I just got this error after testing a live payment:
Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='
in file modules/revws/classes/subscription.php at line 49
SELECT COALESCE(s.subscribed, c.newsletter, 0) AS `subscribed`
FROM tbu7_customer c
LEFT JOIN tbu7_revws_subscription s ON (s.email = c.email)
WHERE c.id_customer = 1
Source file: modules/revws/classes/subscription.php
30: private $subscribed = null;
32: public function __construct(Settings $settings, $customer) {
33: if (is_object($customer)) {
34: $this->customerId = (int)$customer->id;
35: $this->email = $customer->email;
36: } else {
37: $this->customerId = (int)$customer;
38: }
39: $this->mode = $settings->getEmailRequestConsentMode();
40: }
42: public function isSubscribed() {
43: if (is_null($this->subscribed)) {
44: $sql = "
45: SELECT " . self::getSqlExpression($this->mode, 's', 'c') ." AS `subscribed`
46: FROM "._DB_PREFIX_."customer c
47: LEFT JOIN "._DB_PREFIX_."revws_subscription s ON (s.email = c.email)
48: WHERE c.id_customer = ".$this->customerId;
49: $res = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql);
50: if (isset($res[0]['subscribed'])) {
51: $this->subscribed = !!$res[0]['subscribed'];
52: } else {
53: $this->subscribed = false;
54: }
55: }
56: return $this->subscribed;
57: }
59: public function getEmail() {