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Everything posted by ssimard

  1. @mdekker said in What is going with the Paypal module? EU, USA modules?: That really means no future for those anymore. PayPal must have an alternative then. That's what I am trying to find out since the REST API is NOT supported in Canada.. The old API still works for now.. but for how long ?
  2. @mdekker said in What is going with the Paypal module? EU, USA modules?: But I can't find any info on Payments Pro being deprecated tbh. Look again ;-) --> https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/api/#website-payments-pro Note: Website Payments Pro is deprecated and has been replaced by PayPal Payments Pro. Website Payments Pro is still supported for existing merchants.
  3. Paypal became a big problem in Canada lately. I can share what I learned so far.. The REST API is NOT supported in Canada for credit card validation. Paypal website payment Pro has been deprecated, meaning you can NO LONGER create API signatures for that in your Paypal account. The Paypal website payment Pro signatures that were already created and working can still be used (thankfully). I only found 1 TB's compatible Paypal module that work for on-site credit card validation in Canada at the moment and it is PayPal Pro v1.4.3 - by Presto-Changeo. I could configure and make it work properly using my old API signature that I am currently using on my old website. There is NO WAY to get them anymore in your Paypal account so if you did not save these infos somewhere, you are lost. Website payment Pro has been deprecated and replaced by Paypal payment Pro (I'm so lost with these different names they are using) and I don't even know if there are any Canada-compatible modules that supports that already. This is all I know for now, will stick with PayPal Pro v1.4.3 - by Presto-Changeo as long as possible until it fails... and by then I really hope there will be a usable solution for Canada.
  4. You're welcome sir, thanks to YOU ! :-)
  5. OK, the new update was not working either BUT, I have identified and fixed the problems. I'm not sure I've did it the proper way but basically, this is a path issue in the modules/mailalerts/classes/MailAlert.php. The code is looking for fileexists(dirname(FILE).'/mails/'.$iso.'/customerqty.txt') but the 'mails' folder is located at the root of the module folder (not in classes/mails). I've fixed it by adding "/.." which now gives fileexists(dirname(FILE).'/../mails/'.$iso.'/customerqty.txt'). Here's a screenshot of my fix: . Works perfectly now but I also noticed that you can't add these files to the theme since the code is not present like it is for the merchant alert email (see screenshot). . Oh and one last thing, all the html files shows "powered by Prestashop at the end. "{shop_name} powered by PrestaShop™"
  6. Thanks will give it a try and report !
  7. From what I can tell I seems to have them all. See screenshot. Productoutofstock and neworder are working fine. Customerqty is not.
  8. Was just about to tell you that, I updated it and then all the strings went back in english (from french). I uninstalled then reinstalled and everything came back in french again. Also, for some reasons, I am still not receiving the customers notifications, just getting the out of stock notifications sent to the merchant. Tried on both dev and online, any idea ?
  9. Hi everyone, I tested the Mail alerts module yesterday, both on my local dev setup and online on my real server and I couldn't get the customer product availability email to work. I checked YES on the product availability tab. Went to a product and changed stock value to 0. Received an email to my merchant email address stating that the stocks were low for that item (perfect). Navigated to that product and entered my email to be notified when product is available again. Checked the module database table to make sure my email was added (and it was). Changed stocks back to 50 for that product. 7.Waited for the notification email but it never came.. Checked back into the database table and my email was gone, which means it got triggered but did nothing. I'm not sure if this module is complete or supposed to work yet, hence my question, should it be working and if so, what could be wrong on my end ? Thanks !!
  10. @mdekker said in Updater 1.1.2 The directory `/config/` is not writable.: Ahh nice you figured it out. How did the rest of the migration go? Perfectly fine I should say, i'm very impressed :-) The only thing that broke was because I added a special function to Smarty in config/smarty.config.inc.php and the file got updated in the process. This was to be expected so not really an issue, reverted to my version and all is fine again.
  11. Thanks, I finally managed to update my online server. I had all my folder permissions set to 755 but had to change them all to 775 to perform the upgrade.
  12. Hi all, I'm on my laptop right now, trying to update my TB 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 using the latest updater v1.1.2. However I keep getting this error (The directory /config/ is not writable.), even thou my config folder has read and write access for everyone. OSX 10.11.5 El Capitan, XAMPP, Apache/2.4.25 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.0.2j PHP/5.6.30 mod_perl/2.0.8-dev Perl/v5.16.3 Any ideas ? Thanks.
  13. @dprophitjr said in Removing country code from prices: @ssimard it is possible to make the "CAD" invisible on the page and send it to structured data for the rich snippet. Are you familiar with doing this via <meta itemprop='' content=''/>? Not really familiar with that yet unfortunately, just starting to learn all this. We are still a few months away from release thou and if I understand well, mdekker said that the next TB version should have an easy way to do it ? Thanks for pointing me in the proper direction, much appreciated.
  14. @dynambee said in Removing country code from prices: Unless everyone who visits your site already knows your business (ie you're selling to a community where everyone knows you) there will be customers who are unsure if you are pricing your goods in USD or CAD and they will just assume that as you don't specify otherwise that you must be charging USD. It's always safer to assume the higher price rather than get a surprised credit card bill, and that will cost you business. You just answered it, thank you ! YES, we are a french canadian book editing company based in Montreal, Canada. Nobody will ever expect us to price our books in USD. I can see how it could be confusing on Amazon because of the different sellers sources, it is sometimes hard to tell if the item is sold by Amazon or from anyone outside the country. I understand all the reasons why you would want to specify if the $ is USD or CAD, we are just saying that having the option to do so (or not) would be practical. At the end of the day, I do what my boss is asking and I'm pretty sure that he will be asking to get rid of that mention.
  15. ssimard

    TB reCaptcha

    Perfect timing, I was also thinking about that in the bus this morning :) You guys rocks, really, thanks !
  16. It is common practice (at least here in Canada it seems) to have only the currency symbol (without the CAD). I too will need this option for my store. Here's an example of a major brand store that has only the currency symbol shown: BestBuy.ca We are targetting the Canadian market only and will NOT ship outside the country.
  17. @dynambee said in Let's talk about Search!: I think you should be okay with ~3000 SKUs. The website for bradsearch has some performance stats in a basic chart and their tests show 480ms for standard search results with 10,000 SKUs, vs 170ms for bradsearch. No idea what sort of hardware they were testing on, unfortunately. Things really start to go haywire at 100,000 SKUs and will go downhill dramatically from there. It will of course also depend on how busy your site is, busier sites will benefit more from a dedicated search system. Sounds good, will report back once I have something online, development is still few weeks away from having a working inventory.
  18. I have yet to test with all my products added but should be able to do it soon. (1000 books with their pdf and epub variants so close to 3000 products) Hopefully speed can stay decent but I'm a bit worried at the moment...
  19. @Traumflug said in Let's talk about Search!: FWIW, PS 1.7 does show results as one types, so one option would be to grab code from there. Thirtybees does too, am I missing something ?
  20. Awesome, I too will be looking to remove that as my store will be exclusively Canadian.
  21. Awesome, thanks a lot for your help ! And sorry for the late reply... ;-p --> "As a new user, you can only post once every 120 second(s) until you have earned 3 reputation - please wait before posting again"
  22. Makes sense, I'll keep looking thx.
  23. @Havouza said in Adding suppliers and manufacturers gives an error: If you dont find it tell me I found a few fixes concerning AdminSuppliersController.php but copying that file out of the repository did not fix anything in my local copy. Should I just go ahead and replace my whole installation with the current files ? Are you able to upload logo images now ? Thanks.
  24. Awesome will look into that, thanks a lot !
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