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Everything posted by ssimard

  1. If anyone is interested by this, I did solve my problem by adding a product attribute id parameter to the public static function getIdTaxRulesGroupByIdProduct() in the Product class and worked my magic in there. Not really a general fix but it is working for me and I can give you more details if you're ever looking to do the same (which I doubt since I may be the only one having this particular issue). Of course had to adapt the following classes/controller that were calling it as well: override/controllers/front/ParentOrderController.php (Added) override/classes/tax/Tax.php (Added) override/classes/order/OrderSlip.php (Added) override/classes/order/OrderDetail.php (Added) override/classes/Product.php (Modified) override/classes/Cart.php (Modified)
  2. @marci123 said in Different tax rules for combinations, possible ?: Maybe a product bundle could be a solution where the buyer can choose to buy one or the other? That's an idea but it will still require the creation of 3 different products. I already found a way to do it that way without bundles and make it look like a combinaison but I would like to avoid having different products when theorically, it is the same book 'content' while the format is the only difference.
  3. @lesley Looks like I have some work to do then :thinking: I'll come up with something but it won't be pretty and unique to my shop most likely. I wish I could avoid that.. maybe I should put pressure on the government to change their tax rules on books instead :pray_tone1:
  4. Hi, this is a very specific case. For my store, I am selling books. They come in 3 possible combinations: paper, epub, pdf. However, the way combinations work, the tax rule is applied to the whole product (which would normally make sense but not in my case). For books, I need different tax rules for paper and ebooks. In Canada, books are only taxed at the federal level which is the GST (5%). But this does not apply to ebooks which are considered standard products and should be taxed both at the federal and provincial level. GST + QST for Quebec and so on.. So a paper book would have a 5% tax but a pdf of the same book would have a 15% tax (rounded for my example). Creating the rule is not the problem as it is working fine, but applying different rules to different combination of a product is. I was going to overwrite this like I've did with the shipping option of the checkout (which is causing the same exact issue since the paper has to be delivered and the ebooks downloaded) but taxes are spread all over the place and I can't think of an easy way to do it. Any modules already doing this ? Anyone has a suggestion ? My only other way to do that is to use different products for paper and ebooks but this does not look sexy.. Thanks for your thoughts. Sylvain
  5. Found the issue, there was a leftover from a module I had deleted. Module was called 'virtualcombinaisons'. Closing this, sorry.
  6. Hi everyone, not sure what I have done but I am unable to upload files to virtual products anymore. I get a message saying that the file was uploaded successfully but the radio button turns itself back to the 'no file' position. It's been working fine before but left it aside while developing other functionalities. Just found out that it was broke, at least on my end. Running 1.0.3 on both my dev and production sites. both broken. Sorry for the french interface but here's a few screenshots that demonstrates what I mean, any help appreciated :
  7. Hi everyone, I'm located in Canada and I need to show taxes details on my invoices. I've been able to do it in the pdf file, see picture below: However, I would also like to have taxes details in the confirmation email because it is the first thing that clients see after a purchase. So far, I haven't been able to find an easy way to do it. Before I start coding it myself, is there an easy way to do it that I missed ? See picture below for the current confirmation email that I have: As usual, thanks a lot for your help :nerd:
  8. Yeah I guess the message should at least mention that it failed ;-) There was nothing in the logs either.
  9. Making all folders 775 and files 664 in the modules folder fixed it.
  10. Update on this: Did set opcache.revalidate_freq to 0 and restarted Apache. Same problem for every single module updates, says it worked but version did not change and they are still in update needed status. I have 8 modules needing an update now and none will actually update itself even thou the success text is being shown. Did try to logout and login several times but it did nothing either. I have no cache options enabled at all. Question: could it be related to file permissions ?
  11. @mdekker said in Retina images are not created when uploading through the webservice: We are going to merge your code into thirty bees, making sure this'll be easier for you in future versions. Thank you for the suggestion to improve it! My pleasure :relaxed:
  12. Thanks guys, I will try both suggestions.
  13. @musicmaster said in Modules says that they updated successfully but they did not ?: Windows or Linux? Linux
  14. Deleting it and installing the new version worked but I still wonder why the updater was not working.
  15. Hi everyone, trying to update a few modules I had quite a weird bug. I could update the Google Analytics module properly but the tbupdater and the Dashboard Activity would not update themselves. For the updater, I simply deleted it physically and reimported it using the latest version, worked fine. But for the Dashboard Activity, the Back Office confirms that the update worked but the old module is still in place. See pictures (sorry for the french language). Any ideas ? (folders are all 755 right now and I have no write errors in the logs)
  16. Excellent thanks a bunch ! I will look into that :-)
  17. I don't think the option is there in the csv import either, am I right ?
  18. Looks like there is no way to upload attachments via the webservice ? I can upload pictures but I did not find a way to upload other file types like pdfs as attachments. Anyone ever added this possibility to their site ? Any available modules ? Thanks in advance, I'd like to avoid developing it myself as time is running out for a site release.
  19. What they said.. been building my site with TB since day 1, best decision ever. Found it by accident by reading a very interesting blog post but it has now grown a lot ! I'm not ready to go online yet but should be soon somewhere in November.
  20. Hey good morning everyone, glad to see this got fixed while I was sleeping :smile: I think it's looking great !
  21. Leaving office for home now, i'll check in later or tomorrow to help you out if it's still not working. Good luck !
  22. @alwayspaws said in Where to add html before end of head & body tags for individual pages?: I'm not yelling but: SHOULD I DELETE THAT CODE from my post? SURE WHY NOT ;-p Just edit the url/image path to something generic ;-)
  23. @marci123 said in Where to add html before end of head & body tags for individual pages?: If you put javascript in a tpl file you will have to wrap it in {literal}here comes your script {/literal} Oops indeed, sorry forgot to mention that part.
  24. Just put the first script anywhere before the tag in the header.tpl. Put the second script in footer.tpl (you'll see the closing body tag there).
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