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Everything posted by ssimard

  1. I am trying to get autocomplete to work in the keywords field but can't figure how to do it. The tags are created using tagify (https://github.com/alicial/jQuery.Tagify) and the demo is working fine.. It is supposed to work with JQueryUI autocomplete so I've added 'ui.autocomplete' to the list of js files in the controller. Is there any other dependencies ? Anyone got this to work ? Here's the Javascript I am using in informations.tpl: ``` {literal} {/literal} ``` Sorry, I hit the post button too early.. here's a screenshot of the field (keywords is 'Mots-clés' in french) :
  2. @foolab Yes it is, I changed the images names.
  3. Awesome, I did just that and it fixed it, many thanks !!
  4. I did, turned it on for you. Let me know once you've seen it so I can turn it back off please. Make sure you do not rollover a thumbnail on page load.
  5. After loading a page, if I hover on the image, I get that camera image following my cursor and no zoom is happening. As soon as I hover or click a thumbnail then go back to hovering the main image, the zoom works.
  6. Hi everyone, I have just put my website online and I was asked why I was not using JqZoom instead of fancybox. I forgot why at first but now I remember why, can anyone help me fix that ? When I load a page at first, it looks like it was not initialized properly. It's working only after I rollover on a thumbnail. Here's a screenshot of what I get if I don't rollover a thumbnail first (the camera image is following the cursor):
  7. @foolab said in My site has finally launched !: I like it. Why do you choose to not use jqZoom? I think that can be a good solution to read book covers. I completely forgot why.. long process, I may revisit my decision eventually but I think there were issues with it.
  8. @wakabayashi said in My site has finally launched !: @ssimard is the "auteurs" thing a module? Did you develop it by yourself? This site is a great example! I hacked the suppliers into authors ;-) Best way I found to do it !
  9. @piet said in My site has finally launched !: It looks great. Can you tell us what theme you used? I took a copy of the default theme and built it all myself !
  10. @davidp said in My site has finally launched !: @ssimard I'd watch some of those titles, given the international visibility you're getting. I bring to question the Brathwaite - Isabelle Masse one. Oh i'm just the programmer in the shop, we are an International book editing company, they choose the titles, not me ;-) This one is not used in a pejorative way, Brathwaite is a well know comedian around here and he probably choose that title himself since it's his biography. He is a black man and probably wanted to play with words.. I see your concern but our company is very serious, there should be no problems with titles.
  11. Thanks guys :-)
  12. Greetings to all, It's been a lot of work but I've finally launched my Thirtybees website yesterday ! I can't thank everyone enough for this platform which has been nothing short of amazing for me. The TB staff has been exceptional and always helped when I needed it, same for the community which I have seen growing everyday. I started checking for an e-commerce solution about 2 weeks before the very first TB version. I've been lucky to jump on board at the very start, with the first release and have no regrets at all. TB is the best thing that happened in my professional life last year :-) If anyone care to take a look, you can view my website at https://www.quebec-amerique.com/. I have yet to turn the cache ON since we released yesterday so it might look a little slow, but otherwise is working fine. We are selling books and ebooks and it has been a real challenge to make this work properly. I sell only in Canada for now and the site is exclusively in french, sorry for that :-) I hope this is not considered spamming, I was very excited to show you all what I did, especially since I modified the main theme completely. You're welcome to give constructive comments, we are going to keep working and improve this site now that it's online. Cheers ! Sylvain
  13. Just wanted to let you know that changing the default language image for products with no image via the language tab does NOT create the 2x retina versions. Only the 1x are created. I did not fix it since it's easy to bypass by uploading all the different default 2x images in the img/p/ folder manually. Here's a screenshot of the language screen where you can change the default image (again, sorry for the french). It is the Image "Aucune image" option.
  14. I hear you, lost over 2 days trying to find the answer. Working 6 months on a store only to be unable to upload products, priceless ;-)
  15. That was exactly it Lesley ! Raised fcgi idle timeout to 250 and it is now working :-) Thanks a lot, have a great evening, I know I will, cheers !
  16. Just asked them thanks, will report back.
  17. As per my isp: The errors in the logs just say the process aborted. Still waiting for them to send me the actual log file. The only difference from my test computer is that FPM/FastCGI is used on the external server while I am using Apache 2.0 Handler as a server API locally.
  18. Will check this out, been trying to get my isp to look at the logs since yesterday and just noticed that they had the error logging off on the server facepalm Managed server so I can't check myself.
  19. I did add the errorThrown in the code and it is an internal server error. Happens in the importNow function of import.js after the ajax call, see below:
  20. It is not related to the products datas as I can import them all just fine when they don't have images or have only 1. It really seems to be related to images creation.
  21. Raised it to 600 and got the error again after the same execution time which is about 1 minute really. Does not seems to be a factor.
  22. Thanks Troy will give it a try and report back.
  23. Local setup has maxexecutiontime set to 30 while I had it set to 80 online..
  24. Good morning everyone, I am having an issue with the csv products upload batch and was wondering if anyone have seen it before and knows what is happening. I am able to batch upload just fine all my producst and get all the images created on my local XAMPP setup using the same php version. I am running php 5.6.30 locally on an OSX Sierra computer. Online is Debian 3.16.39 with php 5.6.30 as well. Thirtybees 1.0.3. I am running imagemagick on both servers using the TB extension as well. Mind you, I did test with or without it and it did not make a difference so it is not related to it. All my products have 3 images to create, if I change all my products to use only one image in the csv (always the same) it will create them all without issues. With imagemagick turned ON, it is creating only 5 products. With it turned OFF, I could create 10 once but it crashed as well. (when products have 3 images) The error says nothing, I have nothing in the logs, nothing in the php logs either. If I turn debug mode ON I get nothing more usefull either. After the error as been outputted, the script continue and creates the 5 first products (checking in the TB products table, it is taking from 1 to 2 minutes to get them all created, they keep going until the fifth is eventually created and does not go further). So there is some kind of a loop that seems to be creating them 5 by 5 and does not move to the next iteration apparently. This was a long post, sorry, trying to give as much infos as possible. Thanks for any help, screenshot of the error follows.
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