- You need 1.1.0 . 1.0.8 does not work.
  7. OK, looks like I am getting somewhere now that I am at 1.1.0 . I have to ftp in delete the panda thats there and try again.
  8. ok so maybe this is the problem. MY TB is 1.0.8. OK, let me upgrade that and see if that works. I only installed TB yesterday and downloaded it yesterday so I dont know why it did not do the latest version.
  9. I will give that a shot. Should I be installing the theme fro 1.7 or TB
  10. Just tried the coreupdater also, but no change
  11. yep done that also 😞 I tried downloading the theme again and also tried the FTP method. No go either way,
  12. I saw this but I have 1.0.8 so it still should not be a problem
  13. Did you load the theme from Preferences---Themes- then ADD Theme ?
  14. I just installed TB 1.0.8 When I bought the Panda Theme about an hour ago, it came with 3 version TB, 1.6, 1.7 . I tried all 3 and all 3 says bad configuration file
  15. Yes I have. Just very frustrating when you buy something and it does not work 😞
  16. I have the latest and googling through it looks to be a common problem so looking for a solution.
  17. I just installed 1.0.8 and bought Panda. When I go to preferences--themes and add theme I get Bad or missing configuration file. I tried he TB version the 1.6 and the 1.7 one. All the same error. I even tried to do it through FTP but it does not show up in my themes. Anyone know whats wrong?
  18. Anyone know how to fix these pictures.
  19. I just upgraded to TB and so far so good. The only thing I found so far is my invoice total font is too large now, any idea how to fix it?
  20. That did the trick. Thanks a bunch
  21. Ran into a problem. When I went to do the coreupdater I get this error Found modules which can disturb operations of this module. Please uninstall them. These modules are: autoupgrade I dont see this module listed anywhere
  22. I am on 1.6.17. The TB website says you need a min of 1.6.23
  23. I see I need prestashop 1.6.23 in order to do the migration. The 1 click from prestashop keeps stalling on me and I cannot get to thier 1.6.24 in order to just start the TB upgrade. Anyone know of a better way of doing this that works?
  24. Thank you
  25. I uploaded the thirty bees zip file but I dont see it in the modules section to run. I then ftp'd it to the modules section and extracted it. Still cannot see it. How do I get the migration started? I am using 1.6.17 prestashop, Please help
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