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Kevin13952 last won the day on June 19 2024

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  1. Are you able to share what the configuration error was? I'm unable to receive emails from my site, even though TB syas they are sent . If you know what configuration changess your host made, that could help others.
  2. I've tries testing the Contact Us page and it doesn't send to an email address. I can view it in the back office, but when I respond, it doesn't send an email response to the sender. I also have Newsleter Pro and the "TEST" email works perfectly, but it won't send when I try to test sending to multiple recipients. I get the following error message: Error : <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Error: Wrong parameters for Exception([string $message [, long $code [, Throwable $previous = NULL]]])</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="description" content="This store is powered by thirty bees." /> <style> html { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.4; color: #222; background: white; } body { padding: 0; margin: 0; font-size: 14px; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } .header { background-color: #f6d426; color: black; padding: 10px 25px; } .footer { background-color: #f6d426; color:... I'm including the error message in case it helps narrow down why my site isn't sending emails. I've alos used a test.php file on my site with the following testing code, and it worked fine. But still can't send emails via ThirtyBees: <?PHP $sender = '[email protected]'; $recipient = '[email protected]'; $subject = "php mail test"; $message = "php test message"; $headers = 'From:' . $sender; if (mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers)) { echo "Message accepted"; } else { echo "Error: Message not accepted"; } ?>
  3. @wakabayashi I'm trying to save my Orders Settings but keep getting the following error. (see attached) Ideally I'd like every penny a customer spends to equal the same number of coins (10.10 spent = 10.10 coins), but with an exchange rate of 10% (10.10 coins = 1.10 cents voucher) REFERRAL REWARD BUYER would get the same ((10.10 spent = 10.10 coins) REFERRAL REWARD REFERER would get 20% of the Referral BUYERS purchase in coins.
  4. @wakabayashi I really love this module and the capabilities it has! Very powerful and versatile! I have one question: Does this REPLACE the TB loyalty module? (should I disable the TB Loyalty module?) Or does it work in conjunction with the TB Loyalty Module? Again, THANK YOU for such an awesome contribution!
  5. I'm using the TB Newsletter Block for newsletter signup. It includes a field for a Voucher Code; which I created and pasted the voucher code in the module settings. I created a new test customer using an email I have access to, and I signed up for the newsletter subscription. But NO EMAIL was sent with a voucher code. No Voucher Code is available in the customer account dashboard. Why is it not sending the code? How do I get it to send it? P.S. My website email is functioning correctly because I've tested the Contact Us page and am receiving the emails from that.
  6. A built in Newsletter composer and sending feature would be great. Newsletter PRO is probably the best there is, but something with even basic WYSIWYG capability and product iiserting and blog post inserting would be awesome. Emil marketing companies charge a premium as your subscriber base goes up. Thirtybees could be a higher value shp if it helped offset that price with a premium membership module that's included in the existnig silver and higher memberships.
  7. @datakick I'm trying the free version of Conseqs module. I'm very interested in it for multiple things in my shop. However, I've imported the Package to send voucher after an approved review, and it's not sending the voucher by either email or by adding it to the customers account. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. I've attached a screenshot of the settings if you could give me some guidance. Thank you!
  8. Check each blog post to see if the "Language" box is checked. I discovered that it is NOT checked by default (Though it should be in my opinion), and that prevents the blog from displaying on the front office
  9. Not all modules work the same way. Some modules simply install and then you find them on the left menu and configure from there. Others you configure in the Modules dashboard by finding the module and opening it to configure. Obviously I was brain dead and looking everywhere exceptin the Module dashboard to open the Blog Module and configure from there. Couldn't see the forest for the trees.
  10. When i test by adding items to the cart, I add until I reach the "Free Shipping" amount I set in shipping preferences. If I'm below the Free Shipping amount, everything works fine. If I'm above that amount I get the following notic in the cart: The product selection cannot be delivered by the available carrier(s). Please amend your cart. How do I get TB to apply Free Shipping when a customer gets over the amount set in shipping>preferences?
  11. I have the same problem. Clean installation on php 8.1. Softaculous install. Blog not showing up. I see that you posted weeks ago and got no response. Ridiculous. Wish I could be of help to you.
  12. I just got this error after testing a live payment: ThirtyBeesDatabaseException Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '=' in file modules/revws/classes/subscription.php at line 49 SQL SELECT COALESCE(s.subscribed, c.newsletter, 0) AS `subscribed` FROM tbu7_customer c LEFT JOIN tbu7_revws_subscription s ON (s.email = c.email) WHERE c.id_customer = 1 Source file: modules/revws/classes/subscription.php 30: private $subscribed = null; 31: 32: public function __construct(Settings $settings, $customer) { 33: if (is_object($customer)) { 34: $this->customerId = (int)$customer->id; 35: $this->email = $customer->email; 36: } else { 37: $this->customerId = (int)$customer; 38: } 39: $this->mode = $settings->getEmailRequestConsentMode(); 40: } 41: 42: public function isSubscribed() { 43: if (is_null($this->subscribed)) { 44: $sql = " 45: SELECT " . self::getSqlExpression($this->mode, 's', 'c') ." AS `subscribed` 46: FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."customer c 47: LEFT JOIN "._DB_PREFIX_."revws_subscription s ON (s.email = c.email) 48: WHERE c.id_customer = ".$this->customerId; 49: $res = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql); 50: if (isset($res[0]['subscribed'])) { 51: $this->subscribed = !!$res[0]['subscribed']; 52: } else { 53: $this->subscribed = false; 54: } 55: } 56: return $this->subscribed; 57: } 58: 59: public function getEmail() {
  13. Where can I change the Title nameof the globalblog module? On the Front Office, customers see the title and breadcrumbs as "Bees Blog". I need to change it so it's custom and fitting for mt store. I looked in translations and didn't see it. Theres nothing in the Blog settings itself that I can find. Perhaps I'll have to use File Manager and edit the actual file itself? If so, That's ridiculous. Why would people want their websites to all say "bees blog" if your site has nothing to do with bees?
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